


Notice of National Health Insurance Regulation Changes

On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.7.27(Fri)/11:00~

Here’s information from Fukuoka City.

National health insurance regulations for foreign nationals have been changed, effective July 9th. The changes are as follows:

Under the previous system, foreign nationals residing in Japan for a period of one year or longer were required to enroll in the national health insurance program. However, as of July 9th the previous alien registration system was replaced with a new system and now foreign residents, recognized on certificates of residence and who will be staying in Japan for a period greater than 3 months, are required to enroll in the national health insurance program. Following, that means that foreigners recognized on certificates of residence who will be in Japan for a period greater than three months but less than one year must enroll as well. Those listed as head of household are responsible for submitting the paperwork. However, those who receive public assistance as well as those covered by private health insurance through their employment are not able to enroll and there for submission of paperwork is not needed.


Also, even those who have a term of residence less than three months and who are therefore not listed on certificates of residence will, under law, be required to enroll in the national health insurance. This includes those with a residency status of Entertainer, Technical Intern Training, Dependent or Designated Activities. Please be aware that under the status of Designated Activities, those whose purpose is to receive medical treatment or to care for those receiving medical treatment are not able to enroll in the insurance.

Please submit all paperwork to the Health Insurance and Pension section of your local ward or branch office. Those required to enroll should bring their resident card, or old alien registration card, as well as their passport and inkan stamp, if owned.

For further information, visit www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/kokuho. Again, that’s www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/kokuho.


That was information from Fukuoka City.

국민건강보험 적용요건 번경 안내

On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.7.28(Sat)/20:46~

7월 9일부터 외국 국적 거주자의

국민건강보험 적용조건이 변경되었습니다.


변경사항은 다음과 같습니다.


지금까지는 외국인등록을 하고 1년 이상의 일본체류가 인정된 외국인이 대상이었지만, 7월9일 이후부터는 외국인등록제도가 폐지되고 3개월 이상 체류하며 주민표에 기재된 분은 국민건강보험의 적용대상이 됩니다.


그리고 국민건강보험의 적용요건이 ‘체류기간 3개월 초과’로 변경되면서 1년 미만의 체류기간으로 주민표에 기재된 외국인은 새롭게 국민건강보험에 가입해야 합니다. 세대주는 신고가 필요합니다.


다만 직장의 건강보험에 가입한 분이나 생활보호를 받고 계신 분은

국민건강보험에 가입할 수 없사오니 신고하실 필요가 없습니다.


또한 체류기간이 3개월 미만이라서 주민표에 기재되지 않은 분도

‘흥행’, ‘기능실습’, 가족체류’, ‘특정활동’이라는 체류자격을 자지고 계신 분들은 자료 등을 통해 3개월 이상 일본에 체류한다고 인정받으면 국민건강보험의 적용대상이 됩니다.


다만, ‘특정활동’ 체류자격 가운데 의료진료목적인 분, 이와 더불어 의료진료를 받는 분을 수발하기 위한 목적으로 체류하시는 분은 가입할 수 없사오니 주의해 주세요.



신고는 주소지의 구청이나 출장소의 보험연금담당과에 해주세요.

가입신고에 필요한 서류는 ‘체류카드 또는 외국인등록증명서’, ‘여권’,

그리고 인감소지자 분은 인감을 준비해 주세요.


세부사항은 홈페이지 www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/kokuho를 참조해 주세요.


On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2012.7.29(Sun)/20:40~





