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Other Topics(その他)

2024.02.05[Mon] 09:00

Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て) , Other Topics(その他)

【Valentine's Day】

So, as many of you probably know, February 14 is "Valentine's Day. There are differnent ways of celebrating
the holiday in different countries, but one that has been gaining momentum in Fukuoka over the past few
years is the "Flower Valentine," in which people send flowers to their loved ones on the day as a token of their
appreciation and love.
Fukuoka Prefecture actually grows a number of different flowers such as roses, carnations, and gerberas. And
you may have noticed, as you've passed flowerbeds in Fukuoka City, signs with "Hitori Hitohana (One person,
one flower)" or "FLOWER CITY FUKUOKA", written on them.
This "Hitori Hitohana (One person, one flower) Movement," is something Fukuoka City is doing with the aim of
creating "Flower City Fukuoka" by encouraging citizens, businesses, and government officials to grow flowers
in parks, sidewalks, offices, homes, and other places in Fukuoka City to increase the amount of flowers and
Around the city, starting from today and going until the 14th, during this Flower Valentine event, flowers will be
displayed in various places around Fukuoka City, and on Valentine's day, at JR Hakata Station, Kokura
Station, Kurume Station, and Shin-Iizuka Station, flowers will be handed out to people passing by. The event
really will bring flowers and love throughout the city.
It's easy to get involved, just send flowers with your feelings to your loved ones and have a wonderful
Valentine's Day!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Fukuoka City Child-Rearing Exchange Salons

Have you heard of the Fukuoka City Child Rearing Exchange Salon? Child-rearing exchange salons are
places where parents with children between the ages of 0 and 6 can freely spend time together at community
centers and other familiar venues in the city. Parents and childen have a chance to get together with others
and have a refreshing day out spending time playing. There is no charge for the event and childcare
supporters are also there to help watch over and help out with the event.
The next child-rearing exchange salon is happening at the Naraya Community Center in Hakata Ward. It will
be on Tuesday, February 13th from 10:30 to 11:30am. Activities like making handprint and footprint stamps
and story telling will be held. It's a wonderful chance to make a memorable keepsake of your child's
handprints and footprints. Make sure you wear clothes that are okay to get dirty, if you decide to join the
event. Everyone is welcome and Japanese language skills are not necessary.
Any parent and child living in Fukuoka City can participate. For more information, including how to apply,
please check the Fukuoka City International Center's website or call 092-262-1744. Phone calls will be accepted on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00.
There's definitely a child-rearing exchange salon near you, so make sure you check the Fukuoka City
homepage to find out where and when!



Get Consultations Through Line Call!

I've got one more bit of information to share with you from the International Foundation. This is about their
Line Call service. If you are connected to the Foundation's official Line Account, you can use Line Call to ring
the center for advice on life here as well as to make reservations for the free professional consultation
services that the Foundation provides. Interpretation over the phone for 22 different languages is available.
You can also sign up to get information on events or useful information for foreign residents of the city, so if
you aren't already connected on Line, just go to the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage and
click on Add Friend to get connected.

However, be aware that you cannot send messages through the chat function. If you want to send a message
regarding getting advice, then please look up the Fukuoka City International Foundation's homepage on the
internet and fill out the help request form on their website.

2024.01.29[Mon] 09:00

Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽) , Other Topics(その他)


This Saturday,February 3 is Setsubun, the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan.
The name literally means 'seasonal division. On this day, there is a traditional event to drive away evil spirits
and wish for good health and good fortune throughout the year." One thing people do for Setsubun is
"mamemaki" (bean-throwing), which you do while chanting"Oni wa soto - Fuku wa uchi" . This means “Ogre
go out, good fortune come in”. Another thing people do for good luck on this day, a more recent custom, is to
eat "ehoumaki" , so today I'll talk a little bit about this Ehou-maki.
Basically, “Ehoumaki" is a type of sushi roll. There are no rules regarding the ingredients to be used in the roll,
but it is said that egg , shrimp, sea eel, cucumber, shiitake mushroom, dried gourd, and sakuradenbu, a kind
of pink flaked fish egg, should be used as ingredients as they represent seven kinds of lucky charms.
However, you'll see “Ehoumaki” with lots of different fillings.
And although there aren't really rules about the filling, there are some rules about how to eat "ehoumaki".
The first rule is that one person must eat the whole entire roll by himself/herself. Ehoumaki is a sushi that rolls
in good fortune, so it must not be cut so that the karma or the good fortune isn't broken.
The second rule is that you have to eat it facing the direction that is considered auspicious for the year. This
year it is "East Northeast,”, so get your compass out and make sure you are facing the right way!
Finally, it is important that as you are eating it, you make a wish in your mind and continue eating silently until
you finish the roll. Don't let your luck escape by talking while you are eating!
Think you'll celebrate setsubun? You can buy beans for "mamemaki" at supermarkets and you can buy
ehoumaki in supermarkets and convenience stores if you don't want to make one. So give this little bit of
Japanese culture a try at home on February 3 and bring in some extra luck and fortune for the year.



