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Setsubun Festival at Kushida Shrine and Tochoji Temple
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.1.30(Mon)/15:45~
財団法人 福岡観光コンベンションビューローは観光客や様々なコンベンションの誘致、
場所は、福岡市中央区 福岡市役所北別館1階。
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.1.31(Tue)/15:45~
大堂前设有临时舞台、寺庙内有七幅神等神仙出现,大家高喊「福进来!鬼出去!」撒豆的情景很有气魄。 而且撒的不光有豆子,还有点心,年糕,水果。
财团法人福冈观光会议事务局积极促进福冈的观光,促进各种会议的举办,通过宣传,调查,企划等为主办者提供支持,为振兴福冈市经济作贡献。地点在福冈市中央区福冈市役所北别馆 1楼 电话 092-733-5050 欢迎随时咨询福冈观光会议事务局
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.1(Wed)/15:45~
구시다 신사, 도초지 절의 절분제
2월3일은 절분의 날. 에도시대 말기부터
액막이를 기원하는 축제로 친숙한 구시다신사에서 절분제가 열립니다.
도리이에 만들어진 일본 최대크기의 가면을 통과하면
경내에는 그 해의 십이간지 띠인 남녀와 유명인사가 콩을 던지거나
귀신들의 춤, 참배할 때는 변신을 한 귀신도 볼 수 있습니다.
이밖에도 제비뽑기, 노점 등도 있어서 남녀노소가 즐길 수 있는
축제분위기가 가득합니다.
구시다 신사에서 도보 약 5분 거리에 위치한 ‘도초지 절’에서도
절분제가 열립니다. 본당 앞에는 절분제 특설무대가 설치되고
경내에서는 칠복신과 다복신도 등장해, ‘복은 집안으로!
귀신은 집밖으로!’라는 구령소리와 함께 콩을 던집니다.
콩 뿐만 아니라 과자나 떡, 과일을 던지는 일도 있습니다.
참가희망자는 당일 신청을 접수한 후, 5000엔을 내면
콩을 던질 수도 있습니다.
그리고 절분제에는 2월3일, 6월15일, 10월20일 등
일년에 세번 만 공개하는 국가중요문화재인 천수관음도 개방합니다.
구시다 신사와 도초지 절은 지하철 기온역 근처에 위치합니다.
많이 방문해 주세요.
재단법인 후쿠오카 관광컨벤션뷰로는 관광객과 다양한 컨벤션 유치,
그리고 이를 위한 홍보활동, 조사, 기획 및 주최자의 지원활동 등을
통해 후쿠오카시의 진흥도모를 목적으로 활동합니다.
장소는 후쿠오카시 주오구 후쿠오카시청 북별관1층
여러분, 부담없이 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.2(Thu)/15:45~
Setsubun Festival at Kushida Shrine and Tochoji Temple
Setsubun is coming up on February 3rd. Since the end of the Edo Period, at the well-known Kushida Shrine, the Setsubun Festival has been celebrated as a way of getting rid of evil.
At the festival, you will pass a gate that is a mask made in the likeness of a moon-faced woman who brings in good luck, Otafuku. It is the largest Otafuku face in Japan. Once through the gate, you’ll find men and women specially chosen based upon their Chinese zodiac sign, purifying the grounds in a bean throwing ritual alongside popular public figures. In addition, you’ll find dancing demons and people dressed as monsters as you go up to the shrine itself. Also, there is a “luck” lottery and plenty of food and attraction stalls. It's a festive mood that is fun for both children and adults.
And, just 5 minutes away from Kushida Shrine on foot is Tochoji Temple, which will also be celebrating the festival. A special Setsubun stage will be set in front of the main hall and the seven gods of good luck and fortune, Shichifuku-jin and Otafuku will be roaming the grounds of the temple calling in good fortune and cursing evil to leave as they throw beans across the grounds along with other items, such as sweets, rice cakes and fruit. And, if you like, after registering and paying ¥5,000, participants may join in throwing the beans as well. It’s a great chance to see the national cultural treasure, Senju-kannon, or in English, The Thousand-Armed Goddess, which can only be seen three times a year; February 3rd, June 15th, and October 20th. Otherwise it remains hidden away behind closed temple doors…
Kushida Shrine and Tochoji Temple are located right near the Gion Subway Station. Be sure to stop by and check it out!
In addition to offering tourism services, the Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau seeks to serve Fukuoka City by providing an array of other services, such as research, planning, promotion and assistance with conventions for sponsoring clients. The Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau is located on the first floor of the Fukuoka City Hall North Annex. Feel free to contact the bureau anytime!
You can do so by phone at 092-733-5050.