福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2023.01.16[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Making a Healthy Year the Goal】
After the New Year's holiday and New Year's holidays, when we've enjoyed ourselves to the fullest, many of us feel a bit more conscious of our waistlines. If that's the case, why not start a little exercise this year and make it a habit to keep you healthy throughout the year?
Whether it is jogging, swimming, yoga, or going to the gym, choosing an exercise routine that fits your personality, preferences, and lifestyle will make it last longer. And of course, along with your exercise routine, make sure to eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep.
Also, looking at a monitor screen for a long time, like on a computer, smartphone, or tablet, can really tire your eyes out. If you're feeling some strain from staring at a screen all day, it might be a good idea to warm up and relax your eyes.
An easy way to do this is to take a shower, just close your eyes, and just let that warm water run over your eyelids. Make sure you keep them shut tight so that you don't get water in them! Of course, you can't always just jump in the shower, so another way to warm your eyes is with a warm, damp towel. Make sure it's not so hot that it'll burn your eyelids. You can prep the towel in the microwave or by soaking it in hot water. If you combine that towel with your bath time, you'll get to soak and relax your eyes.
There are also commercial eye masks and facial steamers available on the market, so whether you use them, or something that you have at home, you can easily take care of yourself and enjoy an easy and healthy year!
【Info From Fukuoka City】
Be Careful about the Norovirus
As you may know, winter is the season when it's very easy to get infectious gastroenteritis and food poisoning due to the Norovirus. It's a strong virus and can be transmitted even with very little contact.
The virus enters your body via the food you eat or from your hands from touching something. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. You can get the virus through inhalation if someone with the virus in the area has been vomiting or had diarrhea. You can also get it from foods that have been cooked by somebody infected by the virus. It can also be transmitted by eating shellfish, like oysters, that haven't been thoroughly cooked and are carrying the virus.
Severe vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration. So if you think you have caught the virus, get checked by a medical professional as soon as possible. You'll recover in a few days but the virus can hang around for a week to a month, even in your stools, and so it is possible to infect others, something we need to be careful about.
We can take measures to prevent the spread of infection, however. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before preparing meals, before eating and after using the toilet. Make sure you wash your utensils and cooking tools thoroughly after each use and disinfect them with bleach or boiling water. Alcohol disinfectants aren't that effective against the Norovirus, but heat is. The Norovirus is killed at temperatures of 85-90 degrees Celsius.
So, make sure that when you cook, things are cooked thoroughly and that you wash any fruits and veggies that you don't cook. And, of course, if you don't feel well, try to stay away doing too much in the kitchen.
2023.01.02[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)
【The New Year and Fukuoka's Unique Tradition-Hatsumode, the First Shrine visit to 3 Shrines】
So, how are you spending the new year? Yesterday was the 1st of January and I guess a lot of people were at home with their families eating new year's dishes and hanging out. Did anyone climb a mountain to see the first sunrise? I just relaxed with my cats. I'll try to get out for some of the new year bargains but I'll wait until the crowds are gone. I know I'll probably miss out on the best deals, but I don't mind.
Speaking of the new year in Japan, there is a tradition called Hatsumode. Hatsumode is making a shrine visit at the very beginning of the year to pray that your year will be a full and happy year. It's a custom that has carried on from a long time ago.
In Fukuoka, the custom of hatsumode means to do sansha-mairi or three shrine visits in the new year.
If you plan on doing the three visits, you can visit your favorite shrine, or even one near your house, everyone has their own custom, but if you are planning on doing shrine visits in the Fukuoka city area, in Tenjin or Hakata, you could visit Kushida, Sumiyoshi and Kego shrines. Do you think you'll do Sansha-mairi this year? I usually do three shrines, Kego is almost always on the list, and I sometimes do Hakozaki and Atago, if I have time. There are a few shrines near my house, so it isn't too hard to get all three in!
【Information from Fukuoka City】
Information about Covid Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, vaccination tickets for the Omicron variant for those who will receive their third, fourth or fifth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. The vaccination for the omicron variant will be limited to one time per person. Vaccination vouchers are being sent out to those were vaccinated at least three months before.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again.
People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.
For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.
The Fukuoka Prize Presentation Ceremony
Fukuoka City honors those who have contributed to academic research, art, and culture in Asia by presenting the "Fukuoka Prize. This year's award ceremony, the 32nd, was held on December 22nd .This year's awardees were taiko drummer HAYASHI Eitetsu, art historian TIMON SCREECH, and Artist Shahzia SIKANDER. The award ceremony, held with great fanfare, will soon be available to watch on YouTube. If you are interested, just check the Fukuoka Prize website for the link to that video.If you are interested, just check the Fukuoka Prize website for the video link. That website is https://fukuoka-prize.org.
Fukuoka Prize: Invitation to an event with a past Fukuoka Prize winner
If the Fukuoka Prize winners are people that interest you, then you'll be interested to hear that the 17th Academic Research Award winner, historian Dr. Takeshi Hamashita, has been invited to give a lecture on Saturday, February 4, 2023. His lecture is titled "Considering Asia from the Sea" and will be held at Nishijin Plaza in Sawara-ku, Fukuoka City. For details, please see News & Topics on the Fukuoka Prize website.
We are currently accepting applications for participants, so if you are interested, please join us!
2022.12.05[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)
【The Nobel Prize】
On December 10, the Nobel Prize Ceremony will be held.
On 27 November 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament, giving the largest share of his fortune to a series of prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace to "those who have made the greatest contribution to mankind.– the Nobel Prizes.
In 1968, Sweden’s central bank established a Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel and currently there are now are six prizes given out.
Each year, up to three people can be awarded in each field.
The winners receive a cash prize, a certificate, and a medal.
This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a human rights activist from Belarus, a former Soviet republic, and to human rights organizations in Russia and Ukraine, respectively, that have worked for many years to protect the fundamental human rights of citizens and their right to criticize power.
Currently, 615 prizes have been awarded to 989 laureates.
By country, the United States is in first place, the United Kingdom in second, and Germany in third. In terms of Asian countries other than Japan, India is in first place, followed by China and Taiwan in second place with the same number of entries. Who do you think will be awarded this year? It's something to keep an eye on!
【Fukuoka City Information】
World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City about World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week. Human rights" refers to the right to "live like a human being" that each individual has from birth.
December 10 is World Human Rights Day, a day to think about "human rights" not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world.
December 4 to 10 is Human Rights Week, and Fukuoka City also observes "Respect for Human Rights Week," which aims to make Fukuoka City a better place to live, where human rights are respected, and there is no discrimination.
While you are irreplaceable, others are also irreplaceable. This is an important week to know that each of us is important.
In order to realize a society where "no one is left behind" as stated in the SDGs, it is important to eliminate discrimination and prejudice against women, children, the elderly, foreigners, and people with disabilities, and to respect each other's human rights.
It's a good time to reflect upon what compassion and irreplaceable life means.
Information about Covid Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, vaccination tickets for the Omicron variant for those who will receive their third, fourth or fifth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. The vaccination for the omicron variant will be limited to one time per person. Vaccination vouchers are being sent out to those were vaccinated at least three months before.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again.
People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.
For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.
Also, as winter approaches, the spread of influenza or the flu always becomes more prevalent. And with Covid spreading at the same time, it is possible to get sick with both.
To reduce the risk of ending up with a bad case of the flu, getting an influenza vaccination is strongly recommended.
In fact, both the Covid vaccine and influenza vaccine can be given at the same time, if that is something you are worried about!
2022.11.28[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Getting Through December】
In Japan, the months of the year have two names. One is the number of the month, the way we normally refer to the month. December is juu-ni gatsu, juu-ni meaning 12. However the other name for December is "shiwasu. The Chinese characters for the name are teacher or master and run, and so, the popular theory is that this name originates from "the busy month when master monks run around from east to west to give sutra chantings.
In the old days, the 13th of December was considered the "start of the New Year," and people would do susuharai, which was cleaning the house of dirt that had accumulated over the year as well as prepare pine trees for kadomatsu or the pine tree decorations you see at people's gates and entrances during the new year. All of this is now just called O-Soji or the Big Clean Up.
From the 22nd, the winter solstice which is called Toji in Japanese and the shortest day of the year, the days start to get really cold. Yuzu comes into season at this time and there's a tradition of taking a bath with this citrus fruit floating in it. It is supposed to keep you healthy throughout the winter and help to prevent you from catching a cold.
2022 will be at an end soon, despite just being at the start of December. How should we get everything done so that we can greet the new year relaxed and in good health?
Well, plan ahead and imagine the order in which you want to get everything done. It's also a good idea to make a shopping list and a to-do list with dates on the calendar marked to motivate you to get things done. If you've got a lot on your plate to finish up before the end of 2022, it'll be important to stay organized. In saying that, make sure you enjoy the holiday season as well, don't get caught up work too much!
【Info from Fukuoka City】
World Aids Day
Now I have a few announcements from Fukuoka City.
First is about World Aids Day on December 1st. Every year around the 1st of December, around the world, various events and activities take place, to deepen awareness and understanding of AIDS.
Even after being infected by HIV, definitive symptoms may not appear for a period of time and so it is believed that there are a number of people who have been infected but will not be diagnosed until the onset of AIDS. By detecting HIV infection early and receiving the appropriate health care and treatment, the onset of AIDS can be delayed.
At the health and welfare centers of each ward, HIV screening is offered. This screening is free of charge and anonymous. So, if you think you may be at risk, get checked as soon as possible. Screening is only on certain days so make sure you check which days before you go.
And, I don't know if you know this but the red ribbon is a symbol that shows awareness and solidarity with those affected by AIDS. The red ribbon announces to others that you have no prejudice against people affected by AIDS and gives that message that we will not discriminate against those living with AIDS. The red ribbon days are from the 1st to 7th of December and over this period, the Hakata Port Tower and the Fukuoka Red Brick Culture Museum will be lit up in red in support. So for World AIDS Day, let's all take the time to learn the correct information about AIDS and how to prevent it.
Illegal dumping of garbage or Fly-tipping
I hope this doesn't really need to be said, but dumping oversized garbage and household waste in the mountains, forests, by the seaside, by rivers, on the road, or in parks is illegal.
In Fukuoka City, at the end of the year, many people do a big house clean and a lot of garbage is produced. As such, December has been designated as “Illegal Dumping Prevention Reinforcement Month”. Activities will be undertaken to strengthen measures to prevent the illegal dumping of waste.
Fukuoka City has, in cooperation with the police, installed surveillance cameras and warning signs in places where illegal dumping is common and will carry out patrols of those areas. Home appliances like TV's, refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and dryers, air conditioners and the like, are all subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law and there is a set way to dispose of them. If you are buying replacement appliances, the shop will pick up your old appliance. In Fukuoka City, you can speak with Yamada Denki for help with this.
When disposing of these items, recycling fees or collection and transportation fees are necessary.
Traders who advertise “Free pick-up for items you don't need” through flyers and the internet, are illegal collectors who have not received permission from Fukuoka City. Please do not use these unauthorized collectors as problems such as illegal dumping, high fees and improper processing of waste may occur.
2022.10.31[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Things to be careful about as the season changes】
Well, we are now in November and it's the time of year when that cold of winter creeps in. And although the weather in this month of seasonal change is relatively pleasant, it's also a time when people tend to feel a bit under the weather. The main reason is due to the difference in temperature messing with your nervous system. The temperature difference between day and night is pretty big during this time and your body has to work hard adjusting your body temperature and perspiration rate at a dizzying pace which throwns your nervous system off balance.
As a result, symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, stiff shoulders, rough skin, and lethargy start to show up. Some people say it's at this time of the year when shoulders tend to stiffen the most.
To get through this time of year in good health, we should take better care of our bodies than usual by eating a well-balanced diet, getting enough sleep, taking a bath to promote blood circulation, and listening to music to relax. That doesn't sound so terrible, does it?! Also be careful of the dry air and the sudden drops in temperature over the season, and try not to catch a cold as it is cold season. I wish the best of health to you all through the winter!
【Fukuoka City Information】
Information about Covid Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, vaccination tickets for the Omicron variant for those who will receive their third or fourth doses of the vaccine have started being sent out. Currently, tickets for the fourth dose are being sent out.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again.
People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.
For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English.
Covid and Influenza Prevention
Also, as winter approaches, the spread of influenza or the flu always becomes more prevalent.
And with Covid spreading at the same time, it is possible to get sick with both.
So, in order to prevent that, keep doing what you've been doing to prevent the spread of Covid. Meaning that you should keep washing your hands, wearing a mask and maintaining distance from others. By doing all of this, you can also help to prevent the spread of the flu. Getting an influenza vaccination is also recommended to help prevent the sickness from becoming too heavy if you do get sick. In fact, both the Covid vaccine and influenza vaccine can be given at the same time, if that is something you are worried about!
2022.09.19[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Delicious Asian Pears】
It's the season for sweet and juicy nashi or asian pears. Sometimes they're also called apple pears. They are in season from July to November in Fukuoka prefecture and you should be able to find them in supermarkets and veggie shops pretty easily now.
Right now, the pears you'll find in season in the shops are called Akizuki, Niitaka or Shinkou.
The way to choose a pear is to look at the skin and make sure it looks firm. The pear should still be hard and feel heavy. The bigger the pear, the better, the big ones are delicious.
If you buy a bunch and are trying to keep them as fresh as possible for as long as possible, makes sure you don't let them dry out. Keep them in a well sealed plastic bag in the fridge. You can keep them for one to two weeks that way, I've had some pears last nearly a month. Although the pears are sweet, they are low in calories and are said to help prevent cavities from forming. I wonder if it's their texture, that kind of helps to clean your teeth a bit while you're chewing, like with apples. Anyway, they make a great and healthy dessert if you're trying to keep away from other sweets! We cut them up and keep them in storage containers for handy anytime snacks. I think this season might be my favorite fruit season.
【Fukuoka City Information】
Tuberculosis Prevention Week
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City about Tuberculosis Prevention Week from the 24th to the 30th of September.
Tuberculosis is a disease that causes inflammation of the lungs mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted person to person.
In 2022, 138 people in Fukuoka City were diagnosed with tuberculosis.
Symptoms of tuberculosis include coughing, phlegm, fever, bloody phlegm, chest pain, lethargy, night sweats and or weight loss. In the beginning, it does resemble the common cold.
If you've noticed that you've had a cough for over two weeks, have had a lot of phlegm, you've felt lethargic or you've suddenly lost weight, please see a medical professional for an exam as soon as possible. The earlier it is detected, the earlier it can be treated preventing it from becoming a serious illness. It is important to prevent spreading illness to family, friends and those at the workplace who are important to us.
Even if you are infected, tuberculosis does not always develop, however if your body cannot fight the tubercle bacillus, over time, an infection may develop.
If you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, you can fight it off by taking the proper medication every day according to your doctor's orders.
And, to prevent the spread or start of infections, make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat a good, balanced diet and get enough exercise. Making an effort every day to live healthily is the most effective prevention.
In Fukuoka City, there is the Fukuoka City Medical Interpreting Call Center service available if you do need to find a hospital or need some advice. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The phone number for that service is 092-733-5429. Again, that number is 092-733-5429. Interpretation is available in 20 different languages.
2022.09.05[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)
【Kui-shin-bou no hi- The Foodie's Day】
Did you know that the 14th of September is Kuishinbo no hi? It's a bit of word play on the date 9/14 in Japanese but what exactly is a Kuishinbo? Well, it's a glutton but that does bring to mind a sloppy and voracious eater. You could say it is a gourmand, but that sounds a bit fancy. These days we'd probably say a foodie, someone who really likes to eat. There's actually a magazine that caters to these Kuishinbo and introduces the pleasures of various foods. This magazine is called Dancyu (Dan Chew)and is put out by the company, President Incorporated.
From 2021, the magazine made its aim to make meals tastier and more enjoyable as well as to remember to thank food producers, chefs and the others who are involved in the food we have in our lives.
In Fukuoka City, we have so many delicious foods and ingredients all around us. Not only Japanese restaurants but the number of foreign food restaurants have also increased. What food reminds you of when you were a kid? Why not try making it again here? It can be a little difficult to find all the ingredients you need sometimes but if you look around and do a little research, you can probably get your hands on nearly everything you need. Personally, kimchi chige with a ton of tofu reminds me of my childhood and getting what I need to make it here is really easy!
【Infomation From Fukuoka City】
Information about Covid vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, inoculation tickets for the third and fourth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. Residents who have received the previous two or three inoculations will receive the vaccination coupon for the next dose in the mail, roughly 5 months after their last dose if you are eligible.
Vaccination coupons for the fourth dose will be sent to people over the age of 60 who have had three previous doses, and to people between the ages of 18 to 59 who have underlying illnesses or who are healthcare workers, or workers in facilities for the elderly and the disabled.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center.
You can also phone that call center to register if you have an underlying illness.
Vaccinations for children between the ages of 5 and 11 are also being done.
People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.
For questions regarding vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English.
The Fukuoka Prize
Now, I have some information to share with you about the Fukuoka Prize. Fukuoka City honors those who have contributed to academic research, art and culture in Asia by awarding the Fukuoka Prize. This year, the laureates of the 32nd Fukuoka Prize are Taiko drummer Eitestu Hayashi, who will get the Grand Prize. The Academic Prize goes to Art Historian Timon Screech and the Arts and Culture Prize will go to Artist Shahzia Sikander. The three laureates will gather in Fukuoka in September to each hold a public lecture. The Grand Prize Public Lecture is a particularly noteworthy event, as visitors will be able to enjoy a free taiko drum performance by Eitetsu Hayashi. The other public lectures with Mr. Screech and Ms. Sikander are also valuable opportunities to experience Edo art and contemporary art. These events are free to attend and you can even watch them online after the event so definitely apply if you are interested.
For more information on the events, please search "Fukuoka Prize" or visit the event page on Fukuoka Prize official website.
2022.08.01[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Conserving Electricity】
Well, it's the season in which we all see our electricity bills jump as we all try to survive the heat of summer. This year though, the government has issued a request asking the residents of the country to try and conserve energy and balance out its use.
Basically, what they are asking is for each household to reduce the amount of energy used, within a reasonable range. Of course cutting energy use will cut costs, so take a look at where you can reduce your energy use and save a little money while you're at it. Unplugging appliances that aren't being used will help. In English, some appliance are referred to as Vampire appliances as they will continue to suck energy even when they seem to be off, but their little clocks or even standby mode will use energy. Computers and related equipment, video game consoles, tablet and cell phone chargers and household items with clocks like microwaves and DVD players all suck energy.
Another suggestion is to setting the air conditioner at about 28 degrees, that's the eco-mode on my machine, or using a room fan to keep air circulating to avoid having to blast the air conditioner. Also try not to overload your fridge, it heats up as it tries to keep things cool and don't spend too long with its doors open as you look for an afternoon snack or try to figure out what to cook for dinner. I'm guilty of that.
Turn off lights when you aren't in the room and try to use the outside light during the day if you can. Be careful though, on hot days, it is possible to get heat stroke, even if you are indoors, elderly people and young children are especially susceptible. So,reduce what energy you can within a reasonable amount, but don't forget to take care of your and your family's well-being and health.
【Info From Fukuoka City】
Covid-19 Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, inoculation tickets for the third and fourth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. Residents who have received the previous two or three inoculations will receive the vaccination coupon for the next dose in the mail, roughly 5 months after their last dose.
Vaccination coupons for the fourth dose will be sent to people over the age of 60 who have had three previous doses, and to people between the ages of 18 to 59 who have underlying illnesses.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center.
You can also phone that call center to register if you have an underlying illness.
Vaccinations for children between the ages of 5 and 11 have also begun.
People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.
For questions regarding vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English.
2022.07.04[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Foods to Prevent Summer Fatigue】
Well, we are now already in July and I'm pretty sure you've been feeling the heat. If it is your first summer here in Japan, how are you doing so far? You might start to hear a word, 'Natsu -Bate' this season, it roughly translates to summer fatigue and it's basically the summer heat doing a number on your body and how you feel.
Fortunately, a lot of foods this season are high in nutritional value and will help prevent this summer fatigue, so if you're wise while prepping your meals and get in the right kinds of nutrients, it'll help you get through what can often be a long and tough summer.
One of these foods is goya, a kind of bitter gourd. It's full of the kind of nutrients that we need in the summer and don't get enough of, and although it's bitter when raw, cooked, it can be used in stir-fries, simmered dishes and a number of other meals. It's still a little bitter cooked but I'd say it's about as bitter as green peppers. It's a pretty popular July ingredient. I personally like it in Goya Champuru, a kind of Okinawan stir-fried dish which you can easily find at a number of izakaya or even at the supermarket in the prepared foods section.
Edamame or green soybeans are another summer food that definitely make regular appearances on hot summer evenings with a cold, cold beer. You'll often see edamame paired with drinks on izakaya menus in July, but actually even without the booze, edamame are delicious and great sources of protein and potassium, a really nutritious vegetable to have on hand. Just wash them, give them a quick boil or heat them up in the microwave and snack away!
You can find these veggies at your local supermarket or convenience store. Whether it's these or something else to eat, make sure you eat well to get through the summer feeling great.
【Infomation From Fukuoka City】
Covid-19 Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, inoculation tickets for the third and fourth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. Residents who have received the previous two or three inoculations will receive the vaccination coupon for the next dose in the mail, roughly 5 months after their last dose.
Vaccination coupons for the fourth dose will be sent to people over the age of 60 who have had three previous doses, and to people between the ages of 18 to 59 who have underlying illnesses.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center.
You can also phone that call center to register if you have an underlying illness.
Vaccinations for children between the ages of 5 and 11 have also begun.
For questions regarding vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English.
2022.06.06[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)
【Umbrella Day】
So it seems that June 11th is “Umbrella Day” or Kasa no Hi in Japan. It seems to be a reminder that June is when most of the country is hit by rainy season, so before it gets too wet, makes sure you've got a sturdy umbrella ready to handle the weather!
If you've got a good umbrella at home, do you know the right way to take care of it to make sure it lasts a good few years?
It's pretty simple for the most part. If you have to use your umbrella, after you get home, you should wipe it down to get most of the moisture off and then leave it open to dry in an area where you get some air flow. Although in the US, we have a superstition that it's bad luck to open an umbrella inside, it might actually be bad luck if you don't. The metal joints in the umbrella will rust if they stay wet and your umbrella won't last as long as it should.
I'm sure quite a few people have the clear umbrellas they sell at convenience stores, but as they all look exactly alike, it's pretty easy to accidentally take someone else's or have yours taken. To prevent that, put a sticker or some kind of charm on it. It's a pretty easy solution for a common problem.
By the way, if your umbrella does break, make sure you throw them out in the blue garbage bag. If the handle sticks out of the bag, it's fine. It's also okay if the cloth or vinyl is still on the frame when you throw it out.
If you get suddenly get caught in the rain without an umbrella, fear not, there's an umbrella share service in the city called I-KASA and you can get more information about that and how to sign up if you check out their website www.i-kasa.com. Good luck staying dry this rainy season.
【Information from Fukuoka City】
Covid-19 Vaccinations
Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, inoculation tickets for the third and fourth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. Residents who have received the previous two or three inoculations will receive the vaccination coupon for the next dose in the mail, roughly 5 months after their last dose.
Vaccination coupons for the fourth dose will be sent to people over the age of 60 who have had three previous doses, and to people between the ages of 18 to 59 who have underlying illnesses.
When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center.
You can also phone that call center to register if you have an underlying illness.
Vaccinations for children between the ages of 5 and 11 have also begun.
For questions regarding vaccinations or to make a reservation, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages