福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2021.07.12[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【World Emoji Day】
Did you know that July 17th is World Emoji Day? If you did, you've got one on me, I had no idea. It was established by Jeremy Burge in 2014. He is the founder of the Emojipedia website. Apparently this date was decided because the emoji pictograms of calendars on smart phones typically show July 17th. I actually checked.
Emoji actually were born in Japan. NTT Docomo installed them in their i-mode mobile phone service. At that time, some people complained, saying that these pictographs weren't actually proper words or characters, they were just illustrations. However, they soon gained popularity, especially among young people and their usage spread.
It was finally in 2010 that emoji were added to the Universal Coded Character Set or Unicode and from there, the emoji that were originally only used on mobile phones spread to computers and smartphones and now the word Emoji is known and used all over the world. Which emoji do you use the most? Looking at my phone, it looks like the laughing face with the tears is my most used.
【Watch out for Heatstroke】
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City. The first is about heatstroke, something that we all need to be careful of as we go through summer. Often when it is hot and we're doing hard exercise or work, our bodies can't regulate its temperature and our water and body salts balance go off and we end up with heatstroke. And some of the symptoms of heatstroke include dizziness, a headache, lightheadedness and a feeling of nausea. If you don't feel better after cooling down and taking in fluids and salt, please call 119 for an ambulance.
It's especially in July, as temperatures reach maximum highs, that the number of emergency heatstroke patients increases rapidly. So in this hot and humid season, take care, as your body has difficulty acclimating. And though many of us have been spending more time indoors to prevent the spread of Covid-19, do not let your guard down as heatstroke can occur indoors as easily as outdoors. In addition, wearing a mask in the summer increases the risk of heatstroke and so you must take caution.
So, here are some pointers to help prevent heatstroke. First, make sure you keep yourself hydrated. For everyday hydration, water or mugi cha tea is fine. If you are doing sports or hard work then you might want to have a sports drink. If you are sweating, make sure you are replacing the fluids and salt that your body is losing.
Also, wear a hat or carry a parasol when you are out to help block the sun. And try to use your fan or air conditioner as efficiently as possible so that the room temperature does not go above 28 degrees.
There are lots of cooling pads and ice pillows out on the market these days, picking up one of those might help keep you cool. And finally, make sure you eat a balanced diet everyday and get plenty of sleep to keep yourself feeling good.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
As always, we ask that you practice basic infection prevention measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and practice the 3 C's. This means that you should avoid closed spaces, crowded places and close conversations.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages