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2024.10.14[Mon] 09:00

【The Nakasu Festival】

Have you ever heard of "Nakasu Matsuri"? It could be described as a dazzling festival, held in Kyushu's largest entertainment district, Nakasu and this festival is held to express gratitude to the customers who visit Nakasu throughout the year.

This year, it will take place next weekend, on the Friday and Saturday nights of October 25th and 26th.

Nakasu's main street will be transformed into a pedestrian paradise, lined with around 60 food and drink stalls. One of the highlights is the "Nakasu Kunihiro Onna Mikoshi," where a total of 500 women carry mikoshi or portable shrines and parade through Nakasu. Another must-see is the "Oiran Dochu", where elegantly dressed oiran  or courtesans gracefully stroll through the streets in splendid costumes. These are sights that can only be experienced at this event.

Additionally, there will be stage events including shows and live performances to enjoy.

Why not take a trip to experience an enchanting night in Nakasu, at an event that only happens once a year?



【Fukuoka City International Foundation Information】

The Japanese Chatting Event in Tenjin

Have you been studying Japanese but would like an opportunity to chat more with Japanese people in Japanese? The Fukuoka City International Foundation is hosting an event where international residents and Japanese can enjoy conversations together. The event will take place on November 23rd, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at Acros Fukuoka in Tenjin, Chuo Ward.

Participants will form two circles, with international participants and Japanese participants facing each other. You will chat one-on-one about various themes for one minute. After each round, participants will switch seats and chat with the next person.

The event will be facilitated by Shintaro Fukae, a Regional Japanese Language Education Advisor from the Agency for Cultural Affairs. It’s a great opportunity to engage in conversation with many different people.

Participation is free, but registration is required, and the event is limited to the first 30 participants. Please search for "Nihongo Shaberiba In Tenjin" to register.

Enjoy the conversations and create connections that transcend borders!



Come and Listen to the 22nd Japanese Speech Contest by International Residents

On Sunday, October 27th, starting at 12:30 PM, the Fukuoka City International Foundation will be holding the 22nd Japanese Speech Contest by International Residents. In this contest, international residents and technical interns studying Japanese at schools or classrooms in the Fukuoka area will speak on various topics, such as their experiences living in Fukuoka and their dreams for the future, all in Japanese.

The event will be held at the Science Hall of Fukuoka City Science Museum in Ropponmatsu, Chuo Ward.
Admission is free, and no reservation is required.

Please come and listen to the participants showcase the results of their hard work and language studies!

For inquiries, contact the Japanese Speech Contest Executive Committee at the Fukuoka City International Foundation at 092-262-1744 . Again, that number is (092-262-1744).

2024.10.07[Mon] 09:00

Eye Health Day

October 10 is "Eye Health Day," a day to prioritize and take care of your eyes. Many people use smartphones, computers, and tablets daily. However, prolonged use of these devices can strain your eyes, potentially leading to a decline in vision, as well as causing other physical problems like stiff shoulders, headaches, and even nausea. In today’s world, where such devices are essential for work and study, it’s important to be aware of our eyes' health even while using these devices.

So, to help protect yourself, when working for long periods:

  • Sit up straight and keep at least 30 centimeters of distance between your eyes and the screen.

  • Adjust your desk, chair, lighting on the screen or the natural light in your room to suit your needs. Rest your eyes for about 10-15 minutes every hour.

  • Blink regularly to keep your eyes moisturized.

  • Look into the distance or at nature, such as greenery, when possible.

  • When you feel fatigued, warm your eyes with a steamed towel.

  • If you wear glasses or contact lenses, get your eyes checked to make sure your prescription is up to date for your eyes.

  • Your eyes can also be affected by UV rays, so protect them with sunglasses.

  • Finally, proper sleep and a nutritious diet are also essential for eye health.

Let’s make it a habit to protect the health of our eyes on a daily basis!



 Fukuoka City and Fukuoka City International Foundation Information

Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2024

First, I want to share some information on the Environmental Festival coming up in a couple of weeks on the 26th and 27th of this month. Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2024 will be held at the Fureai Hiroba on the West Side of Fukuoka City Hall and on the first floor of Solaria Plaza at the Solaria Zephyr space on Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of October. The event will run from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. both days, and admission is completely free.

At the Fureai Hiroba, a variety of food trucks offering delicious and fun meals will gather, including menus featuring eco-friendly ingredients such as keema curry and sweets. Additionally, with the cooperation of Fukuoka's basketball team, the "Rizing Zephyr," you can play a game where you shoot balls representing burnable, non-burnable, and PET bottle trash into the correct goal, learning about waste separation while having fun. The famous "DeLorean" from a certain Hollywood movie will also make an appearance, where you can sit inside for a photo op and there will also be a flea market, no doubt full of treasures to be found.

At Solaria Zephyr, high school and university students will take on quiz challenges aimed at becoming heroes to save the Earth, learning about the environment in a fun way. In the "Fukuoka Waste Art Exhibition," you can express your daily life through art, with stylish and ethical products available for purchase.

There will be plenty of events for both children and adults to enjoy while learning about environmental issues. So, head out to the city on that weekend and explore the eco-friendly practices close to us and have fun at "Environmental Festival Fukuoka 2024"!



October 22ndNaraya Community Center-Infant Interaction Class

For those of you with children, wouldn't you like to visit a place where you can have fun with your children? At the Naraya Community Center in Hakata Ward, a parenting exchange salon takes place every month. Every fourth Tuesday of the month, they hold an infant interaction class, called Yarana Hiroba, where parents and children can have a great time together.

In October, the class will be held on the 22nd from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The theme for October is "Parent-Child First Aid Training." To help you prepare for any emergencies with your child, staff from the Fukuoka City Disaster Prevention Center will teach first aid techniques. For more details on how to apply, please visit The Fukuoka City International Foundation's website or Facebook page.


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  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

