福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2022.03.28[Mon] 09:00
DJ's Recommend(DJのオススメ)
【Cherry Blossom Viewing & The Start Of A New Season】
In Japan, the end of March through the beginning of April is, as you probably know, cherry blossom season. In parks and at schools, along the roads and in people's gardens, there are loads of places to see the cherry blossom trees in bloom. The period in which they bloom is pretty short, usually only about one or two weeks. In saying that, despite the briefness of this season, get out there and enjoy these beautiful blossoms.
【About Hanami- Cherry Blossom-viewing】
For people who live in Japan, cherry blossom viewing is a traditional and popular event. Friends and family and coworkers all get out during this time to sit under the cherry trees and enjoy that time together, eating, drinking and taking pictures. Going out to enjoy the cherry blossoms and taking time to see the bloom is really one of those things you have to do in Japan. Fortunately, here in Fukuoka, we have a ton of cherry blossom-viewing spots to enjoy.
【Cherry Blossom-viewing spots around Fukuoka City】
Well, to start with, there's Maizuru Park and Nishi Koen park, probably the two most well-known places in the city. However, there are many more to discover and enjoy and you can find a decent list of them in Fukuoka Now, a free informational magazine and site with information for foreigners in Fukuoka City. They have a special list during this season of several different spots. You can search for “cherry blossom fukuoka now” to find that list or check the Life in Fukuoka blog for the link to Fukuoka Now's guide. Check it out and make a day of it with your family, friends and partners under the cherry blossoms.
I usually do a hanami party in Maizuru Park every year, but I really enjoy the sight of the cherry blossoms lining the waterway near Tsutsumi-danchi in Sawara-ku. I'm also lucky to have a huge cherry tree in my garden, so I can actually do hanami at home.
【Enjoying Cherry Blossom-viewing with the 3 C's.】
Covid-19 is still on the spread so as you enjoy this year's cherry blossoms, be sure to practice the 3 C's. Try to enjoy this time in small groups for shorter amounts of time and avoid big crowds. Make sure you also take all of your garbage home with you to keep things neat and tidy. It's only in this season that we can enjoy the bloom, so have a great time as you make memories under these beautiful trees.
【A Message for this New Season】
Life in Fukuoka started in April of 2020 which means from next week we are going into our third year! Thank you so much for listening to the program and to the Podcast these past two year. Please continue to tune in as we continue to share information about living in Fukuoka and bringing you information about different topics to help you enjoy your life here more.
We'd also like to hear from you! Send us a message if you have the chance to 761@lovefm.co.jp with the title Life in Fukuoka. Our program is on in English, Chinese, Korean, Nepali and Vietnamese each week and all of the Djs would love to hear from you.
2022.03.21[Mon] 09:00
Other Topics(その他)
【Bamboo Shoots】
Seasonal foods are something that I really love to take advantage of in my cooking. And, this season, we've got one of my favorites, Takenoko. Takenoko are the little shoots that grow underground beneath the bamboo stalks, and are just called bamboo shoots in English. They're an ingredient best eaten as fresh as possible so you should cook them soon after buying them. Freshly dug bamboo shoots can be eaten raw, but generally you need to boil them after digging them up.
The bamboo shoots sold at the supermarket have already been heat-treated so they're ready to turn into a delicious dish as soon as you're ready to whip something up. They can be used for a whole variety of dishes, like simmered dishes, stir fries and tempura. They've got a nice texture and really absorb the flavors of what you are cooking. The thicker bit at the bottom is harder but if you slice it up into thin strips or chop it up finely, it's great to steam with your rice!
Fukuoka Prefecture actually is the largest producer of bamboo shoots in Japan as well as the largest production area with a long delivery period from December to May. The bamboo shoots from Ouma, Kokuraminami-ku in Kitakyushu City are considered a top-class ingredient, nationwide. You can actually dig up bamboo shoots yourself if you want through some of the bamboo farms in the area. If you want to try those famous Ouma bamboo shoots, check out http://www.ouma-takenoko.jp/ for information on joining a dig. The season runs until April 17th and digs are on weekends and holidays. I think I might join one myself, because as I said, I love takenoko!
【Legal Consultation and Personal Counseling】
Now, I have some information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation.
The Fukuoka City International Foundation offers free legal consultation and personal counseling for the international residents of Fukuoka City.
Legal consultations are available from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM on the first Saturday of every month, and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month. Each session runs for 45 minutes and is completely free. However, you do need to make a reservation to consult with the lawyer. Free English interpretation services are also available so if you will need an interpreter, please mention that when you make your reservation.
Personal counseling services are available every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday with a Japanese clinical psychologist in English or Japanese.
If you choose to use these services, please know that confidentiality is guaranteed.
And to prevent the spread of Covid-19, measures are being taken so please wear a mask and disinfect your hands when you come for a consultation.
【Information on the Mail Magazine】
Now, I want to share a little information about Fukuoka City International Foundation's monthly mail magazine. The magazine, published in English and Japanese, shares news and information about international exchange events and cooperation and is available to everyone! Just search for FCIF in your web browser and sign up on the Foundation's website to receive that valuable information!
For notices from the Fukuoka City International Foundation, or if you have any questions or need to make a reservation, you can contact them during the week between 9am and 6pm at 092-262-1799. Again, the phone number is 092-262-1799.
2022.03.14[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Housing(住宅)
【Spring Allergies】
As the season begins to warm up, sugi or Japanese red-cedar pollen becomes a worry for a good number of us. Pollen is tiny and it floats on the air, getting absolutely every where. So what to do? Even if you vacuum or sweep in an attempt at keeping things clean, pollen just gets caught up in the air produced, flying around even more. So, in the house, if you're trying to clean the floor, one thing to do is to use a dust cloth or one of those swiffer type dry sheets to wipe the floor to keep the pollen from flying up. If you wipe the floor regularly and get an air purifier for the house, you'll find that you'll start winning your fight against not only pollen but dust and other bits.
If you're out for a walk, know that pollen will get all over your clothes. So when you get home, take off your coat in the entryway and lightly knock the pollen off of your clothes so that it doesn't get all over the house.
I don't have bad allergies, but I do feel a bit stuffed up as the season comes. I rely heavily on my robot vacuum and wipes to keep things cleaned up, good luck with your battle against pollen this year!
【Get things done earlier when moving house】
I've got some information from Fukuoka City to share with you.
March and April are busy months for moving house and as a result, the consultation desks at your local ward offices may be quite crowded. So, try to get any paperwork and other things for moving done sooner, rather than later.
If you find that you're too busy on weekdays to submit the notification of your move to the ward office then you'll be glad to know that there are several weekend days when the offices are open for paperwork related to moving in or out of the city.
On Sunday the 27th of March and Sunday the 3rd of April, Fukuoka City ward offices and their branches will be temporarily opened from 10am to 2pm to take paperwork in regards to moving in or out of the city.
If you are moving into Fukuoka City from another city, you need to submit the notification of your move to the ward office by the day that you move in. You also need to have the notification of the move out your previous residence with you as proof of a move.
If you are moving from one place to another inside the city you do not need the notification of the move out of your previous residence, you just need to submit notification that you have moved into your new residence within 14 day of moving.
There is now an online service available to make reservations with the ward office to take care of moving procedures. Reservations can be made even with a smartphone but must be made 5 business days before your desired date. You just need to send the date you want to go in, and information about your address change. With this system, the process at the consultation desk will take less time.
One more process that you should remember when moving is making sure you call to have your water turned on or turned off. You will need to have the notification of your move for this. Please call at least 4 days before you move to arrange this. The phone number for that is 092-532-1010. Again, that number is 092-532-1010
【Garbage from moving house】
Also with Spring and the moving season, this time tends to be when we see a lot more oversized garbage and so I've got some information on how to use the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center.
The first way to do it is by applying for pickup with the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center. First, contact them by phone or by internet, or even through the Official Fukuoka City Line Account, to put in your application and then purchase the appropriate oversized garbage disposal ticket at the convenience store or other shops.
The garbage pickup day will be roughly one week after you apply.
You must put out the garbage by 8:30am on the collection day in the designated spot.
The phone number for the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center is 092-731-1153.
Again, that number is 092-731-1153.
If you apply via the internet or Line, you can do so at your convenience, 24 hours a day.
For TV's, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers and air conditioners, according to the home appliance recycling law, there are specific guidelines for disposal.
You can have the old appliance removed by the firm installing the new one or you can contact the store where you originally bought the appliance. You can also contact the Best Denki or Yamada Denki in your city about disposal. Recycling fees as well as fees for collection and transport will be required.
2022.03.07[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)
【White Day】
The 14th of February, as you may know is Valentine’s Day. In Japan, women typically give
chocolate to the guys they love or to people who help them out in daily life. Seems a bit
one-sided, doesn’t it? Fortunately, in March, on White Day which happens to be the 14th of the month, it’s the guys’ turn to repay the favors they received. Valentine’s Day is more or less a global thing but White Day is still only celebrated in a few countries such as Japan, Korea and China.
It was around the end of Showa 40 or the late 1960’s into the 70’s that the idea of White
Day began to spread and, according to legend as they say, it was due to the sales promotions of one particular, long-established confectionary company.
In fact, this company is located in Fukuoka. The company, Ishimura Manseido, came up with the idea of Marshmallow Day. At first, most people bought confectioneries like white
chocolate, candy and marshmallows to celebrate the day, but nowadays, it’s an 'any kind of
sweets' kind of event.
There are often special sales events held and products made especially for the day, so go
out and treat yourself!
【Vaccination information】
Now, I have some important information from Fukuoka City to share with you. Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, inoculations for the third dose of the vaccine have begun. Residents of Fukuoka City, who are over the age of 18 and have received the previous two inoculations will receive the vaccination coupon for the third dose in the mail. If you haven't received that coupon roughly 7 months after your second dose, please phone the call center.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
For questions regarding vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese, Nepali, Vietnamese and Korean.
【Temporary special benefit to help give some support to households】
Due to the prolonged effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has put
together a temporary special benefit to help give some support to households which are
exempt from levy of the resident tax. The support benefit is 100,000 yen per household.
Households where all members are exempted from resident tax and other eligible
households will be sent a letter with the details of the benefits and the request to confirm
other details. You do need to follow a procedure to receive the benefits so please read the
letter, fill in the necessary details and send that information back within three months of the
letter’s date of issue.
If you need any help with these temporary special benefits, please contact the call center where they can help you. The phone number is 0120-018-092. Again, that number is 0120-018-092. Calls will be accepted from 9am to 6pm on weekdays and a number of foreign languages are supported, including English, Spanish, Portuguese and others.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages