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-Registering a change of address
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.03.08(Fri)/11:00~
Here is an announcement from Fukuoka City about the paperwork you need to do when moving.
Please be sure to let the real estate agent, landlord or other intermediary managing your housing know that you are moving. You should inform them at least one month prior to the date of your move. Also, take the opportunity to discuss the return of any security deposit money to which you may be entitled. In Japanese it's called shikikin.
Also, if using a moving service to transport your possessions, it's a good idea to contact several different companies and ask for estimates before deciding on a mover.
And, please keep in mind that when moving, there is paperwork to do concerning your certificate of residence. Submit a notification of moving out, or tenshutsutodoke in Japanese, to your local management office prior to moving. Then, within two weeks of your move, bring a change of address certificate, again, in Japanese, that's tenshutsu shomeisho, and your Residence Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate to the office managing the area to which you relocated. You will use these to register what’s called your tennyutodoke, or notification of moving in. In addition, within 14 days of your move, you must have your National Health Insurance Card updated to reflect your new residence. Please take care to notify all other concerned parties as well, such as gas, electricity, water and other public utility services, as well as the telephone company and post office.
For further, detailed information, please check the "Living in Fukuoka" section of the Fukuoka International Association homepage at http://www.rainbowfia.or.jp/en/. http://www.rainbowfia.or.jp/en/.
Also, please be responsible and dispose of garbage generated during your move in an appropriate manner. Non-combustible refuse is collected once a month, and combustible refuse is collected two times per week. Please be sure to check the designated days for trash pickup in your neighborhood, as days vary by location.
There are recycling regulations concerning the disposal of 6 kinds of household electronics; clothes dryers, washing machines, televisions, freezers, refrigerators and air conditioners. If buying replacement units for these types of electronics, you can request to have your old unit taken up by the store selling you your new unit. You can also request such service from the retailer from which you originally purchased the item. If you are not able to do either of these options, please contact the Best Denki Customer Support Fukuoka. They can be reached by phone at 092-651-9161. Again, that's 092-651-9161. All of these disposal methods carry a fee. In the case of personal computers, please contact the producer of the computer for assistance with disposal.
Aside from these six types of electronics and/or computers, when disposing of other household electronics or furniture, you should contact the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center. After making an appointment for pickup, you must pay for it in advance by going to a convenience store or other location providing processing service, and purchasing a disposal ticket for the cash amount you were quoted by the center. You then place this ticket on the item or items to be picked up and place them out at the designated location by 8:30 AM on the scheduled collection day. For further information, please contact 092-731-1153. Again, that's 092-731-1153.
When disposing of refuse by yourself by taking it to a garbage dump, please first contact the Carry-in Garbage Call Center and make an appointment prior to going. You can do so on the Internet at https://uketuke-kankyo.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/, https://uketuke-kankyo.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/, or by calling the center at 092-433-8234. That's 092-433-8234. The cost of disposal is ¥140 per every 10 kg.
You can also request disposal services from providers designated by the city of Fukuoka. Contact the Fukuoka City Environmental Society Cooperative for Enterprise by phone at 092-741-5517. 092-741-5517. Please inquire with them directly regarding fees for service.
That was information from Fukuoka City.
이사 시 필요한 절차에 대하여
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.03.09(Sat)/20:46~
오늘은 이사 시 필요한 절차에 대해 알려드립니다.
이사하기 일주일 전까지는 부동산회사나 집주인, 관리사무소에 알리고 퇴거 절차를 시작합시다. 그 때 시키킨 환불에 대해서도 이야기 합시다. 이삿짐을 운송회사에 의뢰할 경우에는 사전에 여러곳에 견적을 부탁해서 업자를 결정하는 게 좋습니다.
그리고 이사 시에는 주민표 관계 신고가 필요합니다.
거주하고 있던 자치단체 사무소에 전출신고를 하고, 이사하는
자치단체 사무소에 이사한 날부터 14일 이내에전출증명서,
체류카드 또는 특별영주자증명서를 지참하고 전출신고를 해주세요.
‘국민건강보험증’의 기재사항 변경도 14일 이내에 신고해야 합니다.
이밖에도 전기, 가스, 수도 등 공공서비스 신고와 전화회사,
우체국에 주소변경을 신청하는 등
이사 시에는 다양한 신고가 필요하오니 주의해 주세요.
세부사항은 후쿠오카 국제교류협회 홈페이지
게재된 ‘리빙 인 후쿠오카’를 참조해 주세요.
이사할 때 배출되는 쓰레기도 적절하게 처리합시다.
불연성 쓰레기는 한달에 한번, 가연성 쓰레기는 일주일에 두번 수거합니다. 거주지역에 따라 수거일이 다르오니 확인해 주세요.
에어컨, 냉장고, 냉동고, 텔레비전, 세탁기, 의류건조기의
여섯가지 가전제품은 가전재활용법으로 처분방법이 정해져 있습니다.
새로 제품을 구매할 때 수거를 부탁허거나 구매한 매장에 수거를 부탁합시다.
이밖의 경우에는 ‘
ベスト電器カスタマーサポート福岡’에 수거를 의뢰해 주세요.
전화번호는 092-651-9161입니다.
가전제품 수거는 유료입니다.
컴퓨터는 제조회사에 수거를 의뢰해 주십시오.
6가지 가전제품 및 컴퓨터 이외의 가전제품이나 가구 등
대형쓰레기를 버릴 때에는
‘대형쓰레기 접수센터’에 사전신청을 한 후,
지정된 금액의 ‘대형쓰레기 처리권’을 편의점에서 구매하여
대형쓰레기에 붙인 후 지정된 날 오전8시30분까지
지정된 장소에 내놓아 주십시오.
전화번호는 092-731-1153입니다.
‘직접반입 쓰레기 사전접수센터’에 사전에 전화나 인터넷으로 신청한 후 후쿠오카시의 쓰레기처리시설에 직접 반입하실 수 있습니다.
요금은 10Kg이내라면 140엔입니다.
전화번호는 092-433-8234、
홈페이지는 https://uketuke-kankyo.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/ 입니다.
또한 후쿠오카시가 허가한 수거업자에 의뢰할 수도 있습니다.
의뢰처는 ‘협동조합 후쿠오카시 사업용환경협회’입니다.
요금은 직접 확인해 주세요.
전화번호는 092-741-5517 입니다.
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.03.10(Sun)/20:40~