福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2025.03.03[Mon] 09:00
【Fukuoka Handmade & Zakka Festa】
Today, I have an exciting event recommendation for all handmade goods and craft lovers!
The Fukuoka Handmade & Zakka Festa will be held for two days this weekend, on Saturday, the 8th, and Sunday, the 9th, at the Fukuoka International Center!
This is one of the largest handmade and craft events in Kyushu, featuring approximately 660 booths from all over Japan. The venue will be packed with a wide variety of items, including handmade crafts, accessories, home decor, furniture, ceramics, gardening goods, and craft materials.
But that’s not all! Workshops will also be available, where visitors can experience making things by hand—great for both adults and children to enjoy together. Additionally, the event features a rest area, food stalls, and even outdoor kitchen cars, making it easy to spend the whole day exploring.
This year’s theme is “Ideas for a Comfortable Lifestyle”, so you might just find the perfect items to refresh your home or start a new lifestyle this spring. It's also a great chance to discover one-of-a-kind, unique handmade pieces!
Why not take a trip to the Fukuoka Handmade & Zakka Festa this weekend and enjoy a day filled with creativity and inspiration?
【Fukuoka City Information】
Avoiding the Rush When Moving House
March and April are busy months for moving house and as a result, the consultation desks at your local ward offices may be quite crowded. The period between March 21st and April 11th are especially busy with wait times of 2 to 3 hours, so if you can, try to avoid that period.
However, that's not always possible,and if you find that you're too busy on weekdays to submit the notification of your move to the ward office, then you'll be glad to know that there are several weekend days when the offices are open for paperwork related to moving in or out of the city.
On Sunday the 30th of March and Sunday the 6th of April, Fukuoka City ward offices and their branches will be temporarily opened from 9am to 1pm to take paperwork in regards to moving in or out of the city.
There is an also an oline service available to make reservations with the ward office to take care of moving procedures. Reservations can even be done via a smartphone but must be made by 8:30 am, 5 business days before your desired date. You just need to send the date you want to go in, and information about your address change. With this system, an appointment can be easily arranged and the process at the consultation desk will take less time.
If you are moving out of Fukuoka City, you do not have to go to the ward office to report your move-out. You can do so by mail or online if you have your My Number Card. However, please note that if you're moving out of the country, you can't submit your notification online, so please be aware of that.
If you are moving within Fukuoka city you do not need the notification of the move out of your previous residence, you just need to submit notification that you have moved into your new residence.
If you have any questions, you can check with the ward office using a telephone interpreter.
The telephone number is (092-753-6113).
Tell them what ward you are living in and that you would like to discuss moving procedures.
One more process that you should remember when moving is making sure you call to have your water turned on or turned off. You will need to have the notification of your move for this. Please call at least 4 business days before you move to arrange this. The phone number for that is (092-532-1010). Phone calls will be accepted in languages other than Japanese. This process can also be done online. Just search for the Fukuoka City official website for this.
2024.03.11[Mon] 09:00
The "National High School Baseball Championship Tournament," commonly known as "Spring Koshien," will kick off from the 18th of next week. It is a high school baseball tournament held every spring in Japan. The tournament has been nicknamed "Koshien" because it takes place at the Hanshin Koshien Stadium in Hyogo Prefecture. For Japanese people, Koshien has been a special event since it began, eagerly anticipated not only by high school baseball players but also by baseball fans. This year, 32 schools will compete for the championship title. Representing Fukuoka this year is "Tokai University Fukuoka High School" located in Munakata City. Let's hope they do their best to aim for the national title. The tournament will be broadcasted on radio and television for 13 days until March 30th, so tune int to watch the high school baseball players put in their all to win!
【Fukuoka City Information】
Avoiding the Rush When Moving House
March and April are busy months for moving house and as a result, the consultation desks at your local ward offices may be quite crowded. The period between March 21st and April 8th are especially busy with wait times of 2 to 3 hours, so if you can try to avoid that period.
However, that's not always possible,and if you find that you're too busy on weekdays to submit the notification of your move to the ward office, then you'll be glad to know that there are several weekend days when the offices are open for paperwork related to moving in or out of the city.
On Sunday the 31st of March and Sunday the 7th of April, Fukuoka City ward offices and their branches will be temporarily opened from 9am to 1pm to take paperwork in regards to moving in or out of the city.
If you are moving out of Fukuoka City, you do not have to go to the ward office to report your move-out. You can do so by mail or online if you have your My Number Card. However, please note that if you're moving out of the country, you can't submit your notification online, so please be aware of that.
If you are moving within Fukuoka city you do not need the notification of the move out of your previous residence, you just need to submit notification that you have moved into your new residence.
There is now an online service available to make reservations with the ward office to take care of moving procedures. Reservations can even be done via a smartphone but must be made by 8:30 am, 5 business days before your desired date. You just need to send the date you want to go in, and information about your address change. With this system, an appointment can be easily arranged and the process at the consultation desk will take less time.
If you have any questions, you can check with the ward office using a telephone interpreter.
The telephone number is 092-753-6113.
Tell them what ward you are living in and that you would like to discuss moving procedures.
One more process that you should remember when moving is making sure you call to have your water turned on or turned off. You will need to have the notification of your move for this. Please call at least 4 business days before you move to arrange this. The phone number for that is 092-532-1010. Phone calls will be accepted in languages other than Japanese. This process can also be done online.
2022.03.14[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Housing(住宅)
【Spring Allergies】
As the season begins to warm up, sugi or Japanese red-cedar pollen becomes a worry for a good number of us. Pollen is tiny and it floats on the air, getting absolutely every where. So what to do? Even if you vacuum or sweep in an attempt at keeping things clean, pollen just gets caught up in the air produced, flying around even more. So, in the house, if you're trying to clean the floor, one thing to do is to use a dust cloth or one of those swiffer type dry sheets to wipe the floor to keep the pollen from flying up. If you wipe the floor regularly and get an air purifier for the house, you'll find that you'll start winning your fight against not only pollen but dust and other bits.
If you're out for a walk, know that pollen will get all over your clothes. So when you get home, take off your coat in the entryway and lightly knock the pollen off of your clothes so that it doesn't get all over the house.
I don't have bad allergies, but I do feel a bit stuffed up as the season comes. I rely heavily on my robot vacuum and wipes to keep things cleaned up, good luck with your battle against pollen this year!
【Get things done earlier when moving house】
I've got some information from Fukuoka City to share with you.
March and April are busy months for moving house and as a result, the consultation desks at your local ward offices may be quite crowded. So, try to get any paperwork and other things for moving done sooner, rather than later.
If you find that you're too busy on weekdays to submit the notification of your move to the ward office then you'll be glad to know that there are several weekend days when the offices are open for paperwork related to moving in or out of the city.
On Sunday the 27th of March and Sunday the 3rd of April, Fukuoka City ward offices and their branches will be temporarily opened from 10am to 2pm to take paperwork in regards to moving in or out of the city.
If you are moving into Fukuoka City from another city, you need to submit the notification of your move to the ward office by the day that you move in. You also need to have the notification of the move out your previous residence with you as proof of a move.
If you are moving from one place to another inside the city you do not need the notification of the move out of your previous residence, you just need to submit notification that you have moved into your new residence within 14 day of moving.
There is now an online service available to make reservations with the ward office to take care of moving procedures. Reservations can be made even with a smartphone but must be made 5 business days before your desired date. You just need to send the date you want to go in, and information about your address change. With this system, the process at the consultation desk will take less time.
One more process that you should remember when moving is making sure you call to have your water turned on or turned off. You will need to have the notification of your move for this. Please call at least 4 days before you move to arrange this. The phone number for that is 092-532-1010. Again, that number is 092-532-1010
【Garbage from moving house】
Also with Spring and the moving season, this time tends to be when we see a lot more oversized garbage and so I've got some information on how to use the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center.
The first way to do it is by applying for pickup with the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center. First, contact them by phone or by internet, or even through the Official Fukuoka City Line Account, to put in your application and then purchase the appropriate oversized garbage disposal ticket at the convenience store or other shops.
The garbage pickup day will be roughly one week after you apply.
You must put out the garbage by 8:30am on the collection day in the designated spot.
The phone number for the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center is 092-731-1153.
Again, that number is 092-731-1153.
If you apply via the internet or Line, you can do so at your convenience, 24 hours a day.
For TV's, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers and air conditioners, according to the home appliance recycling law, there are specific guidelines for disposal.
You can have the old appliance removed by the firm installing the new one or you can contact the store where you originally bought the appliance. You can also contact the Best Denki or Yamada Denki in your city about disposal. Recycling fees as well as fees for collection and transport will be required.
2022.02.14[Mon] 09:00
Housing(住宅) , Other Topics(その他)
【Cat Day!】
Finally, a day for my feline friends. Did you know that in Japan, February 22nd is Neko no Hi, or Cat day? It was established in 1987 as a day to appreciate the happiness that comes from living together with cats and the joy they bring to our lives. And every year on Cat Day, there are actually a number of different cat-themed events and campaigns that take place, as well as activities to raise awareness about cats. So, are you wondering why February 22nd was chosen as Cat Day? Well, it comes from the sound that cats are said to make in Japanese which is nyan, nyan, nyan which sounds like ni ni ni or two two two in Japanese. Actually, there are other Cat Days around the world, in many countries in Europe, World Cat Day is on February 17th, in Russia it's March 1st and in the US it's on October 29th. I've got two cats at home, so I guess I'll have to celebrate Cat Day with them on the 22nd. They're pretty full of themselves though, I think they expect to be celebrated everyday!
2022.01.10[Mon] 09:00
Japanese(日本語) , Housing(住宅)
【Ways to Battle the Cold without Burning through Electricity!】
January 20th is known as the coldest day of the year and is called “Dai-kan” in Japanese which translates to “Big Cold”. Sometimes winter brings in cold that is so harsh that even if you are using heaters and other warming appliances, the room doesn't manage to warm up. And as you're trying to get that room warm, you end up keeping the heater on which means a big electric bill later. But then again, if you try to just grin and bear it and stand the cold, you'll end up making yourself sick. So here are a few tips to help you get through the winter cold.
First, get some thick curtains. There are curtains made especially for holding in the heat and also provide soundproofing. So if you are looking for some new curtains, these are the ones you want to protect you from the cold outside. You also want to avoid letting drafts in through the window, so make sure your curtains are long enough to touch the floor. If there are windows you don't need to open, I would also recommend putting thick, clear vinyl over them. You can either tape it over the window or make a frame that fits into the window. My dad did this every year in his bedroom and it made a huge difference without sacrificing the daylight.
Another thing to do is get a nice thick carpet or rug. You can really feel the cold through the flooring in houses and apartments in Japan. By putting a carpet down, that fluffy goodness will keep a layer between you and the cold hard floor, making your feet happier for sure. It also serves the double purpose of providing some soundproofing too.
If you're trying to save a bit of cash, you can still find some good stuff at the 100 yen shop they've got those interlocking sponge mats, cushions and other things that will help you get through the winter. My winter necessity is my “yutanpo” or hot water bottle. I keep that at the foot of my bed and it keeps me warm all night. It brings the cats to the bed too, adding to the warmth!
Some information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation to share with you.
【Japanese Chatting Salon】
Today's information is for any international students who are studying in Fukuoka. Do you about the monthly Japanese Chatting Salon? Using Zoom, international students and Japanese volunteers meet one on one or in small groups to talk about topics that interest them. If you are looking for a chance to use daily Japanese as well as practice the Japanese you've learned in class, or just want to chat with a native Japanese speaker, then definitely join in! The sessions are free and the next session will be held online on January 31st.
To learn more about this event or to make a reservation, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website or the Attaka Fukuoka Facebook page. You can also call the Foundation at 092-262-1799. Again that number is 092-262-1799. Phone calls will be accepted from 9am to 6pm on weekdays.
Definitely check it out!
【 Looking for Residents for the International Student Dormitory】
The Foundation is also looking for students who are interested in living in their international student dormitory. Applications are open to international students who are currently enrolled in universities and graduate schools in the Fukuoka Metropolitan area. Other qualifications for residency in the dormitory include being able to actively participate in and cooperate with projects held by the Fukuoka City International Foundation. The period of residence is for two years from the day you move in. Single residents are also eligible.
For more information and other application requirements, please check the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website or contact them by email at dorm@fcif.or.jp.
2021.12.13[Mon] 09:00
Housing(住宅) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽) , Other Topics(その他)
【Telephone Establishment Day】
I've got a little bit of history for you today. Apparently, December 16th is Telephone Establishment Day. A slightly awkward title for the day, but it was on this day in 1890 that Japan's first telephone service began. Now, there are phones all over the country and it's convenient and easy to even call people anywhere in the world, but at the time the first service was established, phones calls could only be made from Tokyo to Yokohama. And there were only 200 households that were subscribed to the service, a minuscule number compared to how connected we are today!
To make a call in those days, you had to connect to a telephone operator who would patch you through via a telephone exchange. It was a very analog process. The caller would first tell the operator the number of the person they wanted to call. They would then hang up and wait for the phone to ring again to connect. Now, 130 years later, we've all got our own personal phones. And, they're not even just for talking, if you've got internet on your phone, you can connect to anything you want across the world!
So, a little bit of trivia for you about phone calls now. The frequency of telephones ranges from .3 to 3.4 Kilohertz which is the range in which people can hear voices well. In other words, you can't hear things that are outside of this frequency over the phone. So sounds made by cicadas, crickets and wind chimes can't be heard as their frequency is too high. So if you want to share these sounds with friends, it's better to take a recording and send it....over your smartphone!
Announcements from the Fukuoka City International Foundation.
【Call for Applications for International Student Housing: Family Rooms】
Currently, there are some student housing family rooms open to applications for international students enrolled at Universities in Fukuoka City or the Fukuoka Metropolitan area.
To be considered, applicants must be enrolled in a University and also be willing to participate enthusiastically in projects conducted by the Fukuoka City International Foundation. The lease period is for 2 years and single tenants will also be considered.
For more information about the application and other requirements, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage or send an email to dorm@fcif.or.jp with any questions you may have.
【Why don't you “Come and Enjoy the Charms of Thailand”!】
On January 8th, you can feel like you've taken a quick trip to Thailand at the “Come and Enjoy the Charms of Thailand” event. At this event, Thai students studying in Fukuoka will teach you useful Thai expressions that you can use when traveling as well as hear about everything Thailand has to offer from the Fukuoka Branch of the Thai Tourism Authority.
It's a great chance to prepare for when we can all travel freely again. You do need to apply in advance to participate in this event, so please check the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage for application information and event details. Whether you just love all things Thai or you're thinking of going someday, definitely check out this event.
【Fukuoka City International Foundation End and Start of Year Holiday Closure】
Finally, the Fukuoka City International Foundation will be closed for a period of 6 days, from Wednesday, December 29th to Monday, January 3rd . It will reopen on Tuesday, January 4th at 8:45 am.
The appointment-based free legal advice service for foreigners will not be available on
Saturday, January 1st , the next time it will be held will be on Wednesday, January 19th.
The consultation services with the Gyousei-shoshi or administrative lawyer for matters
related to immigration, residency and nationality that don't require an appointment will
resume on Sunday, January 9th. For more information please call 092-262-1799. Again,
that number is 092-262-1799. You can also check the Fukuoka City International
Foundation's website for information.
The staff members at the Fukuoka City International Foundation hope to continue being an
antenna to gather and provide a wealth of information and support to you, the foreign
residents of Fukuoka, in order to make life here in the city even more comfortable in 2022!
2021.11.15[Mon] 09:00
Housing(住宅) , Other Topics(その他)
Autumn is a comfortable season, it's easy to spend time indoors and outdoors, with temperatures that are just right. It's also a great time for a little bit of sightseeing, of course in the city, but also in nature. And in Fukuoka, there are quite a few areas pretty close to the city where you can enjoy Autumn's nature and flowers, especially cosmos, which are in season right now.
Cosmos come in colors like pink, white, dark red, yellow, orange and are a colorful addition to the season every year. They're pretty hardy flowers and if there's sun and decent ventilation, it seems like they'll grow just about anywhere. In Fukuoka City, there are a several places where you can enjoy these flowers. One pretty well known place is Umino-nakamichi-kaihin-koen, which is easily accessible by train and in addition to the flowers is a popular leisure spot where you can enjoy a beautiful sea breeze. There are large fields with different flowers throughout the year, including tulips, nemophila, roses, and rape blossoms. I like cycling there, it's a bit of trek from my house but well worth it.
Nokono-shima is another place to see the cosmos. You can catch a ferry from Meinohama, it only takes 10 minutes to get across, and once you're there, enjoy a kind of resort feeling. Nokonoshima Island Park is where you'll find a huge field of cosmos with the sea in the background. In the spring, this same area has a fabulous view of cherry blossoms and rape blossoms as well.
If you've got time on your day off, why not head toward one of these places for a relaxing, natural kind of day? I've got a trip out to Uminonakamichi already planned!
Today, I have some information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation to share with you.
【Call for Applications for International Student Housing: Family Rooms】
Currently, there are some student housing family rooms open to applications for international students enrolled at Universities in Fukuoka City or the Fukuoka Metropolitan area.
To be considered, applicants must be enrolled in a University and also be willing to participate enthusiastically in projects conducted by the Fukuoka City International Foundation. The lease period is for 2 years and single tenants will also be considered.
For more information about the application and other requirements, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage or send an email to dorm@fcif.or.jp with any questions you may have.
【Legal Consultation】
The second piece of information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation is about legal consultations.
Is there anything you don't understand about residency status and term of stay regulations? If there is, free consultation is available for the foreign residents of Fukuoka at the Fukuoka City International Foundation. Consultations are held every second Sunday afternoon of the month from 1pm to 4pm. Please register by 3:30 on that day. A gyousei-shoshi, or administrative lawyer, will answer your questions and offer consultation.
There are English and Chinese interpreters present, and so, consultation in English, Chinese and Japanese does not require a reservation. For other languages, please consult with us at least one week in advance.
If you choose to use these services, please know that confidentiality is guaranteed.
For reservations or more information, please call 092-262-1799. Again that number is 092-262-1799. Calls will be accepted between 8:45 am and 6pm on weekdays.
And to prevent the spread of Covid-19, measures are being taken so please wear a mask and disinfect your hands when you come for a consultation.
2021.10.11[Mon] 09:00
Japanese(日本語) , Housing(住宅) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽) , Other Topics(その他)
【Osmanthus/Fragrant Olive】
Kinmokusei or Osmanthus fragrans in English, perhaps more commonly know as Fragrant Olive, is in bloom this season, full with it's tiny orange blossoms. You'll probably see it when out walking and will definitely be able to identify it from its sweet smell that fills the air. It's the scent that tells you that fall is right around the corner!
In the past in Japan, this flower was often planted near pit toilets as it was an effective deodorizer. Later, the scent became the standard for toilet air freshening sprays! Perhaps due to that, older generations don't have an overly fond image of the flower. Younger generations however don't have the same association with the flower and tend to enjoy its fragrance.
The flower is actually, also, edible. In China, where the flower is originally from, it is often candied or put into liquors. Yang Guifei, known as one of the 4 beauties of ancient China, was said to drink sake made from Kinmokusei. Hmm, if this was part of her beauty routine then I wonder where can I find some of this sake!
At any rate, it's a flower whose scent can be enjoyed now, just follow your nose!
【Information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation】
【The International Japanese Speech Contest】
Today, we also have information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation.
Have you heard of the International Japanese Speech Contest that they hold every year?Well, this year, it will take place on October 16th. Speeches are given by students from Japanese classes and from Japanese language schools in the Fukuoka Metropolitan area. The topic of the speech is up to the participant and ranges from their experiences living in Fukuoka City to their dreams for the future, of course, delivered in Japanese. If you have a chance, come and support these students and listen to the fruits of their language study labor! You can attend the contest in person on the day or watch the speeches online later! If you are interested, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website to make reservations to attend or watch the videos of the speeches.
【Call for Applications for International Student Housing: Family Rooms】
Alright, next is the call for Applications for International Student Housing. Currently, there are some student housing family rooms open to applications for international students enrolled at Universities in Fukuoka City or the Fukuoka Metropolitan area. To be considered, applicants must be enrolled in a University and also be willing to participate enthusiastically in projects conducted by the Fukuoka City International Foundation. The lease period is for 2 years and single tenants will also be considered.For more information about the application and other requirements, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage or send an email to dorm@fcif.or.jp with any questions you may have.
【Information on the Mail Magazine】
And now, I want to share a little information about Fukuoka City International Foundation's monthly mail magazine. The magazine, published in English and Japanese, shares news and information about international exchange events and cooperation and is available to everyone! Just search for FCIF in your web browser and sign up on the Foundation's website to receive that valuable information! If you want to know more about the Fukuoka City International Foundation or have any questions, you can contact them during the week between 8:45am and 6pm at 092-262-1799. Again, the phone number is 092-262-1799.
2021.04.05[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て) , Housing(住宅)
【New Beginnings & DJ Introductions】
It's April now and I wonder if you know the wamei, or Japanese name for the month. Although we might think it's shi-gatsu, actually, it has another name and that's Uzuki with the kanji for rabbit in it. I guess rabbits kind of signal spring, at least if you think of Easter, which I talked about last week. Anyway, April is when school and company entrance ceremonies take place and it's also the time of the year when we think about new beginnings in our life. So, speaking of new starts in this season, let me begin with introducing myself again! My name is Colleen Mathieu and I have worked with LOVE FM for over 10 years now. My regular program is on Saturday mornings from 8am to 10 am and it's called Earth Feeling. It's a really chilled out morning program with pretty relaxing music to help you get the weekend started. Tune in when you have the chance! I've lived in Fukuoka for 16 years now, it's become my second hometown after Detroit, Michigan in the USA where I'm originally from. Some of my favorite things about Fukuoka is the Hakata dish, goma saba which is raw mackeral in a sesame sauce, taking walks around Ohori Park, and just how convenient the city is to get around, especially on a bicycle. Two things that surprised me when I came to Fukuoka was first, how cold the houses are in the winter. I'm from Michigan but maybe because we have central heating you never feel so cold inside! The second was how empty many of the beaches were in May and June, even on hot days. In Michigan, if the temperature was high enough, even if the water in the lakes was freezing cold, you'd see people at the beach! Maybe it's just Michiganders? What do my fellow English speakers do on those days?
Well, that's just a little bit about me and I want to say thank for listening over the last year and I hope you'll continue to tune in every week for this short program!
As we all enter this new season and possibly new environments, I'm sure there are some who haven't quite got the hang of things and might feel stressed or nervous, so make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation on your days off. This month will be a full month, but make it fun and enriching. After all, even with all the work we might need to do, we've got Golden Week at the end of it to look forward to!
【Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents】
Next, I have some information from Fukuoka City. If there's anything that you are worried about or if you want some advice on, the Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents is here to support you. This support center can give information on, as well as introduce the appropriate contacts, for things related to general life here such as residency procedures, employment, medical care, welfare, childbirth, child-rearing and child education. The phone number for the center is 092-262-1799. Again, that number is 092-262-1799. The center is open from 8:45am to 6pm on weekdays but is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and for the New Year's holiday period. If you call, help is available in 19 different languages. So as you start your new life here, if you have any worries or something you don't understand, don't hesitate to call.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
We've still got to be careful , so once again, we are asking everyone to continue practicing basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.03.22[Mon] 09:00
Housing(住宅) , Disaster(災害) , Other Topics(その他)
Well, the topic up to bat today is Pro-Baseball! Have you ever watched a game here in Japan? Baseball is a really popular sport in Japan and Nippon Professional Baseball consists of two leagues, the Central League and the Pacific League, each of which has 6 teams. They play to win, of course, and work to become number one in their league. The final showdown is when the top team from each league plays to be the number one team in Japan.
Fukuoka City's home team, the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks are part of the Pacific League and their stadium is Fukuoka PayPay Dome. The Hawks are a strong team and this year are hoping to keep their position as the number one team in Japan for the 5th year in a row. The season starts in just a few days on Friday, March 26th this year, so if you've got the chance, why not catch a game!
I guess I could say I'm a supporter of the Hawks, seeing as how Fukuoka has become my second home. I mentioned way back that I'm from Detroit and, of course, support that team. Baseball fans, do you know which team belongs to Detroit? If you said the Detroit Tigers, you are correct!
【Citizen's Disaster Prevention Day】
Now I have some information from Fukuoka City.
On March 20th, 2005, the Fukuoka Prefecture Western offshore earthquake hit Fukuoka City. And so that people would not forget what happened on that day, March 20th became Citizens' Disaster Prevention Day. We never know when a disaster might strike and it's up to each and every one of us to prepare on a daily basis so that we can take appropriate action and protect ourselves for when something does happen.
If you look at Fukuoka City's homepage, you can check hazard maps and get information on disaster prevention and what you should take with you if you need to evacuate. If you check Support for Foreign residents, you'll find disaster prevention information for foreign residents so make sure you check that important information regularly. Citizens' Disaster Prevention Day is an opportunity to think again about disaster prevention for the safety of our ourselves, our families and the community.
【Special Weekend Open Hours at Ward Offices】
As March and April are busy months for moving house, consultation desks at the ward offices tend to get crowded. Therefore, on Sunday, March 28th and Sunday, April 4th, ward offices will be temporarily opened to allow those who are too busy during the week to submit their notifications of moving in or moving out. On those days, moving in or moving out notifications and other paperwork related to moving house will be accepted between 10 am and 2pm.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
And once again, we are asking everyone to continue practicing basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages