


Part Time Employment/New Year’s Greetings

On Air: Rainbow Plaza Information/ 2015.01.03(Sat)/10:00~

The Fukuoka City International Foundation is currently seeking two Promotion Coordinators for International Exchange to be in charge of English, and one additional person to be in charge of Korean. The positions are not full-time.

Applications for the Promotion Coordinator positions are being accepted until Thursday, January 8th. Applications for these positions will be accepted as long as they are postmarked no later than the application closing date. Please note that applications from overseas must be received by Thursday, January 8th.

Applicants should have language proficiency qualifications. They will be expected to help at Rainbow Plaza, or related venues, with things such as encouraging citizen involvement in international exchange and providing support for resident foreigners of Fukuoka.

For more information, please check out recruitment sites. You can visit the website at www.rainbowfia.or.jp. Or, call the Fukuoka City International Foundation at 092-733-5630.

And, Rainbow Plaza also brings you New Year’s greetings! Happy New Year!

Do you know about Rainbow Plaza, located on the 8th floor of the Tenjin IMS Building?

Except for the year-end holiday closure, and its monthly, one-day closures, Rainbow Plaza is open from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM everyday, providing information in Korean, Chinese, and English. Furthermore, there are newspapers and literature in Chinese and English, and a free Internet Corner available to registered members. In addition, consultation sessions are offered with doctors, gyou-sei shoshi (administrative lawyers), psychologists, lawyers and other specialists, free of charge on a regular basis. If you have questions or concerns regarding the law, or emotional or physical difficulties, the counseling sessions offered at Rainbow Plaza may be a great place work on finding a solution.

Rainbow plaza hopes to make the lives of the foreign residents living in Fukuoka the best they can be. To this end, they offer all different types of support. Stop in if you are in Tenjin. You are welcome anytime!

This year, Rainbow Plaza opens on Sunday, January 4th.

For further information, please call 092-733-2220.


On Air: Rainbow Plaza Information/2015.01.03(Sat)/21:56~



打电话也可以,福冈市国际交流协会 电话092-733-5630





