福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2021.09.06[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【The New Rice Season】
Thank you for joining me again this morning. Speaking of the morning, what did you have for breakfast? Perhaps now that you're living in Japan it was a nice steaming hot bowl of rice? As you may know, rice is Japan's staple dish. And every year, from July, you can enjoy the new rice harvest, although to be honest, the real new rice season starts in the autumn. You'll see rice from Tohoku and Hokkaido appearing on the shelves from October.
If you've got a bag of new rice, here's a few pointers to steaming it deliciously. First, don't rinse it too vigorously. Use a little less water than normal and as soon as it's done steaming, loosen it up with the rice scoop. I've made the mistake of using the regular amount of water a few times and ending up with soupy rice....
Yume-tsukushi, Genki-tsukushi and Hino-hikari are the three types of rice produced in Fukuoka prefecture. If you have a chance, definitely try some of the new rice this season, it's just a little sweet and a nice treat. My favorite way to eat rice is with some kimchi and korean seaweed. It's simple but delicious. If I'm feeling fancy, I like a fried egg with a little sesame seed and soy sauce on top of the rice. How do you like to eat your rice?
【COVID-19 Vaccination information】
Now, I have some important information from Fukuoka City to share with you. I hope you have all received your vaccination notices from the city. In Fukuoka City, anyone over the age of 12 who is registered as living in the city should have received a COVID-19 vaccination notice in the mail. When you receive it, make sure that you have received both the vaccination tickets and the preliminary health check documents. If you have not yet received your notice, I will give you the phone number you should call a little later. Also, if the address you are at now is different from the address you registered with the city, make sure you go to your ward office to change that.
Once you have received your notice and made a reservation, you will be able to receive your vaccinations. You will receive 2 doses, 3 to 4 weeks apart. You can receive vaccinations at clinics in the area, at the mass vaccination centers in each ward or at the Chuo Wharf Cruise Center. If you choose to go to the Chuo Wharf Cruise Center, there is a free shuttle bus from Tenjin. There are also late night vaccinations available from 10pm to 8 am at the Fukuoka City Hospital.
If you are planning to get vaccinated, make sure you make your reservation in advance.
Please make sure you reserve a day and time before getting your vaccination.
If you can, make reservations for both your first and second vaccination doses on the special reservation website. If making a reservation online is too difficult, reservations can also be made by phone. In order to make a reservation, you must have the number that is printed on your inoculation ticket.
On the day of your vaccination, make sure you have 1 vaccination ticket and your preliminary exam sheet with you, as well as some kind of ID. The vaccination ticket is a sticker, so bring it as it is, on the sheet that it is attached to. DO NOT remove it from the sheet. You will use one preliminary exam sheet and one vaccination sticker at each appointment. Make sure you read the instruction manual before your appointment and fill in all necessary information in advance.
You will be given the vaccine in an area around your shoulder, so make sure you are wearing clothes that allow you to expose your shoulder area easily. Make sure you come wearing a mask.
The prepared number of vaccines must be used on the day, so unless you are feeling ill, please do not suddenly cancel your appointment.
For information on places that are doing inoculations and for the most up to date information from Fukuoka City, check the Fukuoka City homepage.
For more information about the vaccination program or to arrange for your envelope to be sent again, please call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.
It will not cost anything to you to get vaccinated. You will not receive a bill for the vaccination. In addition, you will not get phone calls or emails asking for personal information. Please be careful, there have been suspicious phone calls and emails recently.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages