福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
MON 8:54-9:00
2021.11.01[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Apartment Day】
In Japan, November 6th is Apartment Day. For most of us, this might not seem like a thing, but it seems that on this day in 1910, Japan's first wooden apartment was completed in Ueno in Tokyo. It was actually prohibited to construct wooden apartments with three or more floors for a long time, so this building was a big deal. The apartment was called the Ueno Kurabu or Club and was a 5 floor, 70 room apartment with a western style exterior. Located right next to Ueno Park, it was equipped with shared washrooms, bath tubs and telephones and residents paid to use the bath.
The people who lived in the building were mostly civil servants, company employees and teachers and there were no single residents. And it wasn't limited to Japanese residents only, Russian and French people also lived in the building it seems. This wooden apartment could be rented at a reasonable price but noises were surprisingly loud. And when living there, it was important to remember that you were living with others so you had to be careful of doors opening or closing, the sound of walking in the room, and voices in conversation.
In Japan, there is an expression 'Otagai-sama'. It translates as 'mutual' but it means that you and another person are in the same position or situation. If you can hear the sound of someone doing something in another room, then it means they can hear the same when you are moving around. Something important to remember as you enjoy your life in Japan.
【COVID-19 Vaccination information】
Now, I have some important information from Fukuoka City to share with you. Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind. In Fukuoka City, anyone over the age of 12 who is registered as living in the city and is eligible for vaccinations will receive COVID-19 vaccination notice in the mail. If you have not yet been inoculated but hope to do so, please visit the Fukuoka City homepage for information on where you can get your vaccination done.
The vaccine is free. You will be given 2 of the same dose, 3 to 4 weeks apart.
After you receive your vaccination, a sticker will be placed on your vaccination sheet. This shows that you have been vaccinated and which vaccine you have received. This is an important document, so make sure you do not lose it.
For information on vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese, Nepali, Vietnamese and Korean.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19 and Influenza】
With winter coming, the spread of the Flu becomes quite common. And with Covid-19 still being spread, it's possible to get sick with both at the same time.
So, to prevent that, with the same measures you've been taking to prevent the spread of Covid-19, like washing your hands, wearing a mask and keeping enough distance between yourself and others, please continue to do the same to prevent the spread of the Flu.
If you do get sick, to prevent it from becoming a heavy illness, you may want to consider getting the Influenza vaccine as well. If you do plan to get both the vaccine for Covid-19 and the Flu, make sure you get those injections done at least 13 days apart.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages