Regional info


Festival for warding off evil at Sarutahiko Shrine

On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.20(Mon)/15:45~ 





“庚申”とは、「十干(じっかん)」、「十二支(じゅうにし)」の組み合わせのひとつで、「十干」の“庚(かのえ)”と 「十二支」の“申(さる)”の組み合わせ。
2012年の初庚申は、 2月29日・水曜日です。






財団法人 福岡観光コンベンションビューローは観光客や様々なコンベンションの誘致、
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On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.21(Tue)/15:45~





所谓“庚申”是指「十干」、「十二支」的某一个组合,「十干」的の“庚”和 「十二支」的“申”组合。2012年的初庚申是2月29日・星期三。







财团法人福冈观光会议事务局积极促进福冈的观光,促进各种会议的举办,通过宣传,调查,企划等为主办者提供支持,为振兴福冈市经济作贡献。地点在福冈市中央区福冈市役所北别馆 1楼 电话 092-733-5050 欢迎随时咨询福冈观光会议事务局



On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.22(Wed)/15:45~

            사루타히코 신사의 액막이기원 대제 ‘첫 경신’

후쿠오카시의 중심지인 덴진에서 후쿠오카시 지하철로

약 10분 거리에 위치한 후지사키.

후지사키역 옆에는 나무로 둘러싸인 ‘사루타히코 신사’가 있습니다.


사루타히코 신사에서 매년 첫번째 경신일에 열리는 것이

액막이 기원 대제인 ‘첫 경신’입니다.

‘경신’이란 천간, 십이지의 조합 중 하나로

천간의 ‘경’과 십이지의 ‘신’을 조합한 것이며,

2012년 첫 경신은 2월 29일 수요일입니다.  


이 날은 동이 트기 전 새벽부터 액막이의

‘붉은 원숭이 가면’을 사려는 사람들로 사루타히코 신사가 북적댑니다.


‘원숭이’는 ‘지나간다’라는 뜻의 일본어인 ‘사루’와 같은 발음으로,

‘재난이 지나간다’, ‘행복이 찾아온다’는 뜻으로

원숭이 가면을 현관에 걸어두는 풍습이 있으며,

이듬해 경내에 반납해 액막이를 합니다.


개최일시는 2월29일 수요일오전 5시30분부터.

장소는 후쿠오카시 시영지하철 후지사키 버스터미널 바로 옆에 위치한

‘사루타히코 신사’.

당일까지의 문의는 ‘모미지하치만구 신사’

전화 092-821-2049.

29일 당일은 ‘사루타히코 신사’

전화092-823-0089로 해 주세요.

일찍 일어나 ‘원숭이 가면’을 꼭 손에 넣으시기 바랍니다.


재단법인 후쿠오카 관광컨벤션뷰로는

관광객과 다양한 컨벤션 유치, 그리고 이를 위한 홍보활동,

조사, 기획 및 주최자의 지원활동 등을 통해

후쿠오카시의 진흥도모를 목적으로 활동합니다.

장소는 후쿠오카시 주오구 후쿠오카시청 북별관1층


여러분, 부담없이 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.


On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.2.23(Thu)/15:45~

              Festival for warding off evil at Sarutahiko Shrine

If you take the subway from downtown Tenjin shopping area in Fukuoka, it will take you just 10 minutes to arrive at the Fujisaki Subway Station. There, right near the station you will find the Sarutahiko Shrine, surrounded by trees.

The Hatsukoushin Festival for warding off evil takes place at Sarutahiko Shrine every year on the first koushin day of the year. This rite came to Japan from China, and is rooted in the Chinese zodiac calendar. It was assimilated into Japanese culture long ago.

The word koushin comes from the combination of two Chinese characters that represent different dates in the Chinese calendar system. The first character is kanoe, and represents one zodiac time in the Chinese Jikkan counting system. The second is read saru, and represents an alternate zodiac time in the Chinese Jyunishi counting system. When these two different zodiac times align on the calendar, the characters representing them are combined and read “Koushin”. The first time these two symbols align on the calendar in 2012 will be on Wednesday, February 29th.

On this day, from early in the morning in the hours before dawn, Sarutahiko Shrine fills up with people looking to get a red monkey mask to ward off evil. It’s really a play on words. “Saru” meaning monkey, also means “to pass” or “leave” when written with alternate characters. So, in regard to this event, it means “passing of evil and entrance of good fortune.” Customarily, the monkey masks are hung in the entrance of a house, expelling evil for the year. Then, the following year observers of this ritual return to the grounds of the shrine and perform purification rituals with the mask to keep their lives free from evil and misfortune for another year.

The event will take place on Wednesday, February 29th from 5:30 in the morning at Sarutahiko Shrine, located near the Fukuoka City Subway Fujisaki Bus Terminal building. For information prior to February 29th, please contact Momiji Hachiman-gu by phone at 092-821-2049.

If calling on the 29th, contact Sarutahiko Shrine directly at 092-823-0089.

Get up early and get your hands on a monkey mask!

In addition to offering tourism services, the Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau seeks to serve Fukuoka City by providing an array of other services, such as research, planning, promotion and assistance with conventions for sponsoring clients. The Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau is located on the first floor of the Fukuoka City Hall North Annex. Feel free to contact the bureau anytime!

You can do so by phone at 092-733-5050.

