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Free Immigration Counseling & Japanese Chat Salon
Free Immigration Counseling -Japanese Chat Salon
On Air: Rainbow Plaza Information/2012.11.26(Mon)/8:35~
Rebroadcasting: 2012.11.29(Thu)/8:35~
To maintain a safe and comfortable life in Japan, it is necessary for foreign residents to have correct knowledge about residency status and term of stay regulations. At Rainbow Plaza, free consultation regarding immigration, residency and citizenship is offered for foreigners living in Fukuoka.
A gyousei-shoshi, or administrative lawyer, from the Fukuoka Gyosei-shoshi Lawyers Association who specializes in such matters will answer your questions and offer consultation about topics such as the Japanese immigration system and residency status. Do you have any concerns or anything you don't understand and would like to ask about? This is your chance!
Consultations are held every second Sunday of the month. The next session is scheduled for December 9th from 1 to 4 PM. Please note you are required to register by 3:30 PM.
There are English and Chinese translators present, and so consultation in English, Chinese and Japanese does not require a reservation. For consultation in other languages, please contact Rainbow Plaza at least one week prior to your visit, as an interpreter might be arranged.
Also, please rest assured that your privacy is completely guaranteed. Ask any questions you may have, no matter how small you think your concern may be.
Rainbow Plaza is open from 10 AM to 8 PM.
For further information, contact Rainbow Plaza by phone at 092-733-2220.
Every first and third Thursday of the month, there is a “Japanese Chat Salon” being held in the Fukuoka International Association large conference room on the 5th floor of the Fukuoka City Hall’s North Annex. It’s a place where foreigners studying Japanese in Fukuoka and local Japanese volunteers can get together in a relaxed atmosphere and talk.
Sessions start at 1:30 PM and run through 5 PM. The next session will take place on December 6th. Participants are free to come and go as they please during the session, and participation is free! Reservations are not necessary, however if you plan to attend in a group of 5 or more people please contact the Salon prior to your arrival.
For further information, please contact the Fukuoka Foreign Student Support Association by phone at 092-733-5630.
Or you may contact them by fax at 092-733-5635.
Anyone who wants to use Japanese they have studied previously, or just talk with a native Japanese person, this is your chance!
On Air: Rainbow Plaza Information/2012.11.27(Tue)/8:35~
Rebroadcasting: 2012.11.30(Fri)/8:35~
详情询问九州大学韩国研究中心 电话092-642-2748
한일해협권 컬리지 캠퍼스 후쿠오카/부산 보고회
On Air: Rainbow Plaza Information/2012.11.28(Wed)/8:35~
오늘은 고쿠사이히로바에서 개최하는 행사를 소개해 드립니다.
오늘 소개하는 행사는 규슈대학 한국연구센터가 주최하고,
후쿠오카현 국제교류센터가 공동개최하는
‘한일해협권 컬리지 캠퍼스 후쿠오카/부산 보고회’입니다.
한일해협권 컬리지는 세계적으로 활약하는 차세대 리더 육성을 위해
규슈대학과 한국 부산대학교가 공동으로 하는 국제교육사업으로
1년간 외국어능력과 다문화이해를 학습하여
경력 향상을 도모하는 프로젝트입니다.
그 가운데 여름방학에 실시하는 ‘캠퍼스 후쿠오카/캠퍼스 부산’은
양 대학에서 각각 1주일 씩 한일해협권 컬리지에서만 받을 수 있는
특별강의를 받거나 기업 인턴십과 의견교환회, 문화체험 등을 합니다.
이번에는 올해 8월16일부터 30일까지 실시한
‘캠퍼스 후쿠오카/캠퍼스 부산’에 참가한 학생들의 보고회를
고쿠사이히로바에서 개최합니다.
행사개최는 12월9일 일요일, 오후 1시30분부터 3시30분까지.
장소는 후쿠오카시 주오구 덴진 아크로스 후쿠오카 3층,
참가비는 무료, 사전에 신청하실 필요는 없습니다.
문의는 규슈대학 한국연구센터
전화 092-642-2748로 해주세요.