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National health insurance
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.2.13(Mon)/19:50~
National health insurance
Today’s announcement is for people who have national health insurance, or Kokumin Kenkou Hoken, in Japanese. The health insurance cards will be changed as of April 1st.
Currently, all members of a household are listed on one, pink colored insurance card. From April, there will be one light purple colored paper for each person covered by the insurance. This new proof of coverage paper, when folded in half, will be the size of a normal card.
In addition, currently those 70 through 74 years old carry National Health Insurance Benefits Card for the elderly, or in Japanese, Kourei Jukyuusha-sho, in addition to prove of health insurance coverage. Again, from April this will change, and the two coverage cards will be merged into one card which will be able to be used for receiving examination services at health care facilities.
In addition each head of household covered by national health insurance will receive their family members’ cards. These cards will be mailed at the end of March. There is no application process required. However, those who have not paid for health insurance and are carrying a balance will have to receive their card at the service counter of their local ward office.
Also, if you would like to receive your health insurance card via registered mail, stop by the Health Insurance and Pension Section, or again in Japanese that’s the Hoken Nenkin Tantou-ka, at your local ward office or processing center by the 20th of this month. Otherwise cards will be sent via regular post.
If you have questions regarding application for, or changes to, national health insurance, you can also do this by contacting the Health Insurance and Pension Section of your local ward office or processing center.
You can see a sample showing the changes coming to the health insurance card at the Fukuoka City National Health Insurance Section website. It is shown in the New Information section, called Shinchaku Jouhou in Japanese.
The web address is www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/kokuho. Information is available in English, Chinese and Korean. General information regarding the entire national healthcare insurance system, can also be found at this site.
That was information from Fukuoka City.
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.2.14(Tue)/19:50~
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.2.15(Wed)/19:50~
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또한 간이등기로 보험증 송부를 희망하시는 분은 이번달 20일까지
거주지의 구청이나 출장소 ‘보험연금담당과’로 연락해 주세요.
연락이 없는 경우에는 보통우편으로 발송합니다.
국민건강보험의 신청 및 갱신수속 등에 관한 문의도
거주지의 구청이나 출장소 ‘보험연금담당과’로 연락해 주세요.
한편, 4월1일부터 변경되는 보험증 샘플은
후쿠오카시 국민건강보험과의 웹사이트로 확인하실 수 있습니다.
‘신착정보’ 항목에 게재되어 있습니다.
웹사이트 주소는 www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/kokuho 입니다.
웹사이트는 영어, 중국어, 한국어판도 있습니다.
국민건강보험제도 전반에 대한 내용은
방금 소개해 드린 사이트로 확인해 주세요.