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Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

2024.01.08[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Gen-Katsugi -Keeping a lucky streak】

University entrance examinations are coming up this weekend in Japan.

Students have been furiously studying and are all hoping for good results. Actually, in  Japan, there is a custom called "Gen-Katsugi," which is an action or behavior that one performs in the hope of a good result. We repeat the actions we have done in past that have resulted in success, things like using the same pencil for a test or wearing lucky socks. In Japan, people also eat lucky foods if they have an exam or big competition. Some of it is based on word play like with pork cutlets, tonkatsu because katsu means to win in Japanese. Omusubi, which are rice balls, has the meaning of “to tie”, so people want to tie their efforts to success. Sticky foods are also good luck, it seems.  Other things people do include cleaning and grooming oneself for good luck, and paying a visit to a Buddhist temple. It is also believed that wishes come true when they are spoken aloud, and that power resides in the words that are uttered, an effect known as "kotodama" (the spirit of speech).

Of course, wishes cannot come true without effort, but it might be worth it to make a wish to relieve any test anxiety and calm your mind, or to cheer up your loved ones.

So, to all the students, their families, and supporters for their hard work over the long period of time, I wish you all the best. The time has come to put those study efforts to work. Take care of yourself physically and mentally so that you are ready and good luck on your exams!



Fukuoka City Information

Be Careful about the Norovirus

As you may know, winter is the season when it's very easy to get infectious gastroenteritis and food poisoning due to the Norovirus. It's a strong virus and can be transmitted even with very little contact.

The virus enters your body via the food you eat or from your hands from touching something. It causes vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. You can get the virus through inhalation if someone with the virus in the area has been vomiting or had diarrhea. You can also get it from foods that have been cooked by somebody infected by the virus. It can also be transmitted by eating shellfish, like oysters, that haven't been thoroughly cooked and are carrying the virus.

Severe vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration. So if you think you have caught the virus, get checked by a medical professional as soon as possible. You'll recover in a few days but the virus can hang around for a week to a month, even in your stools, and so it is possible to infect others, something we need to be careful about.

We can take measures to prevent the spread of infection, however. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before preparing meals, before eating and after using the toilet. Make sure you wash your utensils and cooking tools thoroughly after each use and disinfect them with bleach or boiling water. Alcohol disinfectants aren't that effective against the Norovirus, but heat is. The Norovirus is killed at temperatures of 85-90 degrees Celsius.

So, make sure that when you cook, things are cooked thoroughly and that you wash any fruits and veggies that you don't cook. And, of course, if you don't feel well, try to stay away from  doing too much in the kitchen.

2023.11.27[Mon] 09:00

Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

Itoshima Oyster Huts

The season of "oyster huts," a winter tradition in Fukuoka, has arrived, and I'm sure, if you have been before, many of you are probably looking forward to it again this year!

Every year at this time of year, a row of huts and green house style buildings, directly operated by the local fishermen, open at six fishing ports in Itoshima for a limited time only.
The oyster huts in Itoshima have actually become so popular over the past few years that one could almost call it a boom! They are popular not only among locals, but also among travelers from Japan and abroad, with many repeat customers, and the number of visitors is increasing every year.
Oysters are so rich in nutrients that they are called the "milk of the sea." Oysters are in season during the cold winter season, and the oysters from Itoshima are fresh, safe, large, and delicious, while being reasonably priced.

Oysters, fresh in their shells are ordered by the kilogram, and are  simply grilled over a charcoal or gas fire. Open the shells with a special knife and eat them with lemon or ponzu sauce. 
Some restaurants will lend you a jacket or smock to keep your clothes clean, and some allow you to bring your own drinks and seasonings. So, go to Itoshima this winter to get your fill of their delicious oysters!



Fukuoka City Information

World AIDS Day

Next, I have information from Fukuoka City.

First is about World Aids Day on December 1st. Every year around the 1st of December, around the world, various events and activities take place, to deepen awareness and understanding of AIDS.

Even after being infected by HIV, definitive symptoms may not appear for a period of time and so it is believed that there are a number of people who have been infected but will not be diagnosed until the onset of AIDS. By detecting HIV infection early and receiving the appropriate health care and treatment, the onset of AIDS can be delayed. 

At the health and welfare centers of each ward, HIV screening is offered. This screening is free of charge and anonymous. So, if you think you may be at risk, get checked as soon as possible. Screening is only on certain days so make sure you check which days before you go.

And, I don't know if you know this but the red ribbon is a symbol that shows awareness and solidarity with those affected by AIDS. The red ribbon announces to others that you have no prejudice against people affected by AIDS and gives that message that we will not discriminate against those living with AIDS. The red ribbon days are from the 1st to 7th of December and over this period, the Hakata Port Tower and the Fukuoka Red Brick Culture Museum will be lit up in red in support. So for World AIDS Day, let's all take the time to learn the correct information about AIDS and how to prevent it.



Illegal dumping of garbage or Fly-tipping

I hope this doesn't really need to be said, but dumping oversized garbage and household waste in the mountains, forests, by the seaside, by rivers, on the road, or in parks is illegal.

In Fukuoka City, at the end of the year, many people do a big house clean and a lot of garbage is produced. As such, December has been designated as “Illegal Dumping Prevention Reinforcement Month”. Activities will be undertaken to strengthen measures to prevent the illegal dumping of waste.

Fukuoka City has, in cooperation with the police, installed surveillance cameras and warning signs in places where illegal dumping is common and will carry out patrols of those areas. Home appliances like TV's, refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and dryers, air conditioners and the like, are all subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law and there is a set way to dispose of them. If you are buying replacement appliances, the shop will pick up your old appliance. If the shop will not take the old appliance, ask your local Yamada Denki to pick them up, or request collection from Renet Japan Recycle or SG Moving, disposal companies which have an agreement with the city. Please keep in mind that you will have to cover recycling fees and collection and transportation fees with these companies.
Also, when getting rid of your pc, please ask the manufacturer or contact Renet Japan Recycle to collect your PCs.

Traders who advertise “Free pick-up for items you don't need” through flyers and the internet, are illegal collectors who have not received permission from Fukuoka City. Please do not use these unauthorized collectors as problems such as illegal dumping, high fees and improper processing of waste may occur.

2023.10.02[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽)

【Shinmai-New Rice】

Now that we're in October, the heat is finally starting to settle down, isn't it. It's a nice season and not just because of the weather. During this season in Japan, we have Minori no Aki, the Autumn harvest, expressing the abundance of grains, rice and fruits that get harvested this season. We've also got Shokuyoku no Aki, or the Autumn appetite. Have you heard of either of these expressions before?

Anyway, today, in line with the harvest, I'd like to introduce you to 'shinmai' (新米) the rice that is currently in season. Shinmai refers to rice that is harvested in the autumn and milled and packaged by December 31st of the same year. Shinmai has a plump texture and a strong sweetness and umami flavor.

Fukuoka boasts many delicious locally produced rice varieties. In Fukuoka City, rice cultivation is thriving in the nature-rich areas of Nishi Ward, Sawara Ward, and Higashi Ward and these areas are committed to safe, environmentally friendly cultivation practices.

One of the main varieties is 'Hinohikari,' representing Kyushu. It pairs excellently with any dish and is known for its firm, sticky texture. There are also varieties like 'Yumetsukushi,' which has a slightly sweet and tender texture, 'Minoritsukushi,' with a chewy and and easy texture, and Fukuoka's original variety 'Genkitsukushi,' which is delicious even when cold.

One rice dish to try this season is  'takikomi gohan,' a dish made with autumn flavors like sweet potatoes, chestnuts, and mushrooms mixed with rice. Savor the taste of autumn by enjoying Fukuoka's delicious rice.



【Fukuoka City Information】

Information about Autumn Covid Vaccinations

Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.

Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.

This year as well, the COVID-19 vaccine continues to be available free of charge. Inoculation with a vaccine that is effective against the Omicron variant XBB.1.5, the current prevalent strain, is being carried out for all those who wish to receive it, aged six months and older.

When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Unused vaccination tickets received earlier can also be used. If you have lost your vaccination ticket or have not received it, please contact the call center.

People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.

For inquiries about vaccine consultation, reservations, and vaccination ticket issuance in Fukuoka City, you can contact the call center at 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken every day from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM and support is provided in  in seven foreign languages, including English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.



The Asia Pacific City Summit PR Event (Asia Pacific with SDGs)

Finally, I'd like to share some information on an event being held this coming weekend. On Saturday, October 7th, the 'Kankyo Festival Fukuoka 2023', roughly translated to the Fukuoka Environmental Festival will be held. This marks the 20th edition of the festival, and it will take place at three locations: the first floor of Solaria Plaza, Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Lion Hiroba, and Maizuru Park.

At the Fukuoka Mitsukoshi Lion Hiroba, the theme will be 'Let's Enjoy Learning about SDGs and the Asia-Pacific Region.' The event will feature an exhibition of drawings by children from the Asia-Pacific region, quizzes with English elements, touch games utilizing digital technology, and other activities to make learning about SDGs fun.

No advance registration is required to participate in this event.

For more details, please visit the website by searching for 'Kankyo Festival Fukuoka' or 'Asia-Pacific City Summit'.

2023.09.18[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Autumn in Japan】

The 23rd of September is Shubun no Hi, the autumnal equinox, and is one of the national holidays in Japan. Traditionally, it is a day to give thanks to ancestors and to pay respects to them. It is also the day when the length of day and night are equal. This day is unique as it varies between September 22nd and 23rd each year, it depends on when the sun passes through the equator.

And on the 29th of September, we have the mid-

autumn moon, which is considered to be time of the year when the moon is the most .beautiful to look at. It's a perfect time for tsukimi or moon viewing, going out to admire the moon in the evening sky. On this day, we don't always have a full moon for this, but this year, in 2023, we're lucky because we will have a full moon!

The month of September is when we really feel the change from Summer to Autumn in Japan, as the brutal heat of summer settles down into the pleasant, cooler days of autumn, and days become more comfortable. The air becomes clear offering a stunning view of the moon and stars at night.

Another thing about autumn here is the bounty of the harvest. There is something called 'shokuyoku no aki', or the Autumn appetite, and it's because during this season there are so many delicious flavors for us to enjoy. And as we continue through the season, there are vibrant landscapes for our eyes to feast on like the colorful cosmos, as they come into bloom and the autumn foliage.

As we come into Autumn in Japan, make sure you take advantage of it and enjoy it to the fullest!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Tuberculosis Prevention Week

Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City about Tuberculosis Prevention Week from the 24th to the 30th of September.

Tuberculosis is a disease that causes inflammation of the lungs mainly by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted person to person.

In 2022, 143 people in Fukuoka City were diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Symptoms of tuberculosis include coughing, phlegm, fever, bloody phlegm, chest pain, lethargy, night sweats and/or weight loss. In the beginning, it does resemble the common cold.

If you've noticed that you've had a cough for over two weeks, have had a lot of phlegm, you've felt lethargic or you've suddenly lost weight, please see a medical professional for an exam as soon as possible. The earlier it is detected, the earlier it can be treated preventing it from becoming a serious illness.  It is important to prevent spreading illness to family, friends and those at the workplace who are important to us.

Even if you are infected, tuberculosis does not always 

develop, however if your body cannot fight the tubercle bacillus, over time, an infection may develop.

If you are diagnosed with tuberculosis, you can fight it off by taking the proper medication every day according to your doctor's orders.

And, to prevent the spread or start of infections, make sure you get plenty of sleep, eat a good, balanced diet and get enough exercise. Making an effort every day to live healthily is the most effective prevention.

In Fukuoka City, there is the Fukuoka City Medical Interpreting Call Center service available if you do need to find a hospital or need some advice. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The phone number for that service is 092-733-5429. Interpretation is available in 20 different languages.


2023.07.03[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)


This coming Friday, the 7th of July is when Tanabata is celebrated in Japan.

Tanabata is a tradition where colorful strips of paper called "tanzaku" (made of paper) are hung on bamboo branches. It's a tradition that is familiar to most people in Japan from childhood.

According to the legend, two stars representing a married couple were separated by the Milky Way and allowed to meet only once a year on this day. However, if it rains on that day, they cannot meet. It is believed that writing wishes on tanzaku and hanging them up will make those wishes come true. In the US, I learned the story as the Chinese legend about the Weaver and the Cowherd  and it seems that it refers to the stars, Vega and Altair. Of course, forbidden love or faraway love is a common theme in stories throughout history which is no doubt why the tale has endured and exists in Japan as well.

Various events are held in different regions, and in Fukuoka City, you can experience Tanabata events at Fukuoka Tower. Until July 7th, the tower will be illuminated with a special Tanabata-themed display. You can also write your wishes on tanzaku and hang them up. There will also be a festival from July 5th to 7th. So go out and enjoy these festivities!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Warnings about Heatstroke

Now I have some information from Fukuoka City about preventing heatstroke as we get into the hot days of summer.

Heatstroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its temperature properly due to heat and intense physical activity, leading to an imbalance of body fluids and electrolytes. Symptoms of heatstroke include headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea.

If you are feeling these symptoms, and unable to drink water on your own, or if cooling your body and replenishing fluids and electrolytes does not lead to recovery, please call emergency services at 119 and request an ambulance. Particularly from July onwards, as the temperatures start to rise after the end of the rainy season, there is a rapid increase in heatstroke-related emergency transport cases. During this period, be cautious as the humidity is high and your body may not be acclimated to the heat.


Heatstroke can happen not only outdoors but also indoors. Additionally, wearing masks during summer increases the risk of heatstroke, so caution is necessary. Here are some tips for preventing heatstroke:

Stay hydrated by drinking fluids regularly. You should drink things like barley tea or water during normal daily activities, and  rehydration drinks or sports drinks when engaging in physical exercise. Replenish both fluids and electrolytes when you sweat.

Wear a hat and use a parasol to avoid direct sunlight.

Use air conditioning and fans effectively to keep the room temperature below 28 degrees Celsius.

Use cooling items such as cooling sheets or ice pillows.

Maintain a balanced diet, get sufficient sleep, and manage your overall health.

Remember to take necessary precautions and prioritize your well-being during the hot summer months to prevent heatstroke.

2023.05.29[Mon] 09:00

Japanese(日本語) , Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Rainy Season】

Well, for those of you who have been here for awhile, you know that in Japan, there is a seasonal phenomenon known as the "rainy season or tsuyu," during which time we see many rainy and cloudy days over about a month as the seasons change from spring to summer. If this is your first year here, well hopefully, you like the rain. 
Although heavy rains can sometimes cause natural disasters, they are also a blessing as they give us water for what can be a long dry season over the summer. 
In Fukuoka, the rainy season usually begins in early June and ends in mid-July.
Since landslides and floods are more likely to occur, it is advisable to reconfirm evacuation methods and evacuation sites in your area. Also, check your weather forecast every day so that you know what to wear when going out and when is best for drying your laundry outside. I'm sure neither you or your clothes care to be caught in a rain shower unprepared! 

It's not all bad though. As I mentioned before, rainfall during the rainy season is essential for making sure we have enough water , which is vital for daily life and the growth of crops.
This season is also the time to enjoy the seasonal flowers, hydrangeas. They are at their most beautiful in the rain and bring a lot of color to otherwise dreary days. 
Make the most of the rainy season by spending time at home to relax and enjoy the soothing sound of the rain.



Fukuoka City Information

Easy Japanese Radio

Now I have some information from Fukuoka City about Easy Japanese Radio. From June, a new program, Yasashi Nihongo Rajio Kouza or the Easy Japanese Radio Course will start airing. This program is for international residents who are still working on their Japanese skills and is a chance to listen to easy Japanese spoken at an easy pace. Information international residents will find useful in regards to living in Fukuoka will be shared.

The program will be on every Friday from 9:54am and the first program will be aired on June 2nd . If you can't understand everything, or miss what what was said, don't worry! You will be able to see the script for the program on Love FM's website and also listen to the podcast as many times as you want. It's a great chance to practice not only your listening skills but also pick up some new, useful vocabulary. So, tune in on June 2nd!



HIV Testing Week

Alright, I have some more important information to share with you here. June 1st to the 7th is HIV testing week.

Just last year, medical institutions in Fukuoka City reported 37 new HIV infections and 11 AIDS patients.

To prevent the spread of HIV, the earlier it is discovered, the faster it can be treated.

Even if someone is infected with HIV, few symptoms appear, which is why testing is necessary to know if someone is actually infected.

Free, anonymous HIV screenings will be held at the health and welfare centers of each ward.

Screenings are on a specified day, so please visit the homepage of your local health and welfare center before you go.

If an HIV diagnosis is made in the early stages, with proper health management and treatment, the onset of AIDS can be delayed. So if you think you may be at risk, please get checked as soon as possible.

2023.05.08[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Mother's Day】

Sunday the 14th is Mother's Day or Haha no Hi, in Japan. In the US, Mother's day is on the same day, the second Sunday of May, and usually we treat our moms to a nice breakfast and give her some kind of present. When I was kid, we often did something in art class to give as a gift to mom. That's pretty typical, I think. Once you're a bit older and have money from a job, it's usual to give flowers. Roses are probably the most popular in the US.

In Japan, like in the US, it's a day to say thanks to mom and show her gratitude for everything she's done for you. Carnations are the typical flower to give here, with red being the most popular. In the language of flowers, it means ”love for mom”, “ardent love” and “belief in love” which are sentiments to share on Mother's Day. In addition to giving flowers, giving her something she would like is also nice, even if it's not an object per se. Many people in Japan spend time with their mothers by going out for the day or having a meal together. It could be hard to see your mom in person on the day, due to work or distance, but you can still show your appreciation with a few words. This week, take the time to express how much your mom means to you!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Covid Vaccinations

 Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.

Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind. And this year as well, 2023 or Reiwa 5, free vaccinations for the Novel Coronavirus are available.

From May 8th until August, the Omicron Adapted Bivalent vaccine will be administered for the spring booster shots.

Those who have received their first and second vaccinations, and who are over 65 years old, between 12 and 64 years of age with underlying medical conditions or healthcare workers are eligible for this booster shot, three months after their last vaccination.

From September, the autumn booster shots will be given and will be available to anyone 5 years and older who has had both their first and second vaccinations. 

When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.

If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again. 

People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.

For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405.  Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.


2023.03.13[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【March 17th Manga Weekly Magazine Day】

As I've mentioned before, Japan has a number of unusual anniversary days. March 17th, happens to be Manga Weekly Magazine Day.

So, what is this day and why is the 17th the date for it?

Well, it seems that on this day in 1959, the first weekly magazines targeted toward kids were sold for the first time. These two magazines were Shonen Magazine and Shonen Sunday.

Both of these manga magazines are still being published today and Weekly Shonen Magazine, which went for 40 yen when it was first sold, is still only 340 yen.

Manga is, of course, very popular in Japan with kids to adults enjoying the huge variety of manga available to them.

In the US, manga is also very popular. It's a lot more common now, but it was kind of difficult to get when I was a teen. Actually, I worked at a bookstore when I was 18 and loved watching anime and reading manga. I actually ordered quite a lot of translated manga for the bookstore and managed to get a small section for it. It turned out to be popular with the customers and expanded to several bookshelves. My favorites at the time were Takahashi Rumiko's Maison Ikkoku and Ranma ½.

These days it's much easier to get manga, and anime even, online from anywhere in the world. Is there anything you like to read or watch? I'm a big fan of Meitantei Conan or Detective Conan, as well as One Piece.

Although some manga are pretty difficult to read with complicated plots and loads of difficult kanji, there are quite a few that are a lot easier and pretty fun, if you are trying to find other ways to study Japanese. I found Meitantei Conan to be pretty good for my studies!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Covid Vaccinations

Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.

Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.

In Fukuoka City, vaccination tickets for the Omicron variant for those who will receive their third, fourth or fifth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. The vaccination for the omicron variant will be limited to one time per person. Vaccination vouchers are being sent out to those were vaccinated at least three months before.

When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.

If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again.

People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.

For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.

2023.02.06[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Taking care of yourself in February】
In this season, there is some concern about getting sick with covid and influenza at the same time, so it is important to continue taking measures to stay on top of the situation. Some basic precautionary measures you can do include wearing a mask when going out and gargling and washing your hands thoroughly when you get home.
Catechins, an ingredient in green tea, are said to have an antibiotic effect, so it may be a good idea to try gargling with tea or actively drinking tea. For those who are trying to avoid so much caffeine, hojicha (roasted green tea) is also good.
Also, cedar pollen will be in the air from mid-February so consider what countermeasures you need to take as early as possible if you are affected by the pollen.
Of course, in general, a few things to keep in mind is to get a good night's sleep, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle to keep your immune functions up. Keep yourself warm, don't drink too much alcohol and cutting back on smoking are also important actions you can take to maintain your nasal mucous as they say it is your first line of defense against infections.
We've only got to endure a little more cold weather before a brighter and warmer season arrives. Keep your mind and body healthy to fully enjoy and welcome spring!



【City Information】

Covid Vaccinations

Now, I have some information for you from Fukuoka City about Covid-19 vaccinations.
Fukuoka City has been working toward making sure everyone who hopes to be vaccinated can do so with peace of mind.
In Fukuoka City, vaccination tickets for the Omicron variant for those who will receive their third, fourth or fifth doses of the vaccine are being sent out. The vaccination for the omicron variant will be limited to one time per person. Vaccination vouchers are being sent out to those were vaccinated at least three months before.

When the inoculation coupon arrives, please visit the reservation site or call the vaccine call center to make a reservation. Please wait until that coupon does arrive.
If you haven't received that coupon, please phone the call center to have it issued again.

People who have recently relocated to Fukuoka City from overseas and who hope to get vaccinated need to fill out an application to receive the inoculation tickets.

For questions regarding vaccinations, to make a reservation or to apply for the inoculation ticket, you can call 092-260-8405. Again, that number is 092-260-8405. Calls will be taken between 8:30 am and 5:30pm every day. 7 languages are available at that number, including English, Chinese and Korean.

2023.01.30[Mon] 09:00

Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健)

【Winter Flavors-Oysters and the Oyster Huts at Bayside】

It is very much Oyster season. Do you know where you can have some delicious oysters in the center of Fukuoka?

The answer to that is the "Oyster Hut at Bayside" which is open until March 26 for a limited time at "Bayside Hakata".  It's the nearest port to Tenjin and Hakata and is a place where you can enjoy oysters while feeling the sea breeze.


At the Oyster Hut, visitors can enjoy oysters, seafood, meat, and other ingredients grilled over charcoal in a barbecue style.

The venue's outdoor facility, "Bayside Canopy," is spacious and well ventilated but still warm from the warmth of a charcoal fire. Oysters are sold for 1,100 yen per basket.


One popular menu item is gan-gan-yaki, a fisherman's dish in which oysters and other seafood are stuffed into a can and steamed over an open fire just as they are. The texture is light and fluffy and the taste is exquisite!

It's something to enjoy and compare with the taste of the grilled oysters!

I haven't actually been to an oyster hut in years, but a group of us used to go every winter. It's a fun experience and even if you don't like oysters, there are a variety of other foods to grill up.

It is one of those flavors that is unique to winter here so why not enjoy a meal at one of these easily accessible oyster huts in Fukuoka City?




【Fukuoka City Information】

Lifestyle Related Disease Prevention Month

February is Life-style related disease prevention month.

These are diseases that develop due to, as you may have guessed, our life-style. Life-style related diseases include diabetes, hypertension and heart attacks and are caused by a lack of regular exercise and by nutritionally imbalanced diets. Smoking, excessive drinking and stress can also cause life-style related diseases.


To maintain a healthy life-style, balanced and appropriately portioned meals, three times a day at regular times, is key.  Constantly eating nutritionally unbalanced foods, like instant meals or greasy foods, can cause obesity and diabetes. They also say that chewing your food properly is important in a healthy diet as it will reduce the burden on your digestive system and strengthen the muscles around the mouth. Taking your time to eat, spending at least 20 minutes enjoying your meal is suggested.


Regular exercise is also important as the loss of muscle mass due to a lack of exercise will affect your basal metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic life-sustaining functions. If this rate decreases, it's more likely you'll gain weight. It also increases your risk of getting diseases such as diabetes. So make time to exercise to maintain your muscle strength and mass. Even if you don't have much time, aim to add on an additional 10 minutes of walking to your day. It will go a long way toward your health.

Sleep is also essential to your health. It plays an important role in our health as it allows us to get rid of mental and physical fatigue and boosts our immunity. And of course, immunity is what helps keep us from getting sick. But to maintain our immunity, it's important that we are getting enough sleep and that our sleep is good quality sleep. The best way to do this is to not use your smartphone before going to bed. You should also avoid watching TV or drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages before bed. They will all affect the quality of your sleep. Instead, find another way to relax, perhaps by taking a bath before bed, or doing whatever is it you like to do to relax. It's important to live a stress-free life. Perhaps this is a chance to take another look at your own daily life-style.


  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

