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Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

2025.02.03[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Fukuoka's Ariake Seaweed】

Now in season, Fukuoka proudly offers one of Japan's highest quality laver seaweeds, Fukuoka's Ariake Seaweed. The Ariake Sea, located in the southern part of the prefecture, is one of Japan's three major seaweed production areas. This seaweed is known for its rich aroma, delicate texture, and umami that melts on the tongue From rice balls to toppings for various dishes, seaweed has long been an essential ingredient on Japanese dining tables. It's also a nutritional powerhouse, packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, dietary fiber, and more. Despite being low in calories, seaweed is a natural food that is rich in flavor.
The flavor and texture of seaweed vary depending on its place of origin, season, and grade. What makes Fukuoka's Ariake Seaweed so delicious is the abundant nutrients and moderate salinity brought by the rivers flowing into the Ariake Sea, as well as the unique tidal flats exposed during low tide. This combination of natural blessings and expert techniques results in an exceptional product. The seaweed season in Fukuoka's Ariake Sea runs from mid-October to early April. During this time, you can enjoy the fresh aroma unique to seaweed at its peak.
However, even the finest seaweed can lose its flavor if not stored properly. The greatest enemy of seaweed is moisture. To maintain its quality, store dried seaweed in an airtight container with a desiccant, in a dark place away from direct sunlight. While it can be kept at room temperature, storing it in the refrigerator is also recommended. Just before eating, lightly toast the seaweed over an open flame or heat it in the microwave to remove moisture and restore its crisp texture.
Now is the perfect season to savor Fukuoka's Ariake Seaweed. Pair it with rice and experience the authentic taste of Fukuoka!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Lifestyle Disease Prevention Month

February is Life-style related disease prevention month.
These are diseases that develop due to, as you may have guessed, our life-style habits.
Life-style related diseases include diabetes, hypertension, CKD or chronic kidney disease and heart attacks and are caused by a lack of regular exercise and by nutritionally imbalanced diets. Smoking, excessive drinking and stress can also cause life-style related diseases.
To maintain a healthy life-style, balanced and appropriately portioned meals, three times a day at regular times, is key. Constantly eating nutritionally unbalanced foods, like instant meals or greasy foods, can cause obesity and diabetes. They also say that chewing your food properly is important in a healthy diet as it will reduce the burden on your digestive system and strengthen the muscles around the mouth. Taking your time to eat, spending at least 20 minutes enjoying your meal, is suggested.
Regular exercise is also important as the loss of muscle mass due to a lack of exercise will affect your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic life-sustaining functions. If this rate decreases, it's more likely you'll gain weight. So make time to exercise to maintain your muscle strength and mass. For those who do not have many opportunities to exercise, walk when shopping, use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, or take other short breaks in your daily life to get about 10 minutes more physical activity than you do now. It will go a long way toward your health.
Sleep is also essential to your health. It plays an important role in our health as it allows us to get rid of mental and physical fatigue and boosts our immunity. But to maintain our immunity, it's important that we are getting enough sleep and that our sleep is good quality sleep. Avoid using your smartphone, watching TV, or consuming caffeine or alcohol before going to bed, as these will reduce the quality of your sleep. Instead, find another way to relax, perhaps by taking a bath before bed, or doing whatever is it you like to do to relax. It's important to live a stress-free life. Perhaps this is a chance to take another look at your own daily life-style.

2025.01.20[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Mandatory Helmet Use for Bicycle Commuting at Fukuoka Prefectural Schools】

The Fukuoka Prefectural Board of Education announced that starting this April, all students commuting by bicycle to prefectural schools in Fukuoka will be required to wear helmets. Currently, the helmet usage rate in Fukuoka Prefecture remains low, with high school students having the lowest rate of usage. Experiments measuring the impact on the head have shown that the force of an impact is approximately four times greater when a helmet is not worn compared to when one is used.

Approximately 60% of students at prefectural high schools commute by bicycle. Beginning with the new school term in April, school rules will include helmet use as a condition for allowing students to commute by bicycle. 

Promoting awareness of the importance of wearing helmets while cycling is directly tied to protecting lives. When selecting a helmet, choose one with the "SG Mark," which indicates that it meets Japan's safety standards.

For helmets to provide maximum safety, they must be worn correctly. Make sure the helmet sits evenly on the head at the correct angle, and adjust the chin strap so there is just enough space for one finger to fit under it. 

Not only high school students but everyone should wear a helmet while cycling, follow traffic rules, and prioritize safe driving to prevent accidents.



【Fukuoka City Information】

Beware of Norovirus

As you may know, winter is the season when it's very easy to get infectious gastroenteritis and food poisoning due to the Norovirus. It's a strong virus and even a tiny amount entering the body can lead to infection.

The virus can spread through contaminated hands, food, or inhalation of airborne particles from vomiting or diarrhea. You can also get it from foods that have been cooked by somebody infected by the virus. It can also be transmitted by eating shellfish, like oysters, that haven't been cooked thoroughly and are carrying the virus. 

Severe vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration. So if you think you have caught the virus, get checked by a medical professional as soon as possible. You'll recover in a few days but the virus can hang around for a week to a month, even in your stools, and so it is possible to infect others, something we need to be careful about. 

We can take measures to prevent the spread of infection, however. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before preparing meals, before eating and after using the toilet. Make sure you wash your utensils and cooking tools thoroughly after each use and disinfect them with bleach or boiling water. Alcohol disinfectants aren't that effective against the Norovirus, but heat is. Heat food to an internal temperature of 85–90°C for at least 90 seconds to kill the virus. So, make sure that when you cook, things are cooked thoroughly and that you wash any fruits and veggies that you don't cook. And, of course, if you don't feel well, try to stay away from  doing too much in the kitchen. 

If you feel unwell and need to visit a hospital, Fukuoka City offers a Medical Interpretation Call Center. It can assist with communication during hospital visits, including discussions with doctors or when you need to get a prescription. The service can also help you find an appropriate hospital if you’re not sure where to go.

The hotline number is (092-733-5429). It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, supports 20 languages, and is a valuable resource in times of need.

2024.11.25[Mon] 09:00

Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Indian Consulate General】

A new Indian Consulate General will soon be established here in Fukuoka. Currently, the only Indian consulate in Japan is in Osaka, making Fukuoka the second location. Fukuoka already hosts consulates from the United States, China, South Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand. With the expectation of more Indian nationals and companies working in Kyushu, the consulate is set to open in December.

The new consulate will issue visas, ensure the safety and support of Indian residents, and serve as a center for sharing information on India’s economy and culture. Fukuoka, the vibrant gateway city to Asia is about to get even livelier!



Fukuoka City Information

 World Aids Day

First is about World Aids Day on December 1st. Every year around the 1st of December, around the world, various events and activities take place, to deepen awareness and understanding of AIDS.

Even after being infected by HIV, definitive symptoms may not appear for a period of several years sometimes and so it is believed that there are a number of people who have been infected but will not be diagnosed until the onset of AIDS. By detecting HIV infection early and receiving the appropriate health care and treatment, the onset of AIDS can be delayed. 

Since there can be a period of several years without any noticeable symptoms even after infection, it’s important to get tested early, if you think you are at risk. At the health and welfare centers of each ward, HIV screening is offered. This screening is free of charge and anonymous. Screening is only on certain days so make sure you check which days before you go.

And, I don't know if you know this but the red ribbon is a symbol that shows awareness and solidarity with those affected by AIDS. The red ribbon announces to others that you have no prejudice against people affected by AIDS and gives that message that we will not discriminate against those living with AIDS. The red ribbon days are from the 1st to 7th of December and over this period, the Hakata Port Tower and the Fukuoka Red Brick Culture Museum will be lit up in red in support. So for World AIDS Day, let's all take the time to learn the correct information about AIDS and how to prevent it.



Illegal dumping of garbage or Fly-tipping

I hope this doesn't really need to be said, but dumping oversized garbage and household waste in the mountains, forests, by the seaside, by rivers, on the road, or in parks is illegal.

In Fukuoka City, at the end of the year, many people do a big house clean and a lot of garbage is produced. As such, December has been designated as “Illegal Dumping Prevention Reinforcement Month”. Activities will be undertaken to strengthen measures to prevent the illegal dumping of waste.

Fukuoka City has, in cooperation with the police, installed surveillance cameras and warning signs in places where illegal dumping is common and will carry out patrols of those areas. 

Home appliances like TV's, refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and dryers, air conditioners and the like, are all subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law and there is a set way to dispose of them. If you are buying replacement appliances, the shop will pick up your old appliance. If the shop will not take the old appliance, ask your local Yamada Denki to pick them up, or request collection from Renet Japan Recycle or SG Moving, disposal companies which have an agreement with the city. Please keep in mind that you will have to cover recycling fees and collection and transportation fees with these companies.
Also, when getting rid of your pc, please ask the manufacturer or contact Renet Japan Recycle to collect your PCs.

When making a request for the collection of unwanted items from your home, be sure to contact a licensed waste collection and transportation company. Using unlicensed companies can lead to issues such as illegal dumping or unexpectedly high fees, so please avoid using their services. 

2024.11.04[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)

【November Holidays】

As we enter November, let’s talk about some holidays dedicated to expressing gratitude. Japan is known for having many special commemorative days, and two of them in November stand out: Good Couple Day and Labor Thanksgiving Day

Good Couple Day on November 22 was created from a Japanese wordplay on the numbers (11= “ii,” meaning good, and 22= “fufu,” meaning couple). This day is dedicated to cherishing time together as a couple. It’s a wonderful opportunity to express appreciation and share thoughts that may be hard to say in everyday life. Many people celebrate it not only with their partners but also with their parents, married children, or friends who are couples. The day has become so popular that some couples even choose it as their wedding anniversary. There are also events, such as the “Nice Couple Award,” which is presented to famous couples who stood out that year. 

Labor Thanksgiving Day on November 23 is the last national holiday of the year. As the name suggests, it’s a day to express gratitude to workers. Originally, it was a harvest festival where people thanked the gods for the year’s crops and prayed for a good harvest in the coming year. Today, Labor Thanksgiving Day encourages the appreciation of work and the efforts of others. While there are no specific customs for the day, people often take time to rest, unwind, and share gratitude with family, friends, coworkers, and others who work hard around them. 

Both of these days are also a reminder to show appreciation not only to others but to yourself. Take a moment to recognize your efforts and give yourself some well-deserved praise for all the hard work you do! 



Oyster Huts

Next up, I have information on a popular winter tradition in Fukuoka. These are the oyster huts in Itoshima which have opened for the season! Each year around this time, local fishermen set up huts and vinyl houses where visitors can enjoy oysters, often called "the milk of the sea." They are rich in vitamins and minerals, low in calories, and packed with high-quality protein and nutrients that boost immunity, combat fatigue, prevent lifestyle diseases, and are beneficial for skin and hair. 

Itoshima’s oysters are known for being fresh, safe, affordable, large, and delicious, making them a favorite not only among locals but also among visitors from outside the prefecture. They are even available for purchase online, so you can enjoy fresh Itoshima oysters at home.

How do you like your oysters prepared? Raw, grilled, or steamed with just a squeeze of lemon or soy sauce is always a classic choice. They’re also delicious sautéed in butter and garlic or served as an ajillo.

In the past, when I've visited the oyster huts, I often brought a few seasonings with me. Some huts let you bring them. I think my favorite way to eat them was with garlic and butter, but we also found that adding some parmesan cheese on them was pretty good too!

In Japan, fried oysters (kaki-fry) are also very popular, and many restaurants offer this dish during the season. Be sure to try it if you haven’t—it's delicious! Be careful though, they're really hot when they come out and stay hot for a while, so when you bite into them, you might burn your tongue! Oysters add great flavor to soups and hot pots, making them perfect for warming up on chilly days. 

I can't say I often use oysters in my own cooking, I tend to eat them at restaurants during the oyster season as I trust the cooks there to cook them just right and bring out the best of their flavors. 

But, if you have any delicious oyster recipes, please share them with us! I'm always interested in trying new dishes!

2024.09.16[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Sing! HAKATA】

 I've mentioned it before, but September in Fukuoka is Music Month, a time when the city comes alive with music for the entire month. This week, I’d like to tell you about a citizen-participation music event, "Sing! HAKATA," which will be held this weekend at JR Hakata Station Square.

For the past 10 years, the Kyushu Gospel Festival in Hakata has been held, but it has now evolved into Sing! HAKATA, adding new genres such as choir and a cappella, alongside gospel.

The event will feature guest performances by famous artists and collaboration stages with radio programs. There will also be a general participation stage with three sections: gospel, choir, and a cappella. Attendees can experience the joy of singing together across a wide range of music, from classical to pop.

Sing! HAKATA will take place over the two days of this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, September 21 and 22, from 10 AM to 8 PM at JR Hakata Station Square. Be sure to drop by and join in the singing!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Tuberculosis Prevention Week

Tuberculosis Prevention Week is from September 24 to September 30. 

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the tuberculosis bacteria, primarily affecting the lungs. It is an infectious disease that spreads from person to person. In 2023, 140 new cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed in Fukuoka City. In recent years, there have been cases of group infections occurring in places such as Japanese language education institutions.

Symptoms of tuberculosis include coughing, sputum, fever, blood in the sputum, chest pain, fatigue, night sweats, and weight loss. The initial symptoms are similar to a cold. If you experience symptoms such as "a cough lasting more than two weeks," "sputum production," "feeling tired," or "sudden weight loss," please see a doctor as soon as possible. Early detection and early treatment are important not only to prevent the disease from becoming severe but also to protect your family, friends, and workplace from infection.

Although contracting TB does not always lead to the disease developing, if the body's immune system cannot suppress the bacteria, it can multiply over time and cause the disease.

To prevent infection and disease onset, maintaining good health through sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise is effective.

Even if you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, you can recover by following the doctor's instructions and taking the prescribed medication daily.

Fukuoka City has a Medical Interpretation Call Center, where you can get help finding a hospital. You can also use it when speaking to a doctor or receiving medication at the hospital or pharmacy. This service is available 24/7, every day. The phone number is (092-733-5429). The service supports 20 languages, so please feel free to consult them if needed.

2024.07.08[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)


Summer is just around the corner here in Japan, so here are some recommended beaches in Fukuoka City to visit if you're looking for somewhere to swim.

First, we have Seaside Momochi Beach Park in Sawara Ward: This beach is well-maintained for safety and comfort, offering not only swimming but also marine sports. Besides beach houses, there are restaurants and shops along the beach and the Jigyohama area sometimes hosts events such as music festivals.

There is also Shikanoshima Beach in Higashi Ward: Shikanoshima is connected to the mainland, making it great for a drive as the area is quite beautiful. The water is very clear, and the white sandy beach is stunning. The northern tip of Shikanoshima, Shirose, is the only diving spot in Fukuoka City, offering breathtaking underwater views.

Of course there's also Nokonoshima Beach in Nishi Ward: This island is rich in nature, featuring a campsite, accommodation facilities, restaurants, and shops. There are also playground equipment, an athletic field, and a zoo, providing plenty of activities besides swimming. The island's seasonal flowers are beautiful, especially the summer sunflower fields.

And finally, Ohara Beach in Nishi Ward: Known for its long stretch of beach, Ohara is one of Fukuoka's finest. With no obstacles, you can enjoy a relaxing swim. The beach houses are well-equipped, and you can enjoy marine leisure activities such as BBQ and banana boats.

So, even within Fukuoka City, you can enjoy nature and a resort-like atmosphere without having to travel too far! Have a great summer!



Fukuoka City Information

Warnings about Heatstroke

Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its temperature properly due to heat and intense physical activity, leading to an imbalance of body fluids and electrolytes. Symptoms of heatstroke include headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea.

If you are feeling these symptoms, and unable to drink water on your own, or if cooling your body and replenishing fluids and electrolytes does not lead to recovery, please call emergency services at 119 and request an ambulance. Particularly from July onwards, as the temperatures start to rise after the end of the rainy season, there is a rapid increase in heatstroke-related emergency transport cases. During this period, be cautious as the humidity is high and your body may not be acclimated to the heat.

Heatstroke can happen not only outdoors but also indoors, so caution is necessary. Here are some tips for preventing heatstroke:

Stay hydrated by drinking fluids regularly. You should drink things like barley tea or water during normal daily activities, and  rehydration drinks or sports drinks when engaging in physical exercise. Replenish both fluids and electrolytes when you sweat.

Wear a hat and use a parasol to avoid direct sunlight.

Use air conditioning and fans effectively to keep the room temperature below 28 degrees Celsius.

Use cooling items such as cooling sheets or ice pillows.

Maintain a balanced diet, get sufficient sleep, and manage your overall health.

Stay safe and cool this summer. 

2024.07.01[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)

【Hiyashi Chuka -Cold Noodles】

You may have begun seeing signs up on restaurants this time of year saying, "Hiyashi Chūka has started!"? Have you ever wondered why "Hiyashi Chūka starts" and what it means?

Although it includes the kanji "Chūka" which means Chinese cuisine, Hiyashi Chūka means "a dish with Chinese noodles chilled in cold water" and it originated in Japan. It's said that the arrangement of noodles piled high with toppings like cucumber, ham, and tomato in a radial pattern was inspired by Mount Fuji. The dish is seasoned with a refreshing soy sauce-based or sesame based sauce, making it a perfect summer meal.

There are various theories as to the origin of the phrase 【冷やし中華(ひやしちゅうか)始めました!】or “Hiyashi Chukka has begun!” , but it is commonly believed to basically express the idea, "Since it's getting hotter, we have started serving the summer-only Hiyashi Chūka. Please come and enjoy it!"

In the hot and humid summer when your appetite tends to decrease, this cool noodle salad of sorts is a highly recommended seasonal menu that helps prevent summer fatigue!



Fukuoka City Information

Information about the National Health Insuranc

In Japan, to ensure that everyone can receive medical care at a low cost and with peace of mind when they are sick or injured, it is mandatory for all residents to join a public health insurance system. People who are allowed to stay in Japan for more than three months and are not covered by their company's health insurance must join the National Health Insurance. This requires procedures at the ward office of the district where you live.

Those enrolled in the Fukuoka City National Health Insurance must pay insurance premiums. These premiums are an important source of funding used for medical expenses. The insurance premiums for the period from April 2024 to March 2025 were determined in June based on the previous year's income and other factors.

For those enrolled in the National Health Insurance, payment notices were sent in mid-June in a blue envelope. Please check the amount of the insurance premium listed in the documents inside the envelope and pay the premium within the payment deadline. Failure to pay the insurance premium may result in an investigation of your assets and the seizure of your savings or salary, so please be aware.

If you have any questions, you can receive consultations over the phone in 18 different languages. The phone number is [092-753-6113] . That phone number is for a interpretation center, so after speaking to a representative you will be connected to your local ward office. Make sure you tell them which ward you live in and that you want help with the National Health Insurance. 



【Information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation】

"Education and Career Consultation Fair 2024 for Children with Foreign Heritage" 

Now, I have information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation. Together with the NPO Tomoniikiru Machi Fukuoka Association and Fukuoka YWCA, the foundation will be co-hosting the " Education and Career Consultation Fair 2024 for Children with Foreign Heritage."

At this fair, education consultations will be provided for children from preschool to high school who have roots in foreign countries. Additionally, consultations on residency status with the Immigration Bureau and administrative scriveners will be available. The consultations are free of charge and available in Japanese, English, Vietnamese and Chinese. The event will take place on Saturday, July 13, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Fukuoka City International Hall in Tenyamachi, Hakata Ward.

For inquiries, please contact the Fukuoka City International Foundation. You can reach them via phone or the inquiry form on their website. The phone number is [092-262-1744].

2024.05.20[Mon] 09:00

Japanese(日本語) , Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Fukuoka Bordeaux Wine Festival】

For the wine lovers this morning, the "Fukuoka Bordeaux Wine Festival" is currently being held
at the Fureai Hiroba on the West side of Fukuoka City Hall. This festival marks the 35th
anniversary of the sister city relationship between Fukuoka and Bordeaux and the festival itself
is celebrating 7 years.
At the festival, you can enjoy over 100 different types of Bordeaux wines, along with delicious
local cuisine from Fukuoka. Additionally, the venue features authentic opera performances and
other stage shows. It's a popular event, attracting many visitors each year and the atmosphere
is lively and fun. It is a must-do event for wine enthusiasts. The festival is open from 5 PM on
weekdays and from noon to 10 PM on weekends and will go on until June 2nd. Be sure to check
it out!




【Fukuoka City Information】

Easy Japanese Radio

Have you heard
about this program? This radio program is for international residents who are still working on
their Japanese skills and is a chance to listen to easy Japanese spoken at an easy pace.
Information international residents will find useful in regards to living in Fukuoka will be shared.
The program is on every Friday from 9:54am. If you can't understand everything, or miss what
what was said, don't worry! You will be able to see the script for the program on Love FM's
website and also listen to the podcast as many times as you want. It's a great chance to practice
not only your listening skills but also pick up some new, useful vocabulary. So, tune in every



HIV Testing Week

June 1st to the 7th is
HIV testing week.
Just last year, medical institutions in Fukuoka City reported 34 new HIV infections and 7 AIDS
To prevent the spread of HIV, the earlier it is discovered, the faster it can be treated.
Even if someone is infected with HIV, few symptoms appear, which is why testing is necessary
to know if someone is actually infected.
Free, anonymous HIV screenings will be held at the health and welfare centers of each ward.
Screenings are on a specified day, so please visit the homepage of your local health and welfare
center before you go.
If an HIV diagnosis is made in the early stages, with proper health management and treatment,
the onset of AIDS can be delayed. So if you think you may be at risk, please get checked as
soon as possible.

2024.04.01[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)

【National Spring Traffic Safety Campaign】

With the arrival of April this week, we've stepped into a new fiscal year. From this Saturday, the 6th, until the 15th, we will observe the "National Spring Traffic Safety Campaign."

This campaign spotlights four key areas:

  • Ensuring roads are safe for children to navigate and promoting safe crossing methods.
  • Reinforcing the importance of prioritizing pedestrians and encouraging considerate and yielding driving behaviors.
  • Advocating for the use of helmets when riding bicycles or electric scooters and adherence to traffic rules.
  • Eradicating drunk driving.

Throughout this period, various initiatives will be implemented across Fukuoka Prefecture, aiming to address these priorities.

April brings new first graders into our traffic society, yet their understanding of road dangers remains limited. Furthermore, children's field of vision is much narrower than adults might assume, often not fully aware of their surroundings. Let's be vigilant of children's sudden movements and potential to dart into the road.

This time also introduces new students and professionals, and many will find themselves on unfamiliar  routes to school or work. Mornings can be a rush, reducing our time for caution. In our haste, let's not neglect safety checks or forget the spirit of kindness and sharing the road. It's vital that adults set an example of traffic safety.

Let's all once again remind ourselves of the traffic rules and elevate our commitment to traffic safety.

With a little more time and patience in our hearts, let’s ensure everyone’s journey today is safe. Safe travels!



Fukuoka City Information

Consultations for Foreign Residents

Is there anything worrying you as you settle into your new life here? Or maybe something you don't understand? Well, at the Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents, you can get information on things like residence procedure, employment, medical care, welfare, childbirth, child rearing and children's education, as well as referrals to the appropriate consultation centers. To contact the Consultation Support Center, please call (0120-66-1799). Phone calls will be taken between 9am and 5:30 pm on regular business days. The center is closed on weekends, holidays and over the new year. 21 languages are supported at that hotline.

In addition, if there's there's anything you want to know about  National Health Insurance, garbage or taxes, or procedures necessary for living in Fukuoka City, please call the Interpretation Center.

You can also call the Interpretation Center for consultation by connecting to your local ward office. The telephone number is (092-753-6113). Phone calls will be taken between 9am and 5pm on regular business days. The center is closed on weekends, holidays and over the new year. 18 languages are supported at that number.

Finally, if you are looking for help finding a medical institution, talking to a doctor at a hospital, or receiving medicine at a hospital or prescription pharmacy, the city provides a service called the Fukuoka City Medical Interpreting Call Center service which provides telephone interpretation to and from the call center.
Requests for interpretation can be made by foreigners as well as by hospitals and prescription pharmacies.
The call center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and supports 20 different languages. The telephone number is (092-733-5429).


2024.02.12[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Breaking World Match 2024】

Later this month, on February 24th, for those who are interested in dance and competition, you'll have the
chance to see Breaking World Match 2024, at Marine Messe Fukuoka here in Fukuoka City. "
Breaking" is an acrobatic dance competition in which dancers take turns performing acrobatic dances to
improvised music on a one-on-one basis to compete in terms of technique and expressiveness. Breaking has
been accepted as a sport for the 2024 Paris Olympics for the first time, and the Marine Messe event on the
24th offers an opportunity to watch the exciting performances of athletes who are expected to win medals at
this year's Paris Olympics.
The United States, the birthplace of breaking, and Japan, with high-caliber male and female athletes, will face
off. The competition will feature athletes who have already been selected to compete in the Paris Olympics, as
well as athletes with high world rankings. This battle, which can be called a prelude to the Olympics coming
up in six months, is sure to be a battle worth watching!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Fukuoka City Medical Interpreting Call Center

Fukuoka City has established the Fukuoka City Medical Interpretating Call Center to provide telephone
interpretation for medical care. This is to allow foreign residents who have difficulty communicating in
Japanese to receive medical care with peace of mind.
The call center can be used when looking for a medical institution, talking to a doctor at a hospital, or
receiving medicine at a hospital or prescription pharmacy, and provides telephone interpretation to and from
the call center.
Requests for interpretation can be made by foreigners as well as by hospitals and prescription pharmacies.
The call center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The telephone number is 092-733-5429. 
The call center supports 20 languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali, Thai, Tagalog,
Indonesian, Malay, Myanmar, Khmer, Mongolian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Russian,
Sinhalese, and Hindi. Interpretation services are free of charge, but phone call charges are the responsibility
of the user.

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  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

