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Mar. 11th On Air! Special program “Disaster Preparedness” presented by the Fukuoka City Civic Affairs Bureau, Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management(*Finished)

*This event is alrealy finished.

DJ Anna

2011年3月11日、多くの犠牲者を出した「東日本大震災」から9年を迎えるこの日、LOVEFMでは11時から福岡市 市民局 防災・危機管理課 presents「災害への備え」を放送します。


「福岡県西方沖地震」、「熊本地震」、さらに、近年頻繁に発生している豪雨災害と、近年、九州各地でも大規模災害が発生しています。いつ起こるか分からない地震や津波、台風や豪雨による「風水害・土砂災害」から命を守るには、 日頃からの心構え、状況に応じた正しい避難行動が重要です。


As you know on March 11th 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, a terrible disaster that took the lives of many , and today is exactly 9 years to that day. And, on March 20th, 2005  the Fukuoka Prefecture Western offshore earthquake happened, in April 2016 Kumamoto was struck by a terrible earthquake and in recent years we've been inundated with torrential rains as well as had a number of large scale disasters occur  throughout various regions of Kyushu.

We have no idea when these kind of disasters will strike, whether it be an earthquake, tsunami, typhoon or torrential rains which bring with them flooding and landslides. And so we need to protect ourselves by practicing preparedness on a daily basis and knowing how to respond and where to evacuate in the case of a disaster.

So, for this program, let's once more, talk and really think about disaster preparedness.


福岡市 市民局 防災・危機管理課Presents 「災害への備え」

Program Information

Fukuoka City's Civic Affairs Bureau Disaster prevention and crisis management presents Disaster Preparedness
Date & Time: Mar. 11th 2020 (Wed.) 11:00-11:30
