


The Night Zoo & Botanical Garden

On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2016.08.13(Sat)/09:00~

The Fukuoka City Zoological and Botanical Garden, located in Chuo Ward of Fukuoka City, is holding its “the Night Zoo and Botanical Garden” event again this year, every Saturday until the second week of September.

There is nothing like seeing lions, leopards and other nocturnal animals in their element at night in the Zoological Garden! There will also be amazing displays centered around the Open Lawn Space and the Green house in the Botanical Garden, such as flowers that only bloom at night.

You’ll also have the chance to talk with animal caretakers who will be conducting the Zoo Spot Tour this year. Enjoy bumping into reptiles appearing in unexpected places, or participate in the petting event that is being planned at the Children’s Zoo.

As the new attraction, you can start the evening with an exciting movie, highlighting the zoo’s animals shot in stunning 4K at the Zoological Science Hall. Then, at the Botanical Garden, you can explore the grounds with a color-changing lantern and discover fantasy. And, also starting this year, you can enjoy the illuminated “Night Garden Train”.

And, all around Fukuoka city, monthly posters designed around the theme “Animals are art!” will be on display. Be sure to check them out!

The Night Zoo runs until Saturday, September 10th. Entrance to the park is allowed until 8:30 PM and events run through 9:00 PM. The entrance fee for adults is 600 yen. High school students are 300 yen, and those in junior high school and younger are free of charge! And, there are shuttle buses that are free from 5:00 to 9:10 PM running every 20 minutes on the days of the Night Zoo event. The round-trip route goes from next to the Heiwa-dai Track and Field Stadium to the Ohori Park subway stop, to the Botanical Garden Main Gate. Be sure to use it!

Have fun with special events and activities like you only can at night!

For further information, search “Fukuoka City Zoological & Botanical Garden” and check out the web page!

동식물원 야간 개장

On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2016.08.13(Sat)/20:46~

후쿠오카시 주오구 후쿠오카시 동식물원이 올해도 9월 둘째주까지 매주 토요일에

<동식물원 야간개장>을 합니다.

동물원에서는 사자와 표범 등 야행성 동물 본래의 활발한 모습을 감상해 주세요.

그리고 식물원에서는 잔디광장과 온실을 중심으로 야간에만 피는 꽃을 전시합니다.

올해는 사육원이 동물원 스포트 가이드를 실시해 파충류 출장 가이드나 어린이 동물원 만남의 행사도 실시할 예정입니다.

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한편 시내에는 ‘동물은 예술이다’를 컨셉으로 제작한 동물화 포스터가 매달 변경해 등장합니다. 감상해 주세요.

<동식물원 야간개장>은 9월10일까지 매주 토요일에 개최합니다.

개원시간은 저녁 9시까지이며, 입장은 저녁 8시 반까지입니다.

입장료는 어른 600엔, 고등학생 300엔, 중학생 이하는 무료입니다.

그리고 <동물원 야간개장> 개최일에는 오후 5시부터 9시10분까지

20분 간격으로 무료 셔틀버스가 운행되며, 헤이와다이 육상경기장 옆, 지하철 오호리코엔역, 식물원 정문을 왕복합니다. 많이 이용해 주세요.

야간에만 즐길 수 있는 행사가 다양하게 준비되어 있습니다.

세부사항은 <후쿠오카시 동식물원> 홈페이지로 확인해 주세요.


On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2016.08.14(Sun)/8:46~