【Fukuoka City Information】

Lifestyle Related Disease Prevention Month

February is Life-style related disease prevention month.
These are diseases that develop due to, as you may have guessed, our life-style. Life-style related diseases
include diabetes, hypertension and heart attacks and are caused by a lack of regular exercise and by
nutritionally imbalanced diets. Smoking, excessive drinking and stress can also cause life-style related
To maintain a healthy life-style, balanced and appropriately portioned meals, three times a day at regular
times, is key. Constantly eating nutritionally unbalanced foods, like instant meals or greasy foods, can cause
obesity and diabetes. They also say that chewing your food properly is important in a healthy diet as it will
reduce the burden on your digestive system and strengthen the muscles around the mouth. Taking your time
to eat, spending at least 20 minutes enjoying your meal, is suggested.
Regular exercise is also important as the loss of muscle mass due to a lack of exercise will affect your basal
metabolic rate, which is the number of calories you burn as your body performs basic life-sustaining functions.
If this rate decreases, it's more likely you'll gain weight. So make time to exercise to maintain your muscle
strength and mass. For those who do not have many opportunities to exercise, walk when shopping, use the
stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, or take other short breaks in your daily life to get about 10 minutes
more physical activity than you do now. It will go a long way toward your health.
Sleep is also essential to your health. It plays an important role in our health as it allows us to get rid of mental
and physical fatigue and boosts our immunity. But to maintain our immunity, it's important that we are getting
enough sleep and that our sleep is good quality sleep. Avoid using your smartphone, watching TV, or
consuming caffeine or alcohol before going to bed, as these will reduce the quality of your sleep. Instead, find

another way to relax, perhaps by taking a bath before bed, or doing whatever is it you like to do to relax. It's
important to live a stress-free life. Perhaps this is a chance to take another look at your own daily life-style.

2024.01.01[Mon] 09:00

Japanese(日本語) , Other Topics(その他)


Happy New year! Thank you for starting the year off with me. I hope you have a wonderful 2024 filled with good food, fun and friends.

How did you spend your New Year's eve? What's the plan for today?

I hope you have a chance to enjoy the food, customs, and atmosphere around the city that are unique to the New Year.

I don't know if you know this, but on January 7, the last day of the New Year week, people eat "Nanakusa porridge," a traditional food containing seven kinds of seasonal medicinal herbs, for breakfast, to pray for good health and good fortune throughout the year. It is also meant to help the stomach and intestines, which may be tired and overworked from the rich foods and alcohol consumed during the New Year's holiday. The porridge is usually seasoned simply with salt. You can find these seven herbs as a set, sold at supermarkets and other places, so you don't have to worry about trying to gather all of these ingredients together.

Once again, I wish you all a happy and healthy year in 2024!



Fukuoka City Information

Japanese Chatting Salon

The first topic is about their Japanese chatting salon which might be useful for any international students who are studying in Fukuoka. Do you know about the monthly Japanese Chatting Salon? Using Zoom, international students and Japanese volunteers meet one on one or in small groups to talk about topics that interest them. If you are looking for a chance to use daily Japanese as well as practice the Japanese you've learned in class, or just want to chat with a native Japanese speaker, then definitely join in! The sessions are free and the next session will be held online on January 31st.  You do need to make a reservation to join this event though.

To learn more about this event or to make a reservation, please visit the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website or their Facebook page. The website for the Fukuoka City International Foundation is www.fcif.or.jp. Again that website is www.fcif.or.jp.  You can also call the Foundation to get details at  (092-262-1799). They're looking forward to hearing from you, so check it out.



Consultations for Immigration, Residency, and Nationality Matters

To continue, is there anything you don't understand about residency status and term of stay regulations? If there is, the Fukuoka City International Foundation provides free consultation on these matters to the international residents of Fukuoka City.

Consultations are held every second Sunday of the month. They are offered from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, but you must register by 3:30 PM.  A gyousei-shoshi, or administrative lawyer will answer your questions and offer consultation.

There are English and Chinese interpreters present, and so, consultation in English, Chinese and Japanese does not require a reservation. For other languages, please consult with the center at least one week in advance.

Your confidentiality is guaranteed, so please feel at ease to use these services.

For more information, please call  (0120-66-1799). Phone calls will be accepted between 9am and 6pm on weekdays.

2023.12.25[Mon] 09:00

Other Topics(その他)

2023.12.18[Mon] 09:00

Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Other Topics(その他)

【Bonenkai-Year End Parties】

The end of the year is approaching and we are right in the middle of the Bonenkai, or "year-end party" season. How is it for you? I'm sure you've heard that word, Bonenkai kicking around quite a lot!  In Japan, December is the time for people at work, in the community, and among friends to shake off everything that was hard or felt like it was dragging them down in the past year, and instead welcome the New Year with a fresh outlook! In Japan, we have the bonenkai or  "Year-End Party," an event to help us do that. It is also a chance to get together to appreciate each other's efforts, so it is common for whole work teams or groups of friends to go out to dinner, and have a drink all together." Everyone toasts to "good work done for the year~" and usually enjoys a nice meal and a good time. 

The Japanese phrase that is often said at these gatherings is "Kyou ha bureikou” and it basically means to enjoy the time without worrying about your position or title. In sum, relax, kick back and have fun. This phrase does seem to express a very Japanese cultural situation as people do often hesitate in situations because of what they think their position or title in a situation is, especially among seniors at a company  It's important to relax every now and then and you should, but don't get too carried away. I wonder if it's difficult to find that balance sometimes. Also, don't drink too much and forget everything about that evening when you are out enjoying a Bonenkai party!

It's a little early, but I'll say thank you for all of your hard work this year! 



Fukuoka City Information

Ward office consultation and putting out the garbage over the New Year Holidays

Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City. Over the New Year's holidays, there are a few changes to ward office consultation hours and the days on which you can put out the garbage. For ward offices, please be aware that these places will be closed from Friday the 29thof December to Wednesday the 3rd of January.  In the days before and after the new year holidays, the ward office consultation counters will be busy so make sure you give yourself plenty of time when you go there.

Also, from Sunday the 31st of December to Wednesday the 3rd of January, please do not put your garbage out for pick up. The last day to put out burnable garbage for scheduled pick up is Saturday the 30th of December. Scheduled garbarge pick-up will resume on Thursday the 4th of January. If the regularly scheduled garbage days in your area are Wednesday and Sunday, you may put your garbage out on Saturday, the 30th of December for pick up. For nonburnable garbage and glass and pet bottles, if Monday January 1st  is your regular day to put them out, instead they can be put out beforehand on Friday, December 22nd. If Tuesday January 2nd is the regular day, put the nonburnables out on Friday, December 29th. For areas where Wednesday, January 3rd is a regular pickup day, nonburnables will be picked up instead on Friday, January 5th.

Also, applications and pickup for oversized garbage will be stopped between Friday, December 29th to Wednesday, January 3rd, so please be aware of that.



Spend the New Year's Holiday safely

Fukuoka City wants you to enjoy your winter holidays safely and enjoyably and has a few tips to share.

From the end of the year to the start of the new year, there are a lot of opportunities to drink alcohol. So, make sure, 100%, that you don't drink and drive, don't make others drink and drive, never allow someone to drink and drive and don't ignore someone who would drink and drive. Even cycling after drinking is against the law.

And it's important to remember that even the next day you might have some alcohol in your system or will be hungover. In that case, even if you think you only have a little bit of alcohol left in your system, it doesn't mean you should drive, because you shouldn't.

Also, every year, the end of the year sees more and more traffic accidents. If you are out late at night, make sure you are wearing bright or reflective clothes that are easy for drivers to notice. And if you are driving, make sure you turn your headlights on earlier in the evening.

Next, we have a warning for you about bag snatching incidents. There have been a number of these crimes from the evening to midnight in places where there are few people around. A lot of these incidents have occurred with the criminals riding motorbikes and snatching bags as they pass by. To avoid being involved in such an incident, make you carry your bag on the side opposite to the road and pay attention to your surroundings, making sure you look back behind you if you sense signs of people or hear a motorbike.

Protect yourself and the things that are important to you and have a safe and enjoyable winter holiday.


2023.12.11[Mon] 09:00

Other Topics(その他)

【The End of Year Big Cleanup】

There's only just a bit of 2023 left, how time flies. And at the end of the year just before the new year, in Japan, many people typically do a big, thorough house cleaning. It's called “O-souji” in Japanese. 

Originally stemming from ancient Shinto rituals in Japan, many people still practice this custom with the intention of cleaning away the dirt of the past year from their homes, workplaces, and places they are grateful for, to welcome the new year in a clean and refreshed state.

As December begins, it is common for people to plan and gradually complete the cleaning by the end of the year, taking into consideration how much time they have and where they need to clean. Though, in reality, it often becomes a bit hectic, especially after Christmas. It seems it is considered unlucky to do your cleaning on the 29th, 31st of December, and the 1st of January. So, you shouldn't do any major cleaning or New Year's preparations on those specific days, and make sure you plan to clean before then. We don't want to be superstitious, but maybe knowing and respecting these customs is a good idea just in case.

Doing household chores, especially ones that require a lot of water or washing, can become a bit of a pain during this period. I'm sure all of us are pretty busy this time of the year with plans, work and other events all overlapping on our calendars as we wrap up this year, but we've still got a few weeks before the year ends. Just doing a bit every day will get your house clean before the year ends and will let you enjoy a leisurely and pleasant start to the New Year. So make that effort now and spend the year-end and New Year's feeling relaxed and positive!



【Fukuoka City Information】

official LINE account

The Fukuoka City International Foundation does have an official LINE account.

If you connect with the Foundation's official LINE account, you can make an appointment for consultations on daily life or free professional consultation using the LINE call feature. Telephone consultations are available in 22 languages, so please feel free to contact them. In addition, the Voom function of LINE is used to send out information on the Foundation's events and announcements from Fukuoka City. Please add the Foundation's official LINE account to your friends' list from the Fukuoka City International Foundation website. The foundation will not accept consultations via LINE talk, but you can use the inquiry form on the foundation's website. So if you want advice via text rather than calling, use that form on the homepage.



 End of year information

Also, the Fukuoka City International Foundation will be closed for a period of 6 days, from Friday, December 29th  to Wednesday, January 3rd . It will reopen on Thursday, January 4th 2024 at 9 am.

The first session in 2024 for the free legal advice service for foreigners will be on Saturday, January 6th.  You do need an appointment before you go, so please call to make an appointment as soon as you can. 

For consultations with a gyousei-shoshi, or administrative lawyer, reservations are not necessary. The first day available in 2024 for that is Sunday, January 14th. 

For more information please call 092-262-1799. The call is free to make. You can also check the Fukuoka City International Foundation's website for information.

The Fukuoka City International Foundation will continue being an

antenna to gather and provide a wealth of information and support to you, the foreign

residents of Fukuoka, in order to make life here in the city even more comfortable, so feel free to use their services!


2023.12.04[Mon] 09:00

Other Topics(その他)


A question for those of you listening this morning. "Do you all like 'mochi'? We call it rice cake in English,
which isn't the best translation but I think people are beginning to know the word mochi itself as it becomes
more popular around the world. Freshly made mochi is soft and delicious, if you've had it, you know. In Japan,
in December, there are 'mochitsuki' events at schools and in communities and of course , a lot of mochi is
consumed during the New Year, so it is prepared and stored during this season.
To make mochi, a big group of people will get together and using special tools, knead and pound steamed
glutinous rice nonstop. The process of making mochi, with everyone shouting and taking turns pounding and
shaping, is lively and enjoyable to participate in or even simply to watch.
Once the mochi is pounded, you can eat freshly made mochi on the spot, seasoned with your favorite flavors.
There are various seasoning options, from sweet flavors like roasted soybean flour, sweet bean paste, sugar
and soy sauce to savory options like grated radish, soy sauce and seaweed. You can even try it with with
fermented soybeans or (natto) for a meal-like variation.
If you have the chance, definitely participate in this very fun and delicious, and traditional Japanese event.



【Fukuoka City Information】

World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week

Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City about World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week. Human rights" refers to the right to "live like a human being" that each individual has from birth.

December 10 is World Human Rights Day, a day to think about "human rights" not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world.
December 4 to 10 is Human Rights Week, and Fukuoka City also observes "Respect for Human Rights Week," which aims to make Fukuoka City a better place to live, where human rights are respected, and there is no discrimination.

While you ARE irreplaceable, OTHERS are also irreplaceable. This is an important week to know that each and every one of us is important.

In order to realize a society where "no one is left behind" as stated in the SDGs, it is important to eliminate discrimination and prejudice against women, children, the elderly, foreigners, and people with disabilities, and to respect each other's human rights.

It's a good time to reflect upon what compassion and irreplaceable life means. 

2023.11.13[Mon] 09:00

Other Topics(その他)

【November Grand Sumo Tournament】

Have you recently spotted any sumo wrestlers in traditional chonmage topknot hairstyles while strolling around town? If you have, it's because the 'November Grand Sumo Tournament,' a traditional Japanese sumo event, is taking place. While there are six Grand Sumo Tournaments held annually, the one in November is known as the Kyushu Basho, and Fukuoka serves as the host city.

This year, it's being held at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center , or Fukuoka International Center, from November 12th to the 26th. During this period, colorful banners and flags line the area around the venue, and sumo fans from all over Kyushu gather in Fukuoka, creating a lively atmosphere every day. Additionally, during this time, sumo stables are set up around Fukuoka city and its suburbs, where you can visit and interact with sumo wrestlers.

While you can watch sumo on television, there's a unique intensity to witnessing sumo bouts live! In the venue, you'll not only witness the sumo matches but also get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes activities of the people who support sumo. It's a fascinating and entertaining opportunity to see these backstage efforts.

Why not take advantage of these two weeks and watch sumo in Fukuoka during this special event?



Fukuoka City Information

The Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents has made some changes!

This time I have some information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation about some changes that have been made to the The Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents. The support center, which is operated by the Fukuoka City International Foundation has been renovated to make it even more accessible for consultations. This includes the addition of consultation counters and increased privacy in the consultation space.

The Consultation Support Center aims to address the questions and concerns of foreign residents. They provide consultations on various aspects of daily life, such as residence procedures, employment, healthcare, welfare, childbirth, childcare, and children's education, offering face-to-face, telephone, and email consultations. They also provide information and guidance to relevant agencies.

General consultations are available from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on weekdays, from Monday to Friday. Interpretation services are available in 22 languages, including English. Telephone interpretation services and tablet device translation functions are also used when necessary.

For more details, please visit their website. For inquiries, please contact them by phone at  0120-66-1799. 


Consultations for Immigration, Residency, and Nationality Matters

To continue, is there anything you don't understand about residency status and term of stay regulations? If there is, the Fukuoka City International Foundation provides free consultation on these matters to the international residents of Fukuoka City.

Consultations are held every second Sunday of the month. They are offered from 1:00 to 4:00 PM, but you must register by 3:30 PM.  A gyousei-shoshi, or administrative lawyer will answer your questions and offer consultation.

There are English and Chinese interpreters present, and so, consultation in English, Chinese and Japanese does not require a reservation. For other languages, please consult with the center at least one week in advance.

Your confidentiality is guaranteed, so please feel at ease to use these services.

For more information, please call  0120-66-1799.  Phone calls will be accepted between 9am and 6pm on weekdays.

Again, that was information from the Fukuoka City International Foundation.



2023.11.06[Mon] 09:00

Other Topics(その他)

Fukuoka Marathon 2023

This Sunday, November 12th, the 'Fukuoka Marathon 2023' will take place. It is a marathon that citizens can participate in, covering a distance of 42.195km between Fukuoka City and Itoshima City, with 12,000 participants expected to run over 7 hours. Starting right in the heart of Fukuoka's city center, Tenjin, runners will head towards the goal in Itoshima, enjoying beautiful seaside and mountain scenery along the way. The course offers a pleasant run transitioning from the urban to natural landscapes.

This event is filled with the unique charm of Fukuoka as participants will be treated to local Fukuoka delicacies, famous sweets, and dishes made from regional ingredients. The medals for the winners will feature traditional Fukuoka crafts, such as Hakataori ribbons.

In addition to the 42.195km marathon, there will also be a 5.2km wheelchair race and a fan run. Professional athletes and Olympic competitors will join as guest runners. The Fukuoka Marathon is a major event that attracts many people to come and support the runners along the course.

Please note that there will be road closures and restrictions on pedestrian and bicycle traffic on the roads around the course on the event day.

So, Let's all send warm cheers on November 12th and support the runners as they strive for the finish line together!





Fukuoka City Information

Autumn's National Fire Prevention Campaign Week

Now I have some information from Fukuoka City. This year, November 9th to 15th is the Autumn National Fire Prevention Campaign week. As we move from Autumn to Winter, the air becomes drier and incidents involving fires increase. In Fukuoka City last year, there were 266 incidents! The main causes of incidents involving fires include cigarettes, gas burners and home heaters.

You've got to be extra careful with those little gas stoves.  When it gets cold, and you want to make a nabe or hot pot at the table, the gas stove often comes out. And when you do use it, make sure you never leave the stove unattended while it is on.

Also, be careful of starting fires with cigarettes. They are a known fire hazard and this should go without saying but do not smoke while in bed and don't let your cigarette butts just pile up. Make sure you put your cigarette out completely with water when you are done smoking.

Some other examples of fire incidents that might occur are when clothes hanging to dry or curtains are near a heater catch fire, or when your futon or blanket is too close to the  heater and, while you are sleeping, catches fire. It's really dangerous to put things that might be flammable near a heater. Also, don't forget to double check that you've switched off the heater when it's not in use.

Also, make sure to regularly check that the smoke alarm in your house is working and that your fire extinguisher is up to date. It's important to practice fire safety every day.

This message was brought to you by Fukuoka City.

2023.10.30[Mon] 09:00

Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Other Topics(その他)

【Momiji-gari, Autumn Leaves Viewing】

The temperature is dropping, and the weather is feeling a bit
more autumn-like. The trees are turning vivid shades of red, orange, green, and yellow, and in Japan, just
as people enjoy cherry blossom viewing in the spring, there's a cultural tradition of appreciating the
colorful foliage in the autumn.
It's called "紅葉狩り" (Momijigari), and it involves activities such as walking, hiking, taking a drive, or
traveling to hot springs in order to see the autumn foliage. People also take photos of the colorful leaves,
paint them, or enjoy meals or a soak in the hot spring while surrounded by the vibrant scenery. There are
so many ways to appreciate this natural beauty, you just need to find the one that suits you.
In the next topic, the information from Fukuoka City, I'll introduce some recommended spots within
Fukuoka city for enjoying Momijigari!



【Fukuoka City Information】

Japanese Gardens and Autumn Foliage
First, one great spot to see Autumn colors is at a Japanese garden and fortunately, Fukuoka City boasts
several Japanese gardens. Here in the city, we have:
1. Yusentei Park
2. Shofuen Garden
3. Rakusuien Garden
4. Ohori Park Japanese Garden
These Japanese gardens are conveniently located within the city, which means they're easy to get to for a
visit. And they're a great place for even a short visit because Japanese gardens provide the opportunity to
appreciate seasonal beauty within a limited space.
They often offer matcha tea for a small fee, allowing you to relax while enjoying the garden's view. You
can take leisurely strolls around the ponds and savor the tranquil, crisp air.
This season is a recommended time to visit these gardens, as you can also enjoy the beautiful autumn
foliage. But, if a Japanese garden isn't your cup of tea, Fukuoka City has many other popular spots for
viewing autumn leaves, such as the Fukuoka City Museum area, Aburayama Citizen's Forest, and
Momijihachimangu Shrine. From November to December, these places reach their peak for autumn
foliage. So, get out and enjoy these places this autumn.


Bicycle Parking Manners
One more topic to share and for those of you who commute by bicycle, this is important information for
you. There are a lot of us who get around the city by bicycle and it's important to make sure that we are
parking in designated bicycle parking areas.

Bicycles parked in areas other than bicycle parking lots, like on the street or in public parks are
considered an obstruction to pedestrians or even a nuisance, and are therefore subject to removal under
the assumption that they are abandoned bicycles.
Fukuoka City charges a fee of 2,500 yen to return a bicycle that has been removed, and if the bicycles are
not picked up within a certain period of time, they will be discarded.
There are bicycle parking lots near shopping centers and stations that offer free parking for set periods of
time, so even though it might seem like a hassle, make use of them because it's a lot better than paying
money to get your bicycle back from bike jail!


  • Colleen
  • Colleen
  • 誕生日:11月11日
    出身地:USA Detroit, MI
    興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages

