Coupons to receive free cancer screening/New National Health Insurance Cards
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2015.02.14(Sat)/09:00~
Fukuoka City is sending out coupons to those registered as residents of Fukuoka City as of April 20th of 2014, to receive free cancer screening.
The qualifying ages and conditions to use the coupons are as follows:
Women who were 20, or 22 through 25, or 27 through 30, 32 through 35, and 37 through 40 years of age as of last April 1st, as well as those who have received a coupon in the past between 2009 and 2012 but who have not yet had an examination, are eligible to receive cervical cancer screening.
Free breast cancer screening is available for women who were 40, 42 through 45, 47 through 50, 52 through 55, or 57 through 60 years of age as of last April 1st, as well as those who have received a coupon in the past between 2009 and 2012 but who have not yet had an examination.
Men and women who were 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 years of age as of last April 1st are eligible for colon cancer screening.
Those eligible for this service but who paid out of pocket for a screening during the period between April 1st and the day their coupon was actually delivered last year are able to apply for reimbursement. Applications for reimbursement must be filled by February 27th. Please contact the Health Promotion Section of city government by phone at 092-711-4269.
Or, if you have lost your coupon, please request assistance from the Health Section in your ward office. Or search “Fukuoka mu-ryou ku-pon”, in Japanese, in your web browser and check out the Fukuoka city homepage.
Fukuoka city would also like to let you know about the new National Health Insurance Cards.
New National Health Insurance Cards for those enrolled in the insurance will be mailed out in late March. The cards for all members of a household will be sent to the person registered as “Head of Household” with the city. If there are any outstanding fees, the card may have to be received in person at your local ward office and you may be required to present your current card or other proof of qualification in order to receive your new card.
Please contact the Health Insurance and Pension Section of your local ward office no later than February 19th if you wish to receive it through Simplified Registered Mail. Those who have already requested service via Simplified Registered Mail in the past do not have to place the request again.
Those 70 through 74 years of age will receive their National Health Insurance Benefits Card for the elderly, or in Japanese, Kourei Jukyusha-sho. Those turning 70 years old on or after April 2nd this year, will be mailed a health card which they may use starting from the 1st day of the month following their 70th birthday. There is no need to complete any processing application for this service.
If you have any questions or require other assistance regarding your National Health Insurance Card, please contact the Health Insurance and Pension Section of your local ward office.
암검진 무료쿠폰/새로워진 국민건강보험증
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2015.02.14(Sat)/20:46~
후쿠오카시는 지난해 4월20일 시점으로 시에 주민등록이 되어 있으며,
대상연령에 해당하는 여러분에게 후쿠오카시가 실시하는
암검진 무료쿠폰을 우송했습니다.
대상연령은 ‘자궁경부암 검진’이 지난해 4월 1일 시점으로 만20세와 만22세부터
25세, 만27세부터 30세, 만32세부터 35세, 만37세부터 40세로 2009년도부터
2012년도에 무료쿠폰을 배부받고 아직 후쿠오카시의 검진을 받지 않은 여성.
‘유방암 검진’은 지난해 4월1일 시점으로 만40세 여성과 만42세부터 45세,
만47세부터 50세, 만52세부터 55세, 만57세부터 60세로 2009년도부터 2012년도에 무료쿠폰을 배부받고 아직 후쿠오카시의 검진을 받지 않은 여성.
‘대장암 검진’은 지난해 4월 1일 시점으로
만40세, 45세, 50세, 55세, 60세 남녀입니다.
또한 암검진 무료쿠폰 대상자로 지난해 4월1일부터 무료쿠폰 도착 전에
자기부담금으로 검진받으신 분께는 환불해 드립니다. 2월27일이 신청기한입니다.
세부사항은 092‐711‐4269건강증진과로 문의해 주세요.
그 밖에 무료쿠폰권을 분실하신 경우 등 자세한 내용은
각 구의 건강과에 문의하시거나 「福岡市 無料クーポン」이라는 일본어로 검색하여
후쿠오카시의 홈페이지를 확인해 주세요.
이어서 새로운 국민건강보험증에 대해 알려드립니다.
국민건강보험증이 4월부터 바뀝니다.
보험증은 보험에 가입한 분의 세대주 여러분께 3월 하순 일반우편으로 송부합니다.
보험료를 미납하신 경우에는 구청 창구에서
유효기한이 짧은 보험증이나 자격증명서를 교부하는 경우가 있습니다.
간이등기를 통한 보험증 송부를 희망하시는 분은 2월19일까지
주소지의 각 구청 보험연금담당과로 연락해 주십시오.
과거에 신청하신 경우에는 연락하실 필요가 없습니다.
만70세부터 74세까지의 분께는
‘국민건강보험 피보험자증 겸 고령수급자증’을 우송해 드립니다.
올해 4월2일 이후, 만70세가 되시는 분께는
생일 다음달1일부터 사용가능한 보험증을 우송합니다. 절차는 필요없습니다.
국민건강보험증에 관한 문의는 주소지의 각 구청 또는 출장소에 위치한
보험연금당당과로 해 주시기 바랍니다.
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2015.02.14(Sat)/21:46~
其他的,比如免费卷丢了的,也可以打电话问讯、或输入「福岡市 無料クーポン」在福冈市网站上检索。