福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2020.05.25[Mon] 09:00
An interview with a longtime Fukuokan from Greece
Tim Mastoris
Kensington Eikaiwa (http://www.kensington-english.com/)
2020.05.18[Mon] 09:00
Employment & Starting a Business(就業・起業) , Other Topics(その他)
【Hometown Flavors in Fukuoka】
So, with that, let's get to our topics for today. How long has it been since you arrived in Fukuoka? No matter how long, I'm sure many of you miss the flavors of your hometown. I know I do, and in some ways, I can get what we might call American food as there are plenty of fast food places in Fukuoka. Not exactly healthy though!
America is a big place and there are so many different cuisines, flavors, and famous dishes throughout the US, so it's hard to pinpoint what American food is exactly. It's not just steak, burgers and hotdogs!
Growing up in Detroit, some of my favorite things to eat in the summer were baked macaroni and cheese, barbecued chicken just dripping in a sweet smoky sauce, collard greens and cornbread. I won't lie, I'm a pretty good cook so the first three things I can do at home, but cornbread isn't easy to come by.
Fortunately, I have actually found some pretty amazing cornbread at The City Bakery, right in the second basement of Solaria Plaza. Apparently, The City Bakery was originally started in NY, so it makes sense that it has an American kind of flavor. When I first discovered the cornbread there, I was hesitant, and almost didn't buy it as I was worried it would only be an imitation of the deliciousness I grew up with. My first bite, however, threw my doubts out the window and I was ready to buy every last piece. I held back, that would only shrink my wallet and expand my waist.
But, I was happy to know that I could find a taste of home in Fukuoka. I'm kind of craving some cornbread now..hmmmm....
【Support for Foreigners on the Fukuoka City Homepage】
If you look at the official Fukuoka City Homepage, you will find a section on the site that provides support for the foreign residents in Fukuoka. It's simply called Support for Foreigners, and has information on living in Fukuoka and now has information in Vietnamese and Nepalese as well.
Just search for “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners”. Again, you just need to type “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners” into your search bar. It's a useful site with important information so definitely take a look.
【Information Regarding the 100,000 yen Monetary Relief from the Government】
This site will be a big help if you have any questions about that 100,000 yen relief money from the government that everyone is talking about, or if you aren't sure how to fill in the application form for that money.
In addition to the information on “Support For Foreigners”, on the Fukuoka City Homepage, a special telephone hotline exclusively for foreign residents has been set up to give consultations on the 100,000 yen benefit money. The hotline supports 5 languages, they are English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Nepalese. The phone number is 092-401-0826. Again, that number is 092-401-0826. Please call this number if, after checking the Fukuoka City homepage, there is anything that you don't understand.
【For Those Looking for Full or Part-time Jobs】
If you are currently looking for work, the Fukuoka City Employment for Foreigners section will help you with your job search. Consultations are available over the phone in English and Chinese. That phone number is 092-716-8608. Once again, for job search support, please call 092-716-8608.
If you are an international student looking for work, you should consult the Fukuoka City International Student Support Center. The Center will provide support for finding part time jobs and employment where you can use your translation and interpretation skills. That phone number is 092-725-9201. Again that is 092-725-9201.
2020.05.11[Mon] 09:00
Other Topics(その他)
【My Mother in Japan】
In Japan, and the US, Mother's day is the second Sunday of May, which was yesterday. So, what did you do for Mother's day? I gave my mom and call and sent her a few things that she wanted from Japan. She's actually visited me a few times here and always seems to enjoy everything that she finds. My mom is originally from Korea but has lived in the US for over 40 years now and she's pretty Americanized.
I remember the first time she visited me here, I let her loose on the city. I had to work that day and gave her directions on how to get around but, she got a bit turned around and had to ask for directions. She approached an older gentleman on the street and tried to ask him how to get to the subway. He seemed confused as to why she was speaking English and answered her in Japanese, she looks like she could be Japanese as well... so she tried again saying something along the lines of “hey dude, I don't speak any Japanese. I've got Korean or English. So, help. Where is the subway? You know, the uh..train. Choo Choo!” He looked really confused (she reported all of this to me after) and she said choo choo again. He made a funny expression on his face, but she didn't give up, she made motions with her hands pulling the steam whistle and doing the movement of the wheels with her arms, saying chugga chugga chugga.
Somehow, he understood her and pointed her in the right direction. After she came back and told me all of this wondering why he had looked at her so funny, I said that maybe he thought she was asking for a kiss...chuuu chuuu!
Ah, she said. Nah he wasn't her type. So that's my mom! What's your mom like?
【Information on “Support for Foreigners” on the Fukuoka City Homepage】
Next I'd like to mention that if you look at the official Fukuoka City Homepage, you will find Support for Foreigners, a site that provides support for the foreign residents in Fukuoka. This site has information on living in Fukuoka as well as support regarding the Coronavirus. Just search for “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners”. Again, you just need to type “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners” into your search bar. It's a useful site with important information so definitely take a look.
【Trouble With Living Expenses】
Due to the Coronavirus, there are no doubt a number of people who are currently unable to work because of temporary closures or have lost employment, and as a result are worrying about their living expenses. The Fukuoka City Council of Social Welfare isproviding consultation on special loans that are available for those who have been affected. For more information, please call 092-791-7266. Again that is 092-791-7266. You can also check the “Support for Foreigners” site on the Fukuoka City Homepage for more information.
【100,000 yen Monetary Relief from the Government】
The Japanese Government is planning to provide 100,000 yen per person to all residents, including non-Japanese residents, registered to the Basic Resident Registration Network System as of April 27, 2020. I know many people are wondering about this and details will be published as soon as they have been decided so please check the Fukuoka City Homepage for that information.
2020.05.04[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【A Japanese film I like】
I'm sure many of you have been staying at home quite a lot more these days under the state of emergency that Japan has declared. Catching up on books, organizing the house or even watching films? I've been doing all of that and am wondering, since you came to Fukuoka, what films have you watched? These days it's definitely a lot easier with so much available online. You can stay at home and pick from a huge selection of films! Have you found a new favorite film recently? I tend to watch a lot of comedy, and I like a bit of suspense and action at times as well. If I'm honest though, I don't actually watch that many Japanese films. I'm more of an anime fan and enjoy watching series...but recently, with the extra free time I've had, I decided to check out the anime film, Paprika. I actually looked up what Japanese movies were considered to be among the best and a few were anime. This particular anime was based on a novel and was directed by the late, great, Satoshi Kon. The movie went by surprisingly fast and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it. In it, a device is created to allow others into someone's dream. A psychiatric institute is using it, but the device is stolen meaning that the criminal can enter anyone's dreams. The main character is a doctor who has an alter ego, a cheerful woman named Paprika. Without giving too much away, the doctor herself, as well as Paprika, go in and out of reality and dreams, to save the world before reality and dreams become completely intertwined. I don't know if I'd call it my favorite Japanese movie, but I'd certainly watch it again and I might have to look at some of the other movies on the list I found.
【The state of emergency and the 3 C's】
Right now our own reality is a bit strange, I think. Hopefully it will all get back to what we call normal, but it is up to all of us! I mentioned this before in previous weeks, but it's worth repeating as we are still under the state of Emergency that was declared in Fukuoka Prefecture to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. The prefecture has asked that people avoid going out unnecessarily until Wednesday, May 6th. You aren't banned from doing things that are necessary for your daily life, like going to the hospital or getting groceries, but before you go out, consider where you are going.
There are three things you definitely want to avoid when you go out and those are:
Places with little or no ventilation
Places with many people around
Places where you're talking in close quarters with someone.
Each and every action will lead to saving lives. Be aware of not only protecting yourself from getting sick but also recognize that there is the danger of transmitting the virus to others nearby and take the appropriate actions to prevent that as well.
【Friday Ovation】
There are many people who have been affected by the novel Coronavirus, and it's important to remember that the people who are on the front line working to fight against the virus and bringing in measures to help the rest of us are the doctors and nurses and others in the medical fields. They are there every day, around the clock, trying to treat and prevent the spread of infection but at a great risk to themselves. They are the people supporting our lives.
To show them support, and to show them some thanks for the work they've been doing, every Friday at 12pm, we'd like to ask everyone to give them a huge (!) round of applause. Let's show them how much we really appreciate their work with the Friday Ovation.
2020.04.27[Mon] 09:00
An interview with a longtime Fukuokan from New Zealand
Duane Person
Manager at Cafe Gift in Daimyo (https://gifttenjin.owst.jp/)
2020.04.20[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
A Request On The Prevention Of The Spread Of The Novel Coronavirus.
As you know, on April 7th, a state of emergency was declared in Fukuoka Prefecture in order to prevent the further spread of the novel coronavirus. The Governor of Fukuoka has requested that residents refrain from nonessential and nonemergency outings until Wednesday, May 6th. In addition, it is important to remember and avoid the three C's.
These three C's are
Closed spaces with poor ventilation
Crowded places with many people
and Close contact with people such as close conversations.
Keeping these in mind, be sure to avoid events or large gatherings where one or more of these three C's might occur, to prevent the spread of the virus.
This declaration does not mean that the city is locked down. Trains, buses and other forms of public transportation will continue running and no roads have been closed so it is important to stay calm.
Fukuoka City requests that citizens who use certified nurseries or at-school children's clubs, known as rusukatei kodomo kai in Japanese, to take care of your children at home if possible. For details, please refer to information as it is released by Fukuoka Prefecture and by Fukuoka City via websites and other media.
2020.04.13[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
Here is information from Fukuoka City.
This is a request to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
On April 7th, the governor of Fukuoka announced a state of emergency in Fukuoka Prefecture to the citizens of the prefecture, for the period until May 6th, in order to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
More than ever, in order to avoid the three C's- Closed spaces with poor ventilation, Crowded places with many people and Close-contact with people such as close conversations, citizens have been asked to refrain from nonessential outings.
This is not a city lockdown so citizens are asked to please remain calm. Trains, buses and other forms of public transportation will continue running and the roads will remain open.
Fukuoka City also requests that families who use licensed day care centers or after school facilities, to please keep their children at home, if they are able to do so.
For more information and details, please check the Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City homepages for information and updates as they are announced.
That was information from Fukuoka City.
2020.04.06[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て) , Housing(住宅)
Let me introduce myself. My name is Colleen and I’m from Detroit, Michigan in the US. You might know Detroit as the hometown of Motown music, Detroit Techno and of course, the automobile industry. And you might know me, if you tune in on Saturday mornings, as the DJ for Earth Feeling, every Saturday morning from 8am to 10am. As I mentioned before, I’ve lived in Fukuoka for over 15 years, I came once as an exchange student for a program at Kyushu University and then came back only planning to stay for one more year! I suppose it couldn’t be helped, Fukuoka is a great place. I love the food here, goma saba is one of my favorite winter treats. When I have time, I also like hiking the nearby mountains, Sawara-ku and Itoshima are some places I’ve often been. In the summer, I like visiting the beaches at Mitoma and Shingu. I’m actually surprised they don’t get busier, in Michigan, even though the summers are a bit cooler and the water much colder, beaches get so busy with families and friends out enjoying the sun. There’s a lot more I love doing in Fukuoka, I try to find different events around the city and prefecture and I’ll be sure to pass that information on to you here on this program! So where ever you are from, whether it be the US or another country, if you’re a newcomer well, welcome to Fukuoka, it’s a great place to live.
Information From Fukuoka City
Did you know that there is a Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for foreigners that can give you advice on any worries or problems. If there is anything about your new life in Fukuoka that you don't understand or are worried about, please feel free to call the center. Consultation is available in 19 different languages. The phone number is 092-262-1799. Again that is 092-262-1799.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages