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Illegal Trash Dumping Prevention Month
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2011.12.12(Mon)/19:50~
Illegal Trash Dumping Prevention Month
December is “Illegal Trash Dumping Prevention Month.” It is held in an effort to eliminate the illegal dumping and/or disposal of waste. “Illegal trash disposal” occurs when household garbage, oversized-garbage, or industrial waste is dumped on mountainsides, in forests, along the shorelines or river banks or railroad tracks, or in parks. Illegal dumping doesn’t only ruin the view of the landscape, but also damages the environment. If caught by the police, offenders are punished under law. Nevertheless, new cases of illegal dumping, of all different sorts of items, continue to appear, and the fact of the matter is that illegal garbage disposal continues to be a problem.
The city of Fukuoka has posted signs to warn people against dumping in prohibited areas and has also installed cameras to monitor areas experiencing a high frequency of illegal dumping activity. Daily and nightly patrols seeking to find and prevent illegal dumping are also in effect. These types of efforts are being stepped up this December, as it is time for yearly cleaning (or Japanese “O-Soji”) and the amount of refuse disposed of increases drastically.
Televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners and other household items should be disposed of in accordance with the city’s guidelines for disposal of home electronics. If you are not able to have old electronics taken up for disposal by the store at which you are buying a replacement model, or cannot bring them to the retail store from which you purchased them for proper disposal, please ask Best Denki Customer Support Fukuoka for assistance.
You can contact them by phone at 092-651-9161.
When disposing of other items, such as beds or tables, please use the Over-sized Garbage Disposal Call Center (In Japanese, that’s Sodai Gomi Uketsuke Sentah). When using this service, it is necessary to call and make an appointment for disposal in advance.
You can call them at 092-731-1153.
When you call them, you will be quoted a fee for the disposal of your property, and you will then have to purchase a “Disposal Ticket” (or “Sodai Gomi Shori-ken” in Japanese) at a convenience store or other such processing location for the amount you were quoted by the center. You should affix this ticket to the items which you wish to have disposed, and place them out for pick up at the designated time and place.
The year end sees a tremendous amount of refuse thrown away.
Please be responsible and follow the rules for proper garbage disposal.
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2011.12.13(Tue)/19:50~
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2011.12.14(Wed)/19:50~
12월은 ‘불법투기방지강조월간’입니다.
불법투기란 산림과 해안, 하천, 도로, 공원 등지에
가전제품 등 불연성 쓰레기나 음식물 쓰레기,
사업활동으로 발생한 폐기물을 버리는 행위를 말합니다.
불법투기는 경관을 해칠 뿐만 아니라 방치하면 환경을 악화시키므로
불법투기자는 경찰이 적발하여 벌칙을 부과합니다.
하지만 불법투기한 쓰레기가 새로운 쓰레기를 초래하는 경우나
아무리 깨끗하게 쓰레기를 철거해도 재차 쓰레기를 버리는 경우도
있어 불법투기가 끊이지 않는 상태입니다.
후쿠오카시는 불법투기 다발장소와 그러할 우려가 있는 장소에
감시카메라나 경고간판을 설치하고 주야로 감시순찰을 실시하는
가운데 연말 대청소 등으로 쓰레기가 대량 배출되는 12월을
‘불법투기방지강조월간’으로 지정해 기간 중 감시체제를 강화중입니다.
불필요한 텔레비전, 냉장고, 세탁기, 에어컨 등은
가전 재활용법으로 처분방법을 지정하고 있습니다.
신제품을 구입할 때 처분을 부탁하거나 구입한 소매점에
처분을 부탁하는 등의 방법으로 처분이 불가능한 경우에는
‘베스트덴키 고객지원 후쿠오카’에
처분을 의뢰해 주십시오.
또한 기타 침대나 테이블 등 대형쓰레기를 버릴 때에는
‘대형쓰레기 접수센터’로 사전에 신청하셔야 합니다.
전화번호는 092-731-1153입니다.
‘대형쓰레기 접수센터’에 전화한 후에는 편의점 등에서
지정된 금액의 ‘대형쓰레기 처리권’을 구입하여 대형쓰레기에 붙인 후
지정된 날짜에 지정된 장소에 버려주세요.
연말을 앞두고 쓰레기가 대량 발생하는 시기입니다.
불법투기방지에 많은 협조를 부탁드립니다.