Regional info


Yogozassho Hashigozake Taikai

On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.6(Mon)/15:45~














雑餉隈銀天町(ぎんてんちょう)商店街内「看板百貨 スキヤキ」や


お問い合わせは「雑餉隈はしご酒大会 実行委員会事務局」


財団法人 福岡観光コンベンションビューローは観光客や様々なコンベンションの誘致、


場所は、福岡市中央区 福岡市役所北別館1階。




On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.7(Tue)/15:45~







在杂饷隈银天町(ぎんてんちょう)商店街内的「看板百貨 スキヤキ」及各参加店内有售。

问询「杂饷隈はしご酒大会 执行委员会事务局」


财团法人福冈观光会议事务局积极促进福冈的观光,促进各种会议的举办,通过宣传,调查,企划等为主办者提供支持,为振兴福冈市经济作贡献。地点在福冈市中央区福冈市役所北别馆 1楼 电话 092-733-5050 欢迎随时咨询福冈观光会议事务局


On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.8(Wed)/15:45~

               ‘요고잣쇼 사다리 술 대회’ 개최

이번달 14일 화요일부터 16일 목요일까지

덴진에서 니시테쓰 전철로 15분, 하카타에서 JR로 10분 거리의

‘잣쇼노쿠마’에서 ‘요고잣쇼 사다리 술대회’를 개최합니다.


닭꼬치구이점과 곱창가게, 꼬치구이가게, 선술집, 면요리, 노래방 등

다양한 점포 가운데 마음에 드는 점포를 3군데 선택!


생맥주와 소주 등의 마실거리와 추천요리가 세트인 티켓이 3장이니

하루에 3개 점포를 돌거나 3일간 즐기실 수도 있습니다.


지난해 11월에 개최했을 때에는 26개 점포였는데

올해는 46개 점포로 크게 확장되었습니다.

친구들이나 회사동료들과 방문해 주세요.


개최일은 2월14일, 15일, 16일.

예매권은 3장 세트로 3000엔, 당일권은 3500엔입니다.

잣쇼노쿠마 긴텐초 상점가 내 ‘간판백화점 스키야키’나

참가점포에서 판매합니다.

문의는 ‘잣쇼노쿠마 사다리 술대회 실행위원회 사무국’

전화092-589-5040으로 해주세요.


재단법인 후쿠오카 관광컨벤션뷰로는 관광객과 다양한 컨벤션 유치,

그리고 이를 위한 홍보활동, 조사, 기획 및 주최자의 지원활동 등을

통해 후쿠오카시의 진흥도모를 목적으로 활동합니다.

장소는 후쿠오카시 주오구 후쿠오카시청 북별관1층


여러분, 부담없이 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.


On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.9(Thu)/15:45~

                         Yogozassho Hashigozake Taikai

From Tuesday the 14th through Thursday the 16th of this month, the Yogozassho Hashigozake Taikai will be taking place in Zassho-no-Kuma, located just 15 minutes outside of Tenjin by Nishitetsu train and only 10 minutes by JR train from Hakata Station.

There will be a wide variety of eateries serving yakitori BBQ kebab, horumon innard dishes, kushiage deep fried kebab, and noodle dishes as well as Japanese pubs and karaoke boxes there for your entertainment. Draft beer, Japanese shochu and other beverages are paired up with the foods they complement and sold as sets. Choose any 3 of your favorite sets and enjoy! Tickets come in sets of three; enjoy three different taste delights on one day or enjoy one each day for three days! It’s up to you!

Last year the event was held in November with 26 shops participating. The event has blossomed and there will be 46 shops in this year’s event! Don’t miss out! Stop by with work colleagues or friends!

Again, the event will take place on February 14th, 15th and 16th. Each ticket set contains 3 tickets. Bought in advance, they can be purchased for ,000. Ticket sets will also be available for ,500 during the event. They are available at stores along the Zassho-no-Kuma Gintenchou shopping area such as Kanban Hyakka Sukiyaki, or at shops participating in the event.

For further information, please call the Zassho-no-Kuma Hashigozake Taikai Executive Committee Management Office by phone at 092-589-5040.

In addition to offering tourism services, the Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau seeks to serve Fukuoka City by providing an array of other services, such as research, planning, promotion and assistance with conventions for sponsoring clients. The Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau is located on the first floor of the Fukuoka City Hall North Annex. Feel free to contact the bureau anytime!

You can do so by phone at 092-733-5050. 
