福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2022.12.26[Mon] 09:00
Other Topics(その他)
【Looking back on 2022 and Resolutions for the New Year】
Well, we've got less than week left before we ring in 2023, now that Christmas is over. How was your year? What did you get up to? I hope it wasn't all work and no play!
My year was pretty good. I was busy with work but I still had plenty of time to travel to the places I wanted to visit in Japan this year. In the beginning of this year, I went to Hokkaido to see the drift ice in the Abashiri area. I was very lucky and did see it but also got stuck in Hokkaido for two extra days due to heavy snow. It wasn't too bad, both my partner and I had our computers with us so we could work from the hotel!
Over sakura season, we went to Okayama where I met my online Japanese teacher for hanami and also drove up to Tottori to see the sand dunes. On the way back to Okayama city we stopped in the Hiruzen Highlands for Hiruzen yakisoba. If you are ever in that area, definitely try it! During Golden Week, I saw the huge wisteria in Ashikaga park in Tochigi and bought natto in Mito, Ibaraki! There was some camping and onsen time in Kuju and a big camping van trip in Hokkaido where we saw so many beautiful flowers and learned to make cheese. We saw the night view in Hakodate and had some of the best sushi I've ever had in Japan. That is saying something, Fukuoka has great seafood, but I think Hakodate is the winner.
In August, we escaped the heat by heading for Kamikochi in Nagano. Unfortunately it was a bit wet during our visit, so we didn't camp or hike as planned, but made up for it by enjoying the area all around with a visit to Hida-Takayama and Matsuyama. I also passed a patissier course, added another cat to the house and just generally enjoyed my year. I didn't get quite as fit as I had planned to in the beginning of the year, but that seems to be the same story every year. My resolution next year definitely involves another attempt at getting six pack abs....
Although Covid is still around and affecting us, we are gradually getting back to our normal every day lives. In 2022, a huge and shocking event was the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It has no doubt caused many people to think about the impact of war and why we need to value peace. It has also shocked many people into realizing the importance of and how much we rely on electric and gas at home. I know people are trying to be more careful with how much energy they're using now as energy prices have increased and we're all trying to save money.
In 2023, I hope we can have a world where everyone spends more time than not with a smile on their face.
What are your plans for 2023? I guess as we wrap up the end of 2022, it's a good time to think about the things we want to change or even try doing. Like I said before, I'm hoping to get fitter in 2023, but that is all about the effort I put in. I've got to make a more consistent workout schedule, spend less time on my phone and also less time sitting at a desk. I'd like to take another cooking course, if I have the chance. There was a baking course being offered at the school I went to that I really wanted to join but the days didn't work out. I might have better luck in 2023. I also want to travel overseas again, I think. I'm a bit apprehensive about having to deal with international airports and the whole process involved with international travel, but there are still so many places around the world I'd like to go and so many foods I'd love to try. I'm pretty sure I'll go to the US to see family this year, finally. Oh, and hopefully I'll have my driver's license after 17 years of putting it off here...I'm scheduled for my driving test in just a few weeks. Fingers crossed that the practice I've been doing will pay off!
I'm sure that many of you have a whole list of things you'd love to do or are planning to do in 2023. Good luck with it all!
2022.12.19[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Other Topics(その他)
【The End of the Year and the New Year】
We are coming up toward the end of the year and during this time, as well as over the New Year's holidays, at Christmas parties and New Year's celebrations, we tend to eat and drink way too much. Too much stress on the stomach and intestines can lead to stomachaches and bloating. So, when you are out, try to not consume too much meat, coffee, alcohol, strong spices, or strong black or green teas, as they can really do a number on the stomach by increasing the production of stomach acid.
It goes without saying, but I'll say it here: One of the simplest ways to maintain good health is to eat a regular, nutritionally balanced diet. This is important not only for maintaining a healthy digestive system, but also for enhancing the body's immune system and which will keep you from getting sick easily.
Although it may be difficult during the year-end and New Year's holiday season with all the bonenkai invitations and chances to meet up with friends and family, try to at least eat at home for dinner. When you are at home, keep it simple with meals like nabe or udon which are easy to digest, and try to keep your eating schedule fairly regular.
Let's all welcome the new year with a fresh start while maintaining a healthy diet and a happy belly.
【Fukuoka City information】
Ward office consultation and putting out the garbage over the New Year Holidays
Over the New Year's holidays, there are a few changes to ward office consultation hours and the days on which you can put out the garbage. For ward offices and the Health and Welfare Center, please be aware that these places will be closed from Thursday the 29th of December to Tuesday the 3rd of January. In the days before and after the new year holidays, the ward office consultation counters will be busy so make sure you give yourself plenty of time when you go there.
Also, from Saturday the 31st of December to Tuesday the 3rd of January, please do not put your garbage out for pick up. Burnable garbage can only be put out on your area's scheduled garbage day up to Friday the 30th of December and then after Wednesday the 4th of January. For nonburnable garbage and glass and pet bottles, if Sunday January 1st is your regular day to put them out, instead they can be put out beforehand on Thursday, December 29th.
If it is Monday, January 2nd , put your nonburnables out on Friday, December 30th.
For areas where Tuesday, January 3rd is a regular pickup day, garbage will be picked up instead on Friday, January 6th.
Also, applications and pickup for oversized garbage will be stopped between Thursday, December 29th to Tuesday, January 3rd, so please be aware of that.
Spend the New Year's Holiday safely
Fukuoka City wants you to enjoy your winter holidays safely and enjoyably and has a few tips to share.
From the end of the year to the start of the new year, there are a lot of opportunities to drink alcohol. So, make sure, 100%, that you don't drink and drive, don't make others drink and drive, never allow someone to drink and drive and don't ignore someone who would drink and drive. Even cycling after drinking is against the law.
And it's important to remember that even the next day you might have some alcohol in your system or will be hungover. In that case, even if you think you only have a little bit of alcohol left in your system, it doesn't mean you should drive, because you shouldn't.
Also, every year, at the end of the year sees more and more traffic accidents. If you are out late at night, make sure you are wearing bright or reflective clothes that are easy for drivers to notice. And if you are driving, make sure you turn your headlights on earlier in the evening.
Next, we have a warning for you about bag snatching incidents. There have been a number of these crimes from the evening to midnight in places where there are few people around. A lot of these incidents have occurred with the criminals riding motorbikes and snatching bags as they pass by. To avoid being involved in such an incident, make you carry your bag on the side opposite to the road and pay attention to your surroundings, making sure you look back behind you if you sense signs of people or hear a motorbike.
Protect yourself and the things that are important to you and have a safe and enjoyable winter holiday.
2022.12.12[Mon] 09:00
【Seasonal Foods-Enoki mushrooms】
Autumn and winter are great seasons for so many ingredients and one of them happens to be Enoki mushrooms. These mushrooms are those thin white ones all in a bunch. They are crunchy and have a mild flavor that goes well with any seasoning. It is an ingredient that can be found in supermarkets all year round, but its actual season is fall and winter! Low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, it is a good food for people on a diet. Their white, thin appearance may make you wonder if they are nutritious but despite what you think, they are full of nutrients including vitamin B group, potassium, iron, and other nutrients.
Fukuoka Prefecture produces a brand called "hakata-enoki", and ranks first in western Japan in terms of production volume. The best way to eat them is to cook them without washing them. Washing with water is not recommended, as the aroma, flavor, and nutrients of the mushrooms will be washed away. They are delicious stir-fried with meat, in soups, or even cooked up by themselves.
They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week, but freezing is recommended. Cut them into bite-size pieces, place in a storage bag, and freeze. The key is not to thaw them before using them. Heat them while frozen. Why freeze them in the first place? Freezing will break down the cell walls of the mushrooms, increasing the absorption of nutrients and flavor.
【Fukuoka City Information】
Now, I have some information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation about a new service they are offering.
The Fukuoka City International Foundation does have an official LINE account
From the Foundation's official LINE account, you can make an appointment for consultations on daily life or free professional consultation using the LINE call feature. Telephone consultations are available in 22 languages, so please feel free to contact them. In addition, the Voom function of LINE is used to send out information on the Foundation's events and announcements from Fukuoka City. Please add the Foundation's official LINE account to your friends' list from the Fukuoka City International Foundation website. The foundation will not accept consultations via LINE talk, but you can use the inquiry form on the foundation's website.
Also, the Fukuoka City International Foundation will be closed for a period of 6 days, from Thursday, December 29th to Tuesday, January 3rd . It will reopen on Wednesday, January 4th 2023 at 9 am.
The first session in 2023 for the free legal advice service for foreigners will be held will be on Saturday, January 7th. You do need an appointment before you go, so please call to make an appointment as soon as you can.
For more information please call 092-262-1799. Again, that number is 092-262-1799. The call is free to make. You can also check the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website for information.
The staff members at the Fukuoka City International Foundation hope to continue being an
antenna to gather and provide a wealth of information and support to you, the foreign
residents of Fukuoka, in order to make life here in the city even more comfortable in 2023!
2022.12.05[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)
【The Nobel Prize】
On December 10, the Nobel Prize Ceremony will be held.
On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace to "those who have made the greatest contribution to mankind.– the Nobel Prizes.
In 1968, Sweden’s central bank established a Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel and currently there are now are six prizes given out.
Each year, up to three people can be awarded in each field.
The winners receive a cash prize, a certificate, and a medal.
This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a human rights activist from Belarus, a former Soviet republic, and to human rights organizations in Russia and Ukraine, respectively, that have worked for many years to protect the fundamental human rights of citizens and their right to criticize power.
Currently, 615 prizes have been awarded to 989 laureates.
By country, the United States is in first place, the United Kingdom in second, and Germany in third. In terms of Asian countries other than Japan, India is in first place, followed by China and Taiwan in second place with the same number of entries. Who do you think will be awarded this year? It's something to keep an eye on!
【Fukuoka City Information】
World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City about World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week. Human rights" refers to the right to "live like a human being" that each individual has from birth.
December 10 is World Human Rights Day, a day to think about "human rights" not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world.
December 4 to 10 is Human Rights Week, and Fukuoka City also observes "Respect for Human Rights Week," which aims to make Fukuoka City a better place to live, where human rights are respected, and there is no discrimination.
While you are irreplaceable, others are also irreplaceable. This is an important week to know that each of us is important.
In order to realize a society where "no one is left behind" as stated in the SDGs, it is important to eliminate discrimination and prejudice against women, children, the elderly, foreigners, and people with disabilities, and to respect each other's human rights.
It's a good time to reflect upon what compassion and irreplaceable life means.
Information about Covid Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, vaccination tickets for the Omicron variant for those who will receive their third, fourth or fifth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. The vaccination for the omicron variant will be limited to one time per person. Vaccination vouchers are being sent out to those were vaccinated at least three months before.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again.
People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.
For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.
Also, as winter approaches, the spread of influenza or the flu always becomes more prevalent. And with Covid spreading at the same time, it is possible to get sick with both.
To reduce the risk of ending up with a bad case of the flu, getting an influenza vaccination is strongly recommended.
In fact, both the Covid vaccine and influenza vaccine can be given at the same time, if that is something you are worried about!
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages