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2024.10.21[Mon] 09:00

Other Topics(その他)

【The 2024 Nobel Peace Prize】

This autumn, the Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to award the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize to the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations It marks the first time in 50 years that a Japanese organization has received the Peace Prize.
The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations is a group that helps those affected by nuclear weapons and works to pass on the horrors of war to future generations.
Their nearly 70 years of efforts to advocate for a world free of nuclear weapons and to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again were highly praised.
Fridnes, the chairman of the Nobel Committee, said, "One day, the hibakusha (survivors of the atomic bomb) will no longer be here as witnesses to history. A new generation is needed to continue sharing their experiences and message. These people will inspire and educate others worldwide, helping to maintain the taboo against nuclear weapons. A peaceful future for humanity depends on preserving this taboo."
The representative of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations stated, "We will continue to appeal to the world for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the realization of peace."
I had the opportunity to meet one of the Hibakusha when I rode the Peaceboat in 2010. The Peaceboat is a global non-government organization that works to raise awareness and building connections internationally among groups that work for peace, human rights, environmental protection and sustainable development. On the boat, one man told us his story as a survivor. I could only cry as I listened to him. His story and others stories do need to be passed on to remind people that seeking destruction only harms us and peace is something we all need to strive for. Hearing the news that the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is just wonderful.



【Autumn Reading Week】

This Sunday marks the start of Autumn Reading Week. Every year, the two weeks from October 27 to November 9 are designated as Reading Week, with the hope of increasing interest in reading and encouraging people to develop a reading habit. Autumn, with its pleasant weather, is a season that can really let us focus on reading a bit more.
Fukuoka City has 12 libraries, all of which offer free access and book borrowing services. The largest of these is the Fukuoka City Library, with over 1.2 million books. It hosts events like picture story shows and reading sessions for children. There's also a mini-theater showing films daily, as well as a restaurant, study rooms, and conversation rooms, making it a comfortable space for everyone to enjoy.
One recommended event is Bookuoka, an annual festival celebrating books, held until November 23. Various events such as readings and talk shows will take place throughout the city, with the main event on Sunday, November 3. On this day, an outdoor secondhand book market will appear along Keyaki Street, leading from Tenjin to Gokoku Shrine. Book publishers, bookstores, and individual book lovers will set up stalls offering their curated selection of secondhand books. You might even find rare or out-of-print titles!
During the festival, a special event will also be held at Fukuoka PARCO in Tenjin, where publishers and bookstores from across Japan will gather. About 30 small, unique publishing companies and six independent bookstores from Fukuoka will showcase their carefully selected books.
For more details, search for Bookuoka online.

Enjoy a delightful autumn of curling up with a good book!

2024.10.14[Mon] 09:00

Japanese(日本語) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)

【The Nakasu Festival】

Have you ever heard of "Nakasu Matsuri"? It could be described as a dazzling festival, held in Kyushu's largest entertainment district, Nakasu and this festival is held to express gratitude to the customers who visit Nakasu throughout the year.

This year, it will take place next weekend, on the Friday and Saturday nights of October 25th and 26th.

Nakasu's main street will be transformed into a pedestrian paradise, lined with around 60 food and drink stalls. One of the highlights is the "Nakasu Kunihiro Onna Mikoshi," where a total of 500 women carry mikoshi or portable shrines and parade through Nakasu. Another must-see is the "Oiran Dochu", where elegantly dressed oiran  or courtesans gracefully stroll through the streets in splendid costumes. These are sights that can only be experienced at this event.

Additionally, there will be stage events including shows and live performances to enjoy.

Why not take a trip to experience an enchanting night in Nakasu, at an event that only happens once a year?



【Fukuoka City International Foundation Information】

The Japanese Chatting Event in Tenjin

Have you been studying Japanese but would like an opportunity to chat more with Japanese people in Japanese? The Fukuoka City International Foundation is hosting an event where international residents and Japanese can enjoy conversations together. The event will take place on November 23rd, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at Acros Fukuoka in Tenjin, Chuo Ward.

Participants will form two circles, with international participants and Japanese participants facing each other. You will chat one-on-one about various themes for one minute. After each round, participants will switch seats and chat with the next person.

The event will be facilitated by Shintaro Fukae, a Regional Japanese Language Education Advisor from the Agency for Cultural Affairs. It’s a great opportunity to engage in conversation with many different people.

Participation is free, but registration is required, and the event is limited to the first 30 participants. Please search for "Nihongo Shaberiba In Tenjin" to register.

Enjoy the conversations and create connections that transcend borders!



Come and Listen to the 22nd Japanese Speech Contest by International Residents

On Sunday, October 27th, starting at 12:30 PM, the Fukuoka City International Foundation will be holding the 22nd Japanese Speech Contest by International Residents. In this contest, international residents and technical interns studying Japanese at schools or classrooms in the Fukuoka area will speak on various topics, such as their experiences living in Fukuoka and their dreams for the future, all in Japanese.

The event will be held at the Science Hall of Fukuoka City Science Museum in Ropponmatsu, Chuo Ward.
Admission is free, and no reservation is required.

Please come and listen to the participants showcase the results of their hard work and language studies!

For inquiries, contact the Japanese Speech Contest Executive Committee at the Fukuoka City International Foundation at 092-262-1744 . Again, that number is (092-262-1744).

2024.10.07[Mon] 09:00

Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)

Eye Health Day

October 10 is "Eye Health Day," a day to prioritize and take care of your eyes. Many people use smartphones, computers, and tablets daily. However, prolonged use of these devices can strain your eyes, potentially leading to a decline in vision, as well as causing other physical problems like stiff shoulders, headaches, and even nausea. In today’s world, where such devices are essential for work and study, it’s important to be aware of our eyes' health even while using these devices.

So, to help protect yourself, when working for long periods:

  • Sit up straight and keep at least 30 centimeters of distance between your eyes and the screen.

  • Adjust your desk, chair, lighting on the screen or the natural light in your room to suit your needs. Rest your eyes for about 10-15 minutes every hour.

  • Blink regularly to keep your eyes moisturized.

  • Look into the distance or at nature, such as greenery, when possible.

  • When you feel fatigued, warm your eyes with a steamed towel.

  • If you wear glasses or contact lenses, get your eyes checked to make sure your prescription is up to date for your eyes.

  • Your eyes can also be affected by UV rays, so protect them with sunglasses.

  • Finally, proper sleep and a nutritious diet are also essential for eye health.

Let’s make it a habit to protect the health of our eyes on a daily basis!



 Fukuoka City and Fukuoka City International Foundation Information

Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2024

First, I want to share some information on the Environmental Festival coming up in a couple of weeks on the 26th and 27th of this month. Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2024 will be held at the Fureai Hiroba on the West Side of Fukuoka City Hall and on the first floor of Solaria Plaza at the Solaria Zephyr space on Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of October. The event will run from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. both days, and admission is completely free.

At the Fureai Hiroba, a variety of food trucks offering delicious and fun meals will gather, including menus featuring eco-friendly ingredients such as keema curry and sweets. Additionally, with the cooperation of Fukuoka's basketball team, the "Rizing Zephyr," you can play a game where you shoot balls representing burnable, non-burnable, and PET bottle trash into the correct goal, learning about waste separation while having fun. The famous "DeLorean" from a certain Hollywood movie will also make an appearance, where you can sit inside for a photo op and there will also be a flea market, no doubt full of treasures to be found.

At Solaria Zephyr, high school and university students will take on quiz challenges aimed at becoming heroes to save the Earth, learning about the environment in a fun way. In the "Fukuoka Waste Art Exhibition," you can express your daily life through art, with stylish and ethical products available for purchase.

There will be plenty of events for both children and adults to enjoy while learning about environmental issues. So, head out to the city on that weekend and explore the eco-friendly practices close to us and have fun at "Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2024"!



October 22ndNaraya Community Center-Infant Interaction Class

For those of you with children, wouldn't you like to visit a place where you can have fun with your children? At the Naraya Community Center in Hakata Ward, a parenting exchange salon takes place every month. Every fourth Tuesday of the month, they hold an infant interaction class, called Yarana Hiroba, where parents and children can have a great time together.

In October, the class will be held on the 22nd from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The theme for October is "Parent-Child First Aid Training." To help you prepare for any emergencies with your child, staff from the Fukuoka City Disaster Prevention Center will teach first aid techniques. For more details on how to apply, please visit The Fukuoka City International Foundation's website or Facebook page.


2024.09.30[Mon] 09:00

Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)

【The Flavors of Autumn】

Now that summer heat has finally settled down, we can build up our autumn appetites  and enjoy the delicious flavors of autumn. This week, I'll talk about some of this season's best ingredients!

First, we have the classic autumn favorites: sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and chestnuts. Although they are available year-round, they are at their sweetest and most flavorful in the autumn. You can enjoy them in a variety of dishes, such as simmered dishes, tempura, mixed rice, stews, or simply steamed or roasted. You'll want to be sure to try out the seasonal sweets made from these ingredients that are only available this time of year. Just last Monday, I had a chestnut paste filled donut from Mr. Donuts. That was tasty!

We've also got root vegetables, like lotus root and burdock, in season at this time. They are also delicious in simmered dishes, stir-fries, or deep-fried into chips. They pair perfectly with ground meat and other meat-based dishes.

For something a little more indulgent, there are the fragrant and flavorful matsutake mushrooms. Though a luxury ingredient, they are worth enjoying grilled, in mixed rice, or as dobin mushi (steamed in a teapot) — delicacies that are only available in this season.

Moving on to fish, you can't go wrong with sanma (Pacific saury), simply grilled with salt to really enjoy its flavor. Also in season are the fatty mackerel, firm autumn salmon, bonito that is perfect for sashimi or tataki, and versatile red snapper. Be sure to try these seasonal fish while they are at their best. If you have a chance to try sanma sashimi, I recommend it. It is so rich and almost buttery, it just melts in your mouth. It's only during this season, if you can find it.

And of course, we can't get forget the fruits of autumn. Right now, we have pears, grapes, persimmons, and apples. They are great to eat as is, but they also work wonderfully in salads or as jams. I ordered a box of nashi, or asian pears, with Furusato Nozei and have already finished them. I've just received another box from a farm via Mercari, so I'll have pear for a few more weeks. We indulged in some shine muscat last month, they were really good, but something to eat sparingly, as they were quite expensive. Speaking of expensive, I'm hoping to have a few dishes with matsutake mushrooms this season, if I can find a nice course somewhere to enjoy! Are there any autumn dishes you are looking forward to trying?

Autumn is truly full of delicious ingredients! And remember, seasonal foods are packed with nutrients, so be sure to fully enjoy the flavors of autumn!



Fukuoka City Information

The Creators 2024


The event "The Creators 2024", will be on again this year. This is an event where you can experience creativity and entertainment with the latest in entertainment elements and technology-driven content.

There's a big change this year though. Before, it was only two days, but this year, the event will be held over two weekends: Saturday and Sunday, October 5th & 6th, and Saturday and Sunday, October 12th & 13th. With four days to explore, you'll have more time to leisurely experience all the various content, which was previously difficult to see in just two days.

During the first weekend, on October 5th (Sat.) and 6th (Sun.), at the Fukuoka City Science Museum,  the popular event called "Playable! Digital Art Exhibition,"  will be held. There,  you can immerse yourself in sound and visuals for a magical experience. You'll also find workshops where you can try programming and crafts, as well as an AI Dance Show featuring a 3D dance generation AI service called "Strongest AI Dancer," developed by creative companies in Fukuoka.

On the second weekend, on October 12th (Sat.) and 13th (Sun.), at the Fureai Hiroba on the west side of Fukuoka City Hall , you can enjoy live performances by creators and artists on a stage enhanced by large-scale lighting and screens. Additionally, there will be eSports battles between professional players and students, immersive experience booths, VR trucks, and more, offering a wide range of exciting content.

Plus, at the first-floor lobby of City Hall a new immersive space, a satellite branch of "Manga Dive" will be set up for you to experience the world of the popular manga "[Oshi no Ko]"  And at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, there will be events such as a screening of the popular movie "Summer Wars" and film-making workshops.

Admission is free at all venues, so get out and enjoy these four days of experiencing cutting-edge entertainment, culture, and technology in "Creative Fukuoka!"

2024.09.23[Mon] 09:00

Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)


 We’re nearly at the end of September and hopefully you’ve been able to enjoy the music we’ve had all this month. The city has been buzzing with music this entire month. And this weekend, the event MUSIC CITY TENJIN 2024 will be held. Special stages will pop up all over Tenjin, turning the entire Fukuoka-Tenjin area into one big festival venue for Kyushu's largest music live event.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the festival, with the theme "Connecting Through Music." On Saturday, September 28th, and Sunday, September 29th, more than 30 free live performances will take place at the main venue, Fureai Hiroba Square on the west side of Fukuoka City Hall , as well as at special stages at Solaria Plaza and Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Lion Plaza.

For the impressive artist lineup, check the official MUSIC CITY TENJIN website or social media.

In conjunction with this, another music event, TENJIN SHOWTIME, will also be held. This event will feature around 70 performances by 35 groups at eight locations throughout Tenjin. Music genres will range from classical to rock, jazz, gospel, and pop, offering something for every music lover.

Enjoy Tenjin, filled with music, during this event-filled time of year!




Next, I’d like to let you know about another event happening this weekend. On September 28th and 29th, the large-scale event & SAKE FUKUOKA 2024 will take place at the Fukuoka International Center, bringing together sake breweries from Fukuoka Prefecture and renowned local restaurants.

This event is not just about enjoying food and drinks, but also about experiencing the beauty of connections through sake, food, music, atmosphere, and meeting new people. Items from 43 sake breweries across Fukuoka will be featured, and in addition to the sake, exclusive dishes from hard-to-reserve restaurants will also be available.

Fukuoka Prefecture is one of Japan's premier sake regions, with many breweries utilizing locally grown sake rice such as Yamada Nishiki and Yume Ikkon.

Be sure to visit and indulge in the wonderful sake of Fukuoka!

2024.09.16[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Sing! HAKATA】

 I've mentioned it before, but September in Fukuoka is Music Month, a time when the city comes alive with music for the entire month. This week, I’d like to tell you about a citizen-participation music event, "Sing! HAKATA," which will be held this weekend at JR Hakata Station Square.

For the past 10 years, the Kyushu Gospel Festival in Hakata has been held, but it has now evolved into Sing! HAKATA, adding new genres such as choir and a cappella, alongside gospel.

The event will feature guest performances by famous artists and collaboration stages with radio programs. There will also be a general participation stage with three sections: gospel, choir, and a cappella. Attendees can experience the joy of singing together across a wide range of music, from classical to pop.

Sing! HAKATA will take place over the two days of this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, September 21 and 22, from 10 AM to 8 PM at JR Hakata Station Square. Be sure to drop by and join in the singing!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Tuberculosis Prevention Week

Tuberculosis Prevention Week is from September 24 to September 30. 

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the tuberculosis bacteria, primarily affecting the lungs. It is an infectious disease that spreads from person to person. In 2023, 140 new cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed in Fukuoka City. In recent years, there have been cases of group infections occurring in places such as Japanese language education institutions.

Symptoms of tuberculosis include coughing, sputum, fever, blood in the sputum, chest pain, fatigue, night sweats, and weight loss. The initial symptoms are similar to a cold. If you experience symptoms such as "a cough lasting more than two weeks," "sputum production," "feeling tired," or "sudden weight loss," please see a doctor as soon as possible. Early detection and early treatment are important not only to prevent the disease from becoming severe but also to protect your family, friends, and workplace from infection.

Although contracting TB does not always lead to the disease developing, if the body's immune system cannot suppress the bacteria, it can multiply over time and cause the disease.

To prevent infection and disease onset, maintaining good health through sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise is effective.

Even if you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, you can recover by following the doctor's instructions and taking the prescribed medication daily.

Fukuoka City has a Medical Interpretation Call Center, where you can get help finding a hospital. You can also use it when speaking to a doctor or receiving medication at the hospital or pharmacy. This service is available 24/7, every day. The phone number is (092-733-5429). The service supports 20 languages, so please feel free to consult them if needed.

2024.09.09[Mon] 09:00

Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て) , Other Topics(その他)

【Nakasu Jazz】

Right now we're in Fukuoka's Music Month where we can enjoy a Month of Musical Festivities in Fukuoka and during the second weekend of September, on the 14th and 15th, the Nakasu JAZZ festival will take place in Nakasu, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City. This free JAZZ festival transforms the streets of Nakasu into stages where live performances by top artists fill the air with music, creating a pretty awesome two-day experience.

Whether you're a die-hard music lover or someone who isn't very familiar with jazz, the festival offers a welcoming atmosphere where anyone can stop by and enjoy the music.

The performances range from jazz standards to the latest hits, and witnessing them up close is truly an overwhelming experience, filled with energy and excitement. The best part? All stages are free to attend, making it a must-visit event!

Now in its 16th year, Nakasu JAZZ is a music festival born out of the love and passion of local residents and jazz enthusiasts who volunteer to make it happen. It's a carefully curated event with the slogan "Jazz suits Nakasu," and it's an experience you won't want to miss, so head out this weekend to Nakasu.



Fukuoka City International Foundation Information

September 24th Naraya Community Center-Infant Interaction Class

For those of you with children, wouldn't you like to visit a place where you can have fun with your children? At the Naraya Community Center in Hakata Ward, a parenting exchange salon takes place every month. Every fourth Tuesday of the month, they hold an infant interaction class, called Yarana Hiroba, where parents and children can have a great time together.

In September, the event will take place on the 24th, from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. The theme for September is a "Parenting Support Concert (Relaxation Harp & Guitar)” and at the center this month, you can listen to beautiful music while enjoying a relaxing time with your child.

For more details on how to register, please visit the Fukuoka City International  Foundation's website or Facebook page.



Legal Consultation and Personal Counseling

 The Fukuoka City International Center offers free legal consultation and personal counseling for the international residents of Fukuoka City.

Legal consultations are available from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM on the first Saturday of every month, and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday

of the month. Each session runs for 45 minutes and is completely free.

However, you do need to make a reservation to consult with the lawyer from the Fukuoka Bar Association. Free English interpretation services are also available so if you will need an interpreter, please mention that when you make your reservation.

Personal counseling services are available every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with a Japanese clinical psychologist in English or Japanese. Reservations are necessary, so please make one if you are interested.

Both types of consultations ensure strict confidentiality, so you can feel at ease when you come to these consultations. Reservations will be taken from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM on weekdays. For detailed inquiries, please contact (0120-66-1799).

2024.09.02[Mon] 09:00



September in Fukuoka is Music Month—a whole month where the city comes alive with music, and the first week of September is highlighted by the annual music event, SUNSET LIVE 2024, which will mark its 30th and final edition this year.

This outdoor music event will be held this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, September 7th and 8th, at the special stage set up at Keya Beach and Campground in Itoshima City. In this beautiful natural setting, close to the sea and mountains, you can enjoy performances by top artists, as well as enjoy delicious food and drinks from popular Fukuoka restaurants, and have some fun in the sea and on the beach with a variety of marine sports.

SUNSET LIVE is an event filled with hospitality, not only for people but also for the environment, featuring activities like beach cleanups and a daycare center. It's an event for people of all ages.

It's often said, "Fukuoka's summer ends with SUNSET," making it an essential part of September in Fukuoka. Don’t miss the chance to witness this special final stage.



Fukuoka City Information

Disaster Prevention Day and Stockpiling Encouragement Week

Disaster Prevention Day is an annual awareness day and is on September 1st. And in Fukuoka City, the week of the 1st to the 7th of September is Fukuoka City's Stockpiling Encouragement Week. Stockpiling refers to keeping a good supply of food and other necessities in your home. And through this one week event, the city hopes to raise its citizens' awareness of disaster prevention, including the need to stockpile in both our homes and workplaces.

So why do we need to stockpile? Well, if there is an earthquake or typhoon, even if you aren't in danger, without food or water, we can't survive. If the stores shut down, we can't buy the food and drinks we need. If the water supply is disrupted, there's no water to drink. And, if the electric and gas are out, there's no way we can cook food. So, in order to ensure that the lives that have been saved can actually survive, it's important to have emergency supplies prepared in advance.

Alright, so what should be stockpiled?

Make sure to have a three-day supply of drinking water and food. One person needs roughly three liters of water per day, this is something to keep in mind. Nonperishable emergency foods like freeze-dried rice, canned foods, biscuits, chocolate bars and hardtack are some things that are good to have on hand. Food that doesn't need to be cooked is essential.

If you have a radio and flashlight, make sure they have batteries. And if you take medicine, or need bandages or anything like that, make sure you have extra supplies in with your first aid kit. If there is an infant in your family, make sure you have diapers in your supplies as well.

In addition to the water you'll need for drinking, you'll also need water for flushing the toilet and other daily needs. Keep a polyethylene water tank with tap water and consider keeping your bathtub filled as well.

Buy a little more than you usually do, of the foods you normally eat, and as you use them up, consuming them based on their expiration dates, keep replacing them so that you always have a little more than enough in your house. This is your rolling stock. This is recommended because you always have a certain level of stored food, and it falls within the scope of your usual shopping routine in terms of cost and time.

As typhoons do often occur around this time of year, take this opportunity to prepare for disasters once again.

2024.08.26[Mon] 09:00

Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)

【Direct Grape Sales】

Grapes are in season right around this time of year, and you can enjoy delicious grapes right here in Fukuoka. Did you know that the Kanatake area in Nishi Ward, Fukuoka City, is known for producing tasty grapes? The area, surrounded by nature, has soil that is ideal for grape cultivation, and grapes have been grown there for about 50 years.

This year, the direct sale of those sweet and delicious grapes has begun again. They are available for a limited time during the harvest season, which lasts until mid-September, at "CO_YARD KANATAKE" located within "Kanatake-no-Sato Park." Starting from 9:00 AM every morning, freshly harvested juicy grapes are on display, with a variety of brands available, including Shine Muscat. Sales continue in the afternoon, but they end as soon as the grapes sell out, so it's best to visit early.

So, pick up a couple bunches of grapes and savor their flavor and the nutrients you get from them to help you get throught the late summer heat!



Cinema Night Fukuoka

Next up, I want to introduce a movie event to you this week. It's called "Cinema Night Fukuoka." and it is an outdoor movie-watching event held at the resort hotel "The Luigans Spa & Resort" located in Uminonakamichi, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City.

This popular event allows you to relax and watch movies while spread out on a picnic blanket in front of a giant screen, all while enjoying the night breeze by the beach during the summer.

It takes place every Wednesday and Saturday night until September, and the best part is that entry and movie screenings are completely free! The films shown range from the latest releases to timeless classics, as well as kid-friendly animated movies.

In addition, food trucks are available on-site, so you can enjoy snacks and drinks, including alcohol, while watching the movies.

The event begins with a view of the sunset over the grassy area near the beach, and continues with a leisurely movie under the night sky. If you're lucky, you might even catch some fireworks while you're out there!

If you’re interested, check out the official website for the movie schedule and to make your reservation.

This is the perfect event for a summer night!

2024.08.19[Mon] 09:00

Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)

【There's an Elephant back at the Zoo!】

Four elephants, the new stars of the zoo, have arrived at Fukuoka City Zoo and Botanical Garden from Myanmar! After a taming period of about three months, they are scheduled to be unveiled to the public around autumn.

The new arrivals include one male and three female Asian elephants. All four are in good health, with no medical issues, and are currently resting comfortably. Visitors to the zoo can check out the latest updates on the elephants through videos and photos.

And, until August 31st, the zoo is accepting name suggestions from the public for the four elephants.

In addition, right now, the popular summer event "Night at the Zoo" is being held every Saturday until September 14th. This event offers visitors a rare chance to observe the behavior of nocturnal animals and you can even watch the animals during feeding time. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Fukuoka City Zoo during this special season!



Fukuoka City Information

Eliminating Drunk Driving

If you are a recent resident of Fukuoka you may not know about this incident but for those of you who have been here for awhile....did you know about the drunk driving accident that occurred in Fukuoka City on August 25, 2006?

This year marks 18 years since that drunk driving accident which killed three children on the Umino-nakamichi-ohashi Bridge in the Higashi Ward.

In response to this tragedy, Fukuoka City has undertaken various initiatives to eliminate drunk driving, but it still persists.

However, drunk driving has not disappeared.

Drunk driving is a crime.
You must not drive a car, motorcycle, or bicycle after drinking alcohol.
You must not lend your vehicle to a person who has been drinking alcohol, nor should you encourage or offer alcohol to someone who intends to drive.
You must not get into a car knowing that the driver has been drinking.

Driving under the influence of alcohol lowers your attention and judgment, which can delay your ability to detect danger, lead to excessive speeding, and increase the risk of traffic accidents.

Also, if you see someone driving in the way I'm going to describe, it's possible that person is driving drunk. If you see someone driving like this, please report it to emergency services by calling 110. Signs of a drunk driver include stopping the car well before the stop line when stopping at a stop sign, not starting the car up again when the traffic light turns green, weaving or unsteady driving and repeatedly accelerating or decelerating abruptly. Each and every person needs to take action and say “I will never drink and drive, I won't let others do it and I won't turn a blind eye!”
Let's all work together to eliminate drunk driving!



The Fukuoka Prize

To continue, I have some information about the Fukuoka Prize. Every year, Fukuoka City presents the "Fukuoka Prize" to individuals who have contributed to academic research, arts, and culture in Asia, honoring their achievements. The recipients of the 34th Fukuoka  Prizes are :

Daito Manabe with the Grand Prize, an active figure in the field of media art.

Historian Sunil Amrith receiving the Academic Research Prize.

Artist Kimsooja being awarded the Arts and Culture Prize.

The award ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 26, and public lectures will take place on Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28. On Friday, September 27, the Grand Prize winner, Daito Manabe, will give his lecture. The next day, Saturday, September 28, there will be a lecture by the Academic Research Prize winner, Sunil Amrith, at noon, followed by a lecture by the Arts and Culture Prize winner, Kimsooja, in the evening.

All events are free to attend. To register, search for "Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize" or "Fukuoka Prize" and apply through the official website. The registration deadline is Thursday, September 5, for the award ceremony, and two days before each public lecture event.

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  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

