


Childrearing Comprehensive Support Center

Fukuoka City Information <in English>
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2017.6.24(Sat)9:00~

There are about 14,000 children born annually in Fukuoka. And, with an increasing variety in lifestyle preferences, the types of challenges involved with raising children is changing. Fukuoka city looks to offer needed support to those with children, from the prenatal stages and on up through the child raising years.

To begin, in each ward, Childrearing Comprehensive Support Centers, or, in Japanese, “Kosodate Sedai Hokatsu Sentaa” will begin operation as of July 3. As a result, the Maternal and Child Health Handbooks in Fukuoka, previously issued at health facilities around the city, will begin being issued by the Health Sections of the new centers. Midwives and others who have special knowledge regarding maternal matters are stationed at the centers and can offer consultations. They also present a Maternity Class twice a month to provide information necessary during pregnancy. The classes take place concurrently with the issuance of maternity health record books.

Another form of support is that when giving birth, a lump-sum birth payment of up to ¥420,000 will be provided through one’s health insurance. There may also be additional payments received as well. For more detailed information, please contact the union affiliated with your health insurance provider. Also, those who choose not to give birth in Fukuoka, but instead return to give birth in the area of the country in which they were raised, may have to bear the cost of exams on their own, as they will not be able to use the maternity medical exam vouchers provided by Fukuoka city. However, please be aware that Fukuoka city may partially reimburse expenses. To receive such aid, please be sure to file an application at the Health Section of the center no later than the last day of the sixth month after birth. In pregnancies requiring in vitro fertilization, or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) fertilization, the city will subsidize costs by up to ¥300,000 for the first procedure, and then at a maximum of ¥150,000 per procedure after that. In addition, a maximum of ¥150,000 per procedure will be provided for surgical costs incurred to collect sperm for specific infertility treatment.

Further support is offered by midwives or healthcare workers visiting homes with infants. In the visits they measure children’s weight and assess the health of their development, as well as provide consultation regarding childrearing. The city also runs “care service” projects to assist with childcare after birth. For example, if after giving birth no one is available to support the mother, helpers can be dispatched to assist with things like taking care of children, housework, and other such matters. In addition, rest areas where mother and child can relax are located in obstetrician and maternity home facilities within the city.

And, when childcare is required due to the need to work, babysitters are made available at the rate of ¥400 per hour to take care of children between the ages of 8 weeks and 3 months through the support of the “end-of-maternity leave program”.

Fukuoka city provides these and many other forms of support to assist with childrearing. Information about programs you may be eligible for, and further information regarding childrearing in Fukuoka city, can be found in the “Childrearing Information Guide”, available at the Information Plaza on the first floor of city hall, as well as at Information Corners and Childrearing Support Sections in each ward. Please be sure to check it out!

육아세대 포괄지원센터

Fukuoka City Information<in Korean>
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2017.6.24(Sat)20:46~

후쿠오카시는 매년 1만 4천 여명의 신생아가 출생합니다. 생활습관의 다양화 등으로 육아세대의 주변환경이 변화하는 가운데 후쿠오카시는 출산 전부터 육아기에 걸쳐 필요한 지원을 실시합니다.

7월3일부터 각 구에서 [육아세대 포괄지원센터]가 시작되어 시내 의료기관에서 교부해온 모자건강수첩을 센터 내 건강과에서 교부합니다. 조산사 등의 전문직을 상담원으로 배치해 임신시기에 필요한 정보를 해설하는 [임신 강의]를 매달 2번 수첩 교부 시에 실시합니다.

출산 시에는 가입되어 있는 건강보험에서 42만엔을 상한으로 출산일시금을 지급하며, 출산수당 등이 지급되는 경우도 있습니다. 세부사항은 가입한 건강보험조합 등에 문의해 주세요.

그리고 다른 지역에서 출산해 후쿠오카시의 임신건강검사 조성권을 사용하지 못해 검진비용을 자비로 부담한 분을 대상으로 비용 일부를 지원합니다. 출산일로부터 6개월 후의 월말까지 센터 내 건강과에서 수속해 주시기 바랍니다.

체외수정이나 현미경수정에 필요한 치료비는 첫회 최대 30만엔, 이후 1회당 최대 15만엔까지 지원합니다. 그리고 특정불임치료와 관련한 정자 채취수술은 1회 당 최대 15만엔을 지원합니다.

신생아가 있는 가정을 조산사나 보건사가 방문해 체중측정 등의 발육발달을 확인하거나 육아상담을 합니다. 그리고 출산 후 돌봐줄 사람이 필요한 분을 대상으로 도우미가 방문해 집안일이나 육아를 돕는 산후 도우미사업이나 시내 산과 및 조산원 등에서 자녀와 느긋한 공간을 제공하는 산후 돌봄 서비스사업을 통해 지원합니다.

산전산후 휴가 직후의 업무로 보육이 필요할 때는 생후 8주부터 3개월까지 1시간당 400엔에 베이비시터가 이용가능한 [출산휴가 직후 지원]이 있습니다.

이밖에도 후쿠오카시에서 다양한 육아지원활동을 합니다.
시에서 이용할 수 있는 제도와 육아 관련 정보, 상담창구 등의 정보를 한 권에 정리한 [육아 정보 가이드]가 시청 1층 정보플라자, 각 구청 정보코너, 각 구청 육아지원과 등에 설치되어 있으니 많이 이용해 주세요.



Fukuoka City Information<in Chinese>
On Air: Fukuoka City Information/2017.6.25(Sun)8:46~

