福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2021.03.29[Mon] 09:00
2021.03.22[Mon] 09:00
Housing(住宅) , Disaster(災害) , Other Topics(その他)
Well, the topic up to bat today is Pro-Baseball! Have you ever watched a game here in Japan? Baseball is a really popular sport in Japan and Nippon Professional Baseball consists of two leagues, the Central League and the Pacific League, each of which has 6 teams. They play to win, of course, and work to become number one in their league. The final showdown is when the top team from each league plays to be the number one team in Japan.
Fukuoka City's home team, the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks are part of the Pacific League and their stadium is Fukuoka PayPay Dome. The Hawks are a strong team and this year are hoping to keep their position as the number one team in Japan for the 5th year in a row. The season starts in just a few days on Friday, March 26th this year, so if you've got the chance, why not catch a game!
I guess I could say I'm a supporter of the Hawks, seeing as how Fukuoka has become my second home. I mentioned way back that I'm from Detroit and, of course, support that team. Baseball fans, do you know which team belongs to Detroit? If you said the Detroit Tigers, you are correct!
【Citizen's Disaster Prevention Day】
Now I have some information from Fukuoka City.
On March 20th, 2005, the Fukuoka Prefecture Western offshore earthquake hit Fukuoka City. And so that people would not forget what happened on that day, March 20th became Citizens' Disaster Prevention Day. We never know when a disaster might strike and it's up to each and every one of us to prepare on a daily basis so that we can take appropriate action and protect ourselves for when something does happen.
If you look at Fukuoka City's homepage, you can check hazard maps and get information on disaster prevention and what you should take with you if you need to evacuate. If you check Support for Foreign residents, you'll find disaster prevention information for foreign residents so make sure you check that important information regularly. Citizens' Disaster Prevention Day is an opportunity to think again about disaster prevention for the safety of our ourselves, our families and the community.
【Special Weekend Open Hours at Ward Offices】
As March and April are busy months for moving house, consultation desks at the ward offices tend to get crowded. Therefore, on Sunday, March 28th and Sunday, April 4th, ward offices will be temporarily opened to allow those who are too busy during the week to submit their notifications of moving in or moving out. On those days, moving in or moving out notifications and other paperwork related to moving house will be accepted between 10 am and 2pm.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
And once again, we are asking everyone to continue practicing basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.03.15[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Housing(住宅)
【Spring Storm Warning】
Although spring has a calm and gentle image, the weather can be rather unstable. In the US we often say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb because the weather can really come roaring in some days, so be ready for sudden changes in the weather. When the cold air from the North and the warm air from the South crash into each other, we get low atmospheric pressure causing these “Haru no Arashi” or May Storms in English. Typhoon-like blasts of wind and storms, blizzards and high waves on the coast can occur during this time. So make sure you keep up with weather reports and try to avoid going out when it seems like the weather is going to take a turn for the worse. Also, prepare yourself for these storms and violent winds in the same way you'd do typhoon prep. It's always better to be safe than sorry! And don't forget, as Spring approaches, there's often a huge gap between the morning and evening temperatures so dress appropriately!
【Garbage from moving house】
Also with Spring comes moving season and it tends to be a time when we see a lot more oversized garbage like furniture and home appliances put out. So, today, I've got some information to share from Fukuoka City on how to dispose of that oversized garbage.
The first way to do it is by applying for pickup with the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center. First, contact them by phone or by internet, or even through the Official Fukuoka City Line Account, to put in your application and then purchase the appropriate oversized garbage disposal ticket.
The garbage pickup day will be roughly one week after you apply.
You must put out the garbage by 8:30am on the collection day in the designated spot.
The phone number for the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center is 092-731-1153. Again, that number is 092-731-1153.
If you apply via the internet or Line, you can do so at your convenience, 24 hours a day.
The second way is to take your oversized garbage to a processing facility yourself. First, apply before going by phone or on the internet, and then take your garbage to the facility. The handling cost is 140 yen for every 10 kilograms. To contact the Carry-in Garbage Call Center, please call 092-433-8234. Again, that is 092-433-8234.
For TV's, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers and air conditioners, according to the home appliance recycling law, there are specific guidelines for disposal.
You can have the old appliance removed by the firm installing the new one or you can contact the store where you originally bought the appliance. You can also contact the Best Denki or Yamada Denki in your city about disposal. Recycling fees as well as fees for collection and transport will be required.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
And once again we are asking everyone to continue to practice basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.03.08[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Housing(住宅)
【Sakura-mochi-Cherry blossom rice cakes】
This morning we're starting off with something pretty yummy and that's sakura mochi or cherry blossom rice cakes, THE Japanese sweet of spring.
It seems that sakura-mochi can be spread into two main categories. There is the Kanto style Chou-mei-ji and the Kansai stayle Dou-myo-ji. Both of them are simply called sakura-mochi but when they need to be differentiated, they're called by the names chou-mei-ji and dou-myo-ji. So what's the difference? Well, chou-mei-ji uses flour to make a dough that is baked. Sweet bean paste is wrapped in it and you get a crepe like sweet in this style. In the case of dou-myo-ji, mochi rice is used to make manju, which looks like a bun. Both are wrapped in salted pickled sakura leaves. They're sweet with a little salty kick and absolutely delicious. Although, if you eat the leaf or not, is really up to you! I'm a fan of the salty pickled leaf, but then again I'm more of a savory than sweet kind of person.
【The earlier the better-House moving procedures】
Alright, now I've got some information from Fukuoka City for you.
Every year at the end of March, the consultation desks at the city ward offices get busy with people wrapping things up for the fiscal year and so the city asks that if you are moving, to come in as soon as you can to get your house moving procedures wrapped up.
If you are moving out of Fukuoka City, you need to submit a notification of your move by the day you move out. The city will then issue a “moving-out” certificate which you'll need to show at the municipal office of your new address. If you are moving to another address within Fukuoka City, you do not need to submit a “moving-out” notification but you do need to submit a “moving-in” certificate to your local ward office within 14 days of your move.
The ward offices have a convenient online reservation system that you can use for these moving procedures. Just make a reservation from your phone or computer, at least 5 business days in advance. You put in the change of address and the date you want to go in to get things done and when you arrive at the ward office to complete your moving procedures, your time at the consultation desk will go quicker and smoother.
You can see what documents or information you need to bring with you if you just check Fukuoka City's official Line account. Two things you shouldn't forget are your residence and my number cards. You can also check how busy the consultation desk is through that Line account so take advantage of it!
And one more thing. When you move, you have to arrange to have your water turned on or turned off yourself. To get that done, you need to notify the waterworks bureau at least 4 business days in advance of the day you move. You can do that by phone by calling 092-532-1010. Again that phone number is 092-532-1010. The website says they support a number of languages. You can also take care of it via the internet but you need to do that 5 business days in advance of your move. Just type in “Fukuoka shi suido kyoku” in hiragana in your search engine.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
We've still got to be careful , so once again, we are asking everyone to continue to practice basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.03.01[Mon] 09:00
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages