Preventing Influenza
On Air: FukuokaCity Information <in English> 2017.12.23(sat) 9:00~
The number of those infected with influenza is on the rise, and is expected to increase even more from January. Many schools within the city are expected to close due to infection. Those with comparably lower immune system strength, such as the elderly and young children, are urged to take precautions.
Influenza is thought to be spread mainly when someone inhales the virus-carrying saliva emitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Also, “airborne infection” may occur when someone breathes in dust in the air on which the virus may be floating. “Contact infection” may also occur when you touch an item with the virus on it, and then touch your mouth, nose or eyes. To avoid becoming ill, it is important to adopt an approach of “I won’t get sick”, and if sick, “I won’t infect others.”
Be sure to wash your hands regularly after going out, get plenty of sleep and eat healthily to keep your energy and immune system up. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and avoid coughing or sneezing towards others’ faces.
Also, dispose of used tissues in garbage cans which are covered. Those who have identified that they have fevers, are coughing and sneezing, or have other symptoms of sickness should be sure to wear a face mask and think about preventing further infection. Non-woven masks are highly effective in reducing the airborne spread of sickness and are recommended. It is also important to use humidifiers and to periodically circulate fresh air into rooms.
If you find that you have symptoms of influenza, please see a doctor and have an exam.
인플루엔자 예방
On Air: FukuokaCity Information <in Korean> 2017.12.23(sat) 20:46~
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귀가한 후 손을 씻는 자세를 생활화하고, 충분한 영양섭취와 수면을 통해 체력과 저항력을 높이는 등 컨디션을 관리하시기 바랍니다.
기침이나 재채기를 할 때는 휴지 등으로 입과 코를 가린 후 주변 사람들 얼굴을 피해서 하고, 사용한 휴지는 뚜껑이 있는 휴지통에 버리도록 합시다.
발열, 기침, 재채기 등의 증상이 나타난 경우에는 마스크를 올바르게 착용해
감염을 방지합시다. 마스크는 바이러스 비산을 방지하는 고효율 부직포 제품을 추천합니다. 가습기 등을 사용해 공기가 건조해지는 것을 막거나 실내를 환기시키는 일도 중요합니다.
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On Air: FukuokaCity Information <in Chinese> 2017.12.24(sun) 8:46~