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Life in Fukuoka "English" Vo.220

2024.06.10[Mon] 09:00


【Plum Juice】

Plum season has come. You may have noticed packs of them at the store already. Actually, the peak season for plums is from May to July, so they are at their best right now. Plums are great for you. They can help stimulate appetite and aid in recovering from fatigue, making them perfect for the hotter days coming up when you might feel a bit tired out from the heat of summer.
There are two types of plums: green plums and ripe plums. Green plums are characterized by their acidity and refreshing aroma. They aren't good for eating raw due to their hardness and strong acidity, but when you do something with them, that acidity transforms into delicious drinks and condiments. As plum wine, plum syrup or even crunchy pickled plums, they are delicious.
Ripe plums, on the other hand, are yellow and have a sweet, fruity aroma. Because they absorb flavors well, they are suitable for making pickled plums (umeboshi) and plum juice. If you make umeboshi with green plums, they will have a crunchy texture, whereas using ripe plums will result in a soft texture.
Today, I'll share with you a recipe for plum juice. The only ingredients you need are green plums and rock sugar in equal amounts. First, wash the green plums well and soak them in water for about two hours to remove any bitterness. Then, wipe off the water, remove the stems, put them the plums in a bag, and freeze them overnight. The next day, layer the plums and rock sugar in a sterilized jar and store it at room temperature. You'll see the juice coming out of the plums and it will be ready in about a week to drink. Mix the plum juice with soda water or water, and enjoy! Both green plums and rock sugar are readily available at supermarkets, so give it a try!



【Fukuoka City information】

Rainy season and heavy rains

In Japan, June to July is rainy season and is called "tsuyu" in Japanese. It is a period of frequent rainfall and is also a time to be cautious as it is also a season when heavy rain disasters can occur.
In recent years, Fukuoka Prefecture has experienced significant damage due to record-breaking heavy rainfalls during the rainy season. When it is raining heavily, please avoid going near places that can become dangerous during these rainstorms, such as rivers, coastlines, and mountainsides. It is also important to take action to protect yourself during this time. One thing you can do is to check hazard maps and disaster prevention information on the Fukuoka City website. It is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the risks and evacuation procedures specific to your residential area. For more details, search for "Fukuoka City Multilingual Portal" and refer to the "Disaster" page. Important information from Fukuoka City is also shared in multiple languages on the official Facebook page "Global Community Fukuoka" and the Fukuoka City International Foundation Facebook page "Fukuoka City International Center/ Attaka Fukuoka." Follow these pages to stay updated on important information.


  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

