福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2022.05.16[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
Among the mountains of Fukuoka you'll find an area full of a number of different fruits that are famous throughout Japan. Of these, May heralds the arrival of cherries, as these delicious fruits come into season. And throughout orchards in Fukuoka Prefecture, cherry picking is a fun tourist activity for couples, families and friends alike.
These fruits can only be eaten for about 2-3 days after being picked if they aren't treated, so being able to eat them freshly picked is a delicious treat.
If you're planning on going cherry picking, here are a few tips for how to find the most delicious ones. First, you want to look for big, fat ones with no damage to the skin and make sure the stem doesn't look dried out.
If you are planning on keeping them for a few days, you can put them in the fridge but instead of the fridge, it's better to keep them in a cool room. If you want to chill them before you eat them, then put them in the fridge about two hours before you plan on eating them for the best flavor. I don't know if you know this, but my home state of Michigan is actually famous for its cherries. If you look in the stores here, you'll find Michigan Cherries, they're often quite tart but they are great for pies and other pastries. I made a Black Forest Cake in my patisserie class the other week and was pleased to see Michigan Cherries being used. A little taste of home, I guess!
【Information From Fukuoka City】
Light Vehicle Tax
Now I have some information from Fukuoka City about the Light Vehicle Tax.
People who are in possession of a motorized bike or a light vehicle, as of April 1st, must pay a light vehicle tax.
If you do have a motorized bike or light vehicle, you will receive a tax payment notification in the post, so make sure you take a look inside. Payment is due by the 31st of May and you can make your payment at a convenience store, bank or post office.
If you do not pay your taxes, like the light vehicle taxes, you may run into difficulties when it comes time to renew your residency visa and you may face having your assets seized.
If there is anything you don't understand or if you are finding it difficult to pay your tax, please contact your ward office for consultation. If you contact them by phone for consultation, 18 different languages are supported. That phone number is 092-753-6113. Again, that number is 092-753-6113. This phone number will connect to the Multilingual Interpretation Center. After registering with them, you will be connected to your ward office. When you call, make sure that you tell them which language you need to use, the ward in which you live and that you are calling in regards to paying your taxes.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages