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Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.3.19(Mon)/15:45~
Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival
Cherry blossom season is just around the corner. There are lots of popular places for cherry blossom viewing in Fukuoka city. One of the most popular is the Fukuoka Castle Ruins in Maizuru Park located just minutes from the Akasaka/Ohori Park subway stop. Every year lots of people gather there to enjoy the beautiful blossoms.
The Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival will be taking place again this year from March 24 through April 8. And from March 28 through April 8, the cherry blossoms will be lit up in the evenings from 6 PM to 10 PM. It's a whole new way to see cherry blossoms. It's like being in a dreamscape!
The Sakura Gourmet food stands will line the event, offering charcoal grilled free-range chicken, and locally made hamburgers and doughnuts! You don't need to bring anything to enjoy yourself!
Also, the Tamon Yagura, a nationally designated cultural treasure which normally can only be seen until 5 PM will be opened to the public for extended hours, from 6 PM to 9:45 PM. There are a mountain of other tours and events as well! For further information, visit the event homepage at saku-hana.jp.
You can also call the Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival Executive Committee Management Office at 092-711-4424.
In addition to offering tourism services, the Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau seeks to serve Fukuoka City by providing an array of other services, such as research, planning, promotion and assistance with conventions for sponsoring clients. The Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau is located on the first floor of the Fukuoka City Hall North Annex. Feel free to contact the bureau anytime!
You can do so by phone at 092-733-5050.
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.3.20(Tue)/15:45~
除此以外还有各种形式的文娱活动、导游带领参观的小型团等内容。详情请参阅网页 saku-hana.jp。
问询「福冈城址赏樱花 福岡城さくらまつり実行委員会事務局」
电话 092-711-4424。
财团法人福冈观光会议事务局积极促进福冈的观光,促进各种会议的举办,通过宣传,调查,企划等为主办者提供支持,为振兴福冈市经济作贡献。地点在福冈市中央区福冈市役所北别馆 1楼 电话 092-733-5050 欢迎随时咨询福冈观光会议事务局
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.3.21(Wed)/15:45~
마이즈루공원의 ‘후쿠오카성 벚꽃축제’
이제 곧 꽃놀이 시즌이 찾아옵니다.
후쿠오카 시내에는 꽃놀이 명소가 많이 있는데요,
그 중에서도 지하철의 ‘아카사카, 오호리코엔’에서 가까운 곳에 있는
후쿠오카 성터, 마이즈루공원은 매년 많은 관광객들이 방문합니다.
이곳 후쿠오카 성터, 마이즈루공원에서
올해도 3월24일부터 4월 8일까지
‘후쿠오카성 벚꽃축제’를 개최합니다.
기간 중인 3월 28일부터 4월 8일까지는
오후 6시부터10시까지 벚꽃이 야간조명되어
환상적인 분위기 속에서 벚꽃을 즐기실 수 있습니다.
또한 포장마차가 등장해 토종닭 숯불구이나 지역 햄버거,
도넛을 판매하므로 특별한 준비를 하지 않아도
꽃놀이 기분을 즐기실 수 있습니다.
이 밖에 평상 시에는오후 5시까지만 입장가능한
국가지정 중요문화재인 ‘다몬 누각’을
오후 6시부터9시 45분사이에도 특별개방합니다.
이벤트광장의 행사나 가이드 투어 등 알찬 내용이 준비됩니다.
자세한 내용은 홈페이지 saku-hana.jp 로 확인해 주세요.
문의는 ‘후쿠오카성 벚꽃축제 실행위원회 사무국’
전화092-711-4424로 해주세요.
재단법인 후쿠오카 관광컨벤션뷰로는
관광객과 다양한 컨벤션 유치, 그리고 이를 위한 홍보활동,
조사, 기획 및 주최자의 지원활동 등을 통해
후쿠오카시의 진흥도모를 목적으로 활동합니다.
장소는 후쿠오카시 주오구 후쿠오카시청 북별관1층
여러분, 부담없이 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.
On Air: Fukuoka Sightseeing Tips/2012.3.22(Thu)/15:45~
Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival
Cherry blossom season is just around the corner. There are lots of popular places for cherry blossom viewing in Fukuoka city. One of the most popular is the Fukuoka Castle Ruins in Maizuru Park located just minutes from the Akasaka/Ohori Park subway stop. Every year lots of people gather there to enjoy the beautiful blossoms.
The Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival will be taking place again this year from March 24 through April 8. And from March 28 through April 8, the cherry blossoms will be lit up in the evenings from 6 PM to 10 PM. It's a whole new way to see cherry blossoms. It's like being in a dreamscape!
The Sakura Gourmet food stands will line the event, offering charcoal grilled free-range chicken, and locally made hamburgers and doughnuts! You don't need to bring anything to enjoy yourself!
Also, the Tamon Yagura, a nationally designated cultural treasure which normally can only be seen until 5 PM will be opened to the public for extended hours, from 6 PM to 9:45 PM. There are a mountain of other tours and events as well! For further information, visit the event homepage at saku-hana.jp.
You can also call the Fukuoka Castle Cherry Blossom Festival Executive Committee Management Office at 092-711-4424.
In addition to offering tourism services, the Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau seeks to serve Fukuoka City by providing an array of other services, such as research, planning, promotion and assistance with conventions for sponsoring clients. The Fukuoka Convention and Visitors Bureau is located on the first floor of the Fukuoka City Hall North Annex. Feel free to contact the bureau anytime!
You can do so by phone at 092-733-5050.