福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2020.10.26[Mon] 09:00
【Today's Guest】
James Hendershot
owner of a bar
2020.10.19[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て)
【Changing Out The Wardrobe & Drying Out The Bugs!】
So, with cooler weather coming, we've go to think about pulling out all of those winter clothes that have been in storage all this time. In Japan, this is called “koromogae” which I'd guess I'd call “changing out the wardrobe”. And as Japan is a pretty humid country, there's a kind of technique or folk's wisdom that has been passed on through the years called “mushiboshi”, which will help you take care of your clothes. Have you ever heard of this “mushiboshi” or have any idea of what this means?
Well, if you don't, the English means “drying insects” , which might give you a hint. Basically, in order to protect your clothes from being nibbled on by clothes moths larvae, you should hang your clothes out in the fresh air for a nice drying. Choose a day when the weather is good and the air is dry. Not only will this help prevent bugs, but it will also remove moisture and prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Not only should you do this in October and November, this is when the summer insects tend to remain, but you should also think about doing this in July and August after the rainy season as well as in January and February when the air is dry. Three times a year is ideal for mushiboshi! I actually do a lot of this as a matter of course, I think I picked up the habit from some older students that I used to teach. I usually change out my clothes closer to November, as well as put away the summer blankets to pull out the winter blankets and kotatsu cover. I find that hanging everything out before storage does work and helps keep my clothes and blankets in pretty good condition, free of little wormy holes! I definitely recommend an Autumn airing and drying when you have time!
【Information from Fukuoka City】
Free Early Childhood Education & Childcare
Important information from Fukuoka City for those of you who have young children in your home. Did you know that fees for kindergarten, nursery school or other certified childcare centers, for children from the ages of three to five, have been free since October 2019?
However, you do still have to pay for things like transportation, school lunch and school events. Depending on the kindergarten or nursery school, use of the facilities may not be completely free.
If there is anything you don't understand about this, please consult with your local ward office. At the ward office, you can receive phone assistance in 18 different languages. This phone number is 092-753-6113. Again, for assistance in 18 different languages, the phone number is 092-753-6113. After connecting to an interpretation center, you'll be connected to the ward office. Just tell them which ward you live in and what you need help with.
Smoking Manners
Do you know the rules to smoking in public?
While you're walking or on a bicycle, you shouldn't be smoking. In Fukuoka City, especially where there are a lot of people in Tenjin, Daimyo and around Hakata Station, smoking while on the paths is actually prohibited. And actually, it's dangerous if you are walking and smoking where there are a lot of people.
Why is this? Well, if you bump into someone you could burn their skin or their clothes. And there are a lot of people who are bothered by the smell of tobacco smoke. Not to mention, those cigarette butts that just get tossed to the pavement can cause fires! Make sure you throw out your garbage where it is supposed to be thrown out. And if you do smoke while out and about, get yourself a little portable ashtray to carry around with you and be sure to smoke in designated smoking areas. By following the rules and minding your manners, everyone around can feel comfortable and safe. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
2020.10.12[Mon] 09:00
Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)
【Autumn Appetite】
Alrighty, well, we're already well into October, the rice harvest is done, autumn veggies are just about at their peak and it's time to tuck into all of those hearty, hot dishes that are perfect for the season.Autumn is such a delicious season in Japan. Not only are different grains, rice and sweet potatoesabundant this season, but you've also got so many other seasonal ingredients like pears, grapes and chestnuts to enjoy. It's truly a fruitful season in Japan and is, no doubt, a pleasure for those who live here and also one reason why Japan feels its four seasons are so clear.
Did you know that in Japan, when people think of Autumn, they also think of the expression “Shoku yoku no aki”? It translates as “Autumn appetite” but we'd probably say Fall is the best season for eating or Autumn is the season for hearty appetites, in English. But why would we be hungrier in the Autumn anyway?Some say it's because the appetite we lost due to the heat in the summer has come back in addition to there being a ton of delicious season ingredients out there for us to enjoy. However, it seems there might be a bit of science behind this as well, as our basal metabolism, or the amount of energy we need keep our bodies functioning at rest, increases.
Whatever it is, I know that I've definitely got an appetite this season! Some of the main vegetables in autumn in Japan are potatoes, carrots, shiitake mushrooms, burdock root and sweet potatoes. Those ingredients sound perfect for making some delicious hot dishes! I'd probably make a nice stew with most of them with a sweet potato bake for dessert. What recipes do you have for this season?
2020.10.05[Mon] 09:00
Other Topics(その他)
【The Harvest Moon】
So, how's your morning going so far? I have to say that with the cooler temperatures rolling in, the mornings and evenings have been very pleasant! Refreshing to say the least! And with Autumn and these temperatures come what we call the harvest moon in English. In Japanese, it's Chuushuu no meigetsu. This year, the harvest moon was on Thursday, October 1st. Did any of you manage to see it?
The celebration of the full moon typically takes place on the 15th day of the eighth month of the traditional Japanese calendar and is called Juugoya. Since long ago, Japanese have had a custom of viewing this moon which is said to be the most beautiful moon of the year. This moon viewing custom is called Otsukimi and it's a kind of tradition to enjoy the view of the autumn full moon once the weather has begun to become cooler.
During this time, dumplings and pampas grass is used to decorate and people give thanks as well as wish for a good harvest. And because the viewing is traditionally on that 15th evening, when you do Otuskimi, you're supposed to have 15 dumplings ready to go, stacked up in a pyramid shape. The pampas grass looks like rice and so, is used as part of the decorations.
Did you also know that in Japan, when people look at the moon, in it's shadows they see the shape of a rabbit pounding rice cakes on the moon? There's a fairytale about this moon rabbit, look it up if you have the chance. In the US, we often say we can see 'the Man in the Moon'. Man in the Moon's' face. The Seas of Serenity and Rain are his eyes; the Sea of Clouds forms his mouth; and the Seas of Islands and Vapors make up his nose. What do you see when you look at the full moon?
【Information from Fukuoka City】
How to Answer the Census
This year, in Japan, a census is being taken.
The census is done once every 5 years and takes a look at the living conditions of all people and households living in Japan, once every five years, including those of foreign residents.
The survey will ask for things like your date of birth, job, place of work or school and type of residence. In total, there are 16 parts to answer. From September 14th, census takers have distributed census forms to every household.
If you visit the census website, you will find information, in 27 different languages, on how to fill out the form. You can answer everything easily and conveniently from your smart phone or computer so please use the internet to fill in your census. If you use the internet, please use the Log-in ID and access key, written on the documents you received in your postbox, to log in.
Online census responses are available in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Spanish 24 hours a day. If you have any difficulties answering via the internet, please fill in the paper version of the census document and send it by post. Responses need to be received by the 7th of October.
Let's use the COCOA Contact and Tracing App!
Japan has released a Covid-19 contact and tracing app called COCOA.
If you are within 1 meter of someone who has contracted the virus, for over 15 minutes, you can receive a notification of this on this free app..
People who receive notifications from this app can receive a free PCR screening, if they decide to get checked anytime between the day of contact to within two weeks after.
The more people who download and register the app, the better we can prevent the spread of Covid-19. So, to protect yourself and those you love, download this app today!
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages