福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2020.08.17[Mon] 09:00
Other Topics(その他)
Today I want to talk about Obon, which is generally what comes to mind when one thinks about August in Japan. Have you heard of Obon? I’m guessing most of you have unless you are brand new to Japan, but just in case, I’ll give you a little intro to it. Obon is a Buddhist custom, and it is believed in Japan that during this period, the spirits of one’s ancestors return home. As such, loving family members and relatives gather to give thanks to their ancestors and pray that those in this world live safe and peaceful lives. Obon is typically the 4 days from the 13th to the 16th of August however in some parts of the Kanto area, it is between the 13th and the 16th of July. Regardless, this is why on TV around these times that you hear about the Obon Rush because if everyone heading back to their hometowns. In the US we don’t really have anything like this the closet approximation I could make might be Thanksgiving. Families typically gather for Thanksgiving dinner, meaning a lot of people go home over that holiday causing a rush like the Obon rush. However the feeling is completely different. In both cases you’re often gathered with family and there seems to be a lot of food, I’ve participated in the Obon custom here, but with Obon there is sometimes a bit of sadness remembering those who have died and well as nostalgia recalling those times past. Thanksgiving seems noisy, busy and loud! That’s just my experience though!
【Information from Fukuoka City on the special fixed relief benefits】
The application deadline for the 100,000 yen special relief benefits is August 31st. Applications were sent to everyone who registered by April 27th as a Fukuoka City resident. Please make sure you get your application in by the deadline! If there is anything that you don’t understand please call 092-401-0826 for help or information. Again that number is 092-401-0826. This phone service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm and consultation is available in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Nepali.
And Love FM is also running a special broadcast called the 5 minute guide to understanding the special fixed relief benefits. The English broadcast for that is on every Monday and Saturday at 1:53 pm.
【Multilingual phone interpretation hotline for ward offices】
Next, I have information on a phone interpretation service available to foreign residents. Whether you need help with your resident’s card, aren’t sure about what you need to do when you move house, or have questions about national health insurance, taxes or even garbage, there is a phone interpretation service available for you to use to check with the ward offices.
Interpretation is available in 18 languages, among them are English, Chinese , Korean, Vietnamese and Nepali, and the phone number is 092-753-6113. Again, that is 092-753-6113. When you use this number, after you have spoken to someone at the interpretation center, you will be connected to your ward office. Make sure you tell the interpreter in which ward you live and what you are calling about. For example, you might say something like “ I live in Higashi ward and I need the certificate showing proof of earnings.”, in which case you’ll be connected to the person in charge of issuing those papers for the Higashi ward. From there, you, the ward office person and the interpreter can continue your conversation. And, if you go to the ward office in person, don’t worry, just use your phone to ring up this service if you need any interpretation help.
2020.08.10[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)
【Mountain day】
Mountain day was started in 2016 as a day to give thanks to the mountains for the riches they provide us with and to provide people with the opportunity to get to know the mountains better. Now it seems that June is the only month without a national holiday now that Mountain Day" has been added to the calendar in August, which actually had no holidays before the addition.
I think it’s pretty nice that there are national holidays nearly every month. I know a lot of people can’t get time off normally because they are so busy working and no doubt these holidays come as a nice break in their busy schedules.
This year, due to COVID-19, the Olympics have been postponed until next year. However because they were supposed to take place this year, the date of Mountain day was shifted to August 10th, so make sure you don’t mix up the date!
【Information from Fukuoka City on the special fixed relief benefits】
The application deadline for the 100,000 yen special relief benefits is August 31st. Applications were sent to everyone who registered by April 27th as a Fukuoka City resident. Please make sure you get your application in by the deadline! If there is anything that you don’t understand please call 092-401-0826 for help or information. Again that number is 092-401-0826. This phone service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm and consultation is available in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Nepali.
And Love FM is also running a special broadcast called the 5 minute guide to understanding the special fixed relief benefits. The English broadcast for that is on every Monday and Saturday at 1:53 pm. So make sure you check that out.
【Be careful of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Red back spider and the blue-ringed octopus!】
In the summer there are a few poisonous creatures you should be careful about, including the Red Imported Fire Ant, Redback Spider and the Blue-ringed Octopus.
The Red Imported Fire Ant is a reddish-brown ant between 2.5 and 6 millimeters in length . If you are stung, you’ll feel a burning pain an some people may go into anaphylactic shock if they have a strong allergic reaction to the sting.
The Redback Spider is a venomous spider that likes to make its home in warm, sunny locations like around potted plants, under drain lids and under benches.
The spiders are about 1 centimeter in length but 3-4 centimeters with its legs stretched out. It has a black body with a red hourglass shape on its abdomen. If you are bitten you may experience pain, a fever and nausea.
If you discover the red imported fire ant or Redback spider, do not touch it with your bare hands and use an insecticide to kill it. If you are bitten, please go to the hospital immediately.
And the blue ringed octopus has been seen both in and outside of Hakata Bay. It is up to 10 centimeters long and has a distinctive blue ring pattern that appears on its body when it is agitated. It has the same deadly poison as a blowfish and in the worst case, can result in death if bitten. If you are bitten, do not try to suck the poison out with your mouth, try to squeeze it out by hand and get to a hospital right away.
2020.07.20[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Events & Entertainment(イベント・娯楽) , Other Topics(その他)
【Goals for the Summer】
And that topic is goals for the summer. So what are your goals this season? Planning to work off all that time spent at home this past spring? Or maybe you want to spend more time at home and binge watch some new TV series. Or perhaps some time making video calls to catch up with family and friends at home? As for me, my goals include exploring the less traveled areas and perhaps a few of the more touristy areas of Japan. After months indoors, I've got the travel bug, my feet are just itching to go and so I have plans to travel around a bit. Most of my travel will just be one day trips, perhaps an overnight stay here and there, I think. There's a lot of Japan I haven't seen despite having lived here for over 15 years and it looks like domestic travel is the way to go this year. I do have one big trip planned for next week, I'll head to the Fuji mountain area and do a circuit around the mountain. The mountain is of course closed to hikers this year but my plan does not involve any kind of hiking. Instead, I'm hoping to get as many views of Mt. Fuji from as many angles as possible. I'll start in Hakone and head around to Fujinomiya and then to Kawaguchiko. Hopefully the weather will be nice and I'll have a good picture to share with you on blog on the LOVE FM website.
2020.06.08[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)
【Cooking at home】
Thank you for tuning in this morning! I guess that due to the coronavirus situation, many of you have been spending a lot more time at home and possibly even have started cooking a lot more at home. I like cooking and generally do so everyday, but I started to miss going out for a meal. In my house, I almost never fry food, I've done it a couple of times just in a frying pan and I hate the clean up after. However, I do like eating fried food sometimes and both I and my boyfriend were starting to crave some British style fish and chips. He's British and I guess I've eaten enough so that it's a familiar food to me! I actually have a small deep fryer in the house given to me by a friend and so we decided to pull it out for the first time ever, and see if we could actually manage to make something decent without burning the house down. The fryer was easy to use but we needed so much oil in it. As a result, we actually spent the week eating different fried foods, ton-katsu, kushi-katsu, kara-age...it seemed like a waste to throw away the oil after just one use. Speaking of waste...I'm sure my waist grew a centimeter after that one week! It was a delicious week but the next week was spent eating loads of salads and fruit and doing youtube exercise videos! What was your indulgent dish at home? I'm always looking for recipe ideas!
【Information from Fukuoka City about the Covid-19】
Next, I have some information from Fukuoka City in regards to the Novel Coronavirus.
The first is a request from Fukuoka City. Life in the time of the coronavirus means that we, the residents of Fukuoka, all must make some changes for our new lifestyle. Some of these changes include keeping the 3 C's in mind--meaning to avoid closed spaces, crowded places and close conversation. Other changes include trying to maintain a distance of 2 meters from others, wearing a mask when outdoors and having conversations, and washing our hands and faces when we get home.
You may also want to consider some other things as you change your lifestyle. When shopping, either do so online or use electronic money to make payments at the store. If you want restaurant food, get takeaway or delivery, or if you are eating in the shop, sit side by side.
As a standard practice for your new lifestyle, wear a mask when you go out, especially when you are on the subway.
This next bit of information is for students and international students who have lost their jobs. Fukuoka Prefecture has quickly put into action, a project that creates short term jobs that you can apply for. And in addition, the national government has implemented a set of benefits payable to students who have seen a significant loss of income from their part-time jobs and meet certain requirements. For more information on that, please check the Fukuoka City website. Also on the website, information on the special fixed benefit relief money is updated from time to time so make sure everyone takes a look at that, by searching for “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners”
【Regarding Taxes】
Continuing with information from Fukuoka City, anyone that owned a motorized bike or light vehicle as of April 1st is required to pay the light vehicle tax.
Owners of motorized bikes or light vehicles should have received the tax payment notice which was sent around May 5th. If you have not yet paid this tax, please make your payment, which can be done at a convenience store or bank, as soon as possible.
And, for people who were residents of Fukuoka City as of January 1st, and if your annual income is over 1,000,000 yen, an individual city resident tax may be charged.
For those employed by a company, the tax amount will be withheld from your salary.
For those who are not employed by a company, tax payment slips will be sent around June 15th. Please make your payment at a convenience store or at a bank.
If you do not pay these city taxes, such as the light vehicle tax, you may encounter difficulties when it comes time to renew your resident status and you may also be subject to seizure of your property.
There may be some of you who, due to the effects of the Coronavirus, have seen a decrease in income and may have difficulty paying your city taxes. If so, please consult your local ward office. You can also consult by phone in 18 different languages. This phone number is 092-753-6113. Again, this phone number is 092-753-6113. This phone number will connect you to the ward office after you speak with an interpreter. Please tell the interpreter which ward you live in and that the call is to inquire about taxes.
2020.06.01[Mon] 09:00
Medical Treatment & Health(医療・保健) , Other Topics(その他)
【Colleen's “Stay at Home” time】
I wonder where you are listening to me right now? In the car? On a morning walk or maybe at home? I guess a lot of you were and maybe still are spending a lot more time at home due to the Coronavirus. It was the same for me. Except for the time outside walking for exercise, going to the supermarket and occasionally doing jobs that couldn't be done from home, I was doing my best to stay home. I know for some, this time was a chance to binge-watch tv shows, learn a new hobby or just catch up on sleep. I did a little bit of all of that, and I made attempts at being productive. I pulled the weeds out of my garden...but they just keep coming back. It is a never ending battle. I also put some vegetables and flowers in and in addition to the weeds, now I have to battle the slugs who are trying to eat my hard work! I did eat some of the komatsuna I grew but had to pull two slugs off...at least I know it's fresh, right?! I actually found that despite being home, I was never not busy, there was always something, and in fact, some days I felt like I needed a few more hours! Hopefully you have been able to enjoy your time at home as well, despite the situation that put us there.
【100,000 Yen Government Relief Money (Special Fixed Relief Benefits)】
This next topic will no doubt be of interest to everyone, it is about the 100,000 yen relief money being provided by the government. For everyone, including foreign nationals, who were registered as residents of Japan by April 27th are eligible to apply.
For people living in Fukuoka city, the applications for that relief money have been sent, beginning from May 15th. If there is anything that you don't understand, for example like how to fill out the application, please call the following number for help. The helpline is available in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Nepalese and that phone number is 092-401-0826. Again, that is 092-401-0826.
Love FM has also been broadcasting a special 5 minute program to help you understand more about that relief money. The program is called “Life in Fukuoka Special Edition-Understanding the Fixed Relief Benefits in 5 Minutes" and it is on every Monday and Saturday at 1:53pm in English.You can also listen to this special program as a podcast at anytime on the Love FM Homepage so definitely check it out.
You can also look at the Fukuoka City Homepage and link to Support For Foreigners to get information. On that page, you'll find information not only about living in Fukuoka, but also information on other things like Coronavirus support services. Definitely take the time to access that page, it has a lot of useful and necessary information.
【Cloth Mask Delivery】
As you know, the Japanese government has sent cloth masks out to all of its residents. And in Fukuoka as well, these deliveries began on the 12th of May. For each household, two masks were sent. The masks are washable and can be used again and again. When you wash them, use regular clothes detergent and gently wash them by hand. Hang them out in a sunny place to dry.
【Mask & Ride】
I guess now that the state of emergency has been lifted for Fukuoka, the number of people out and on public transportation has increased. As such, Fukuoka City has asked that when you are out using the Fukuoka City Subway or the Fukuoka City operated ferries, to avoid the 3 C's that have been mentioned before and to always wear a mask. They also request that people, except in the case of an emergency, avoid having unnecessary conversations while on board the subway or ferry, and to stagger commuting times or work from home in order to reduce congestion.
2020.05.18[Mon] 09:00
Employment & Starting a Business(就業・起業) , Other Topics(その他)
【Hometown Flavors in Fukuoka】
So, with that, let's get to our topics for today. How long has it been since you arrived in Fukuoka? No matter how long, I'm sure many of you miss the flavors of your hometown. I know I do, and in some ways, I can get what we might call American food as there are plenty of fast food places in Fukuoka. Not exactly healthy though!
America is a big place and there are so many different cuisines, flavors, and famous dishes throughout the US, so it's hard to pinpoint what American food is exactly. It's not just steak, burgers and hotdogs!
Growing up in Detroit, some of my favorite things to eat in the summer were baked macaroni and cheese, barbecued chicken just dripping in a sweet smoky sauce, collard greens and cornbread. I won't lie, I'm a pretty good cook so the first three things I can do at home, but cornbread isn't easy to come by.
Fortunately, I have actually found some pretty amazing cornbread at The City Bakery, right in the second basement of Solaria Plaza. Apparently, The City Bakery was originally started in NY, so it makes sense that it has an American kind of flavor. When I first discovered the cornbread there, I was hesitant, and almost didn't buy it as I was worried it would only be an imitation of the deliciousness I grew up with. My first bite, however, threw my doubts out the window and I was ready to buy every last piece. I held back, that would only shrink my wallet and expand my waist.
But, I was happy to know that I could find a taste of home in Fukuoka. I'm kind of craving some cornbread now..hmmmm....
【Support for Foreigners on the Fukuoka City Homepage】
If you look at the official Fukuoka City Homepage, you will find a section on the site that provides support for the foreign residents in Fukuoka. It's simply called Support for Foreigners, and has information on living in Fukuoka and now has information in Vietnamese and Nepalese as well.
Just search for “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners”. Again, you just need to type “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners” into your search bar. It's a useful site with important information so definitely take a look.
【Information Regarding the 100,000 yen Monetary Relief from the Government】
This site will be a big help if you have any questions about that 100,000 yen relief money from the government that everyone is talking about, or if you aren't sure how to fill in the application form for that money.
In addition to the information on “Support For Foreigners”, on the Fukuoka City Homepage, a special telephone hotline exclusively for foreign residents has been set up to give consultations on the 100,000 yen benefit money. The hotline supports 5 languages, they are English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Nepalese. The phone number is 092-401-0826. Again, that number is 092-401-0826. Please call this number if, after checking the Fukuoka City homepage, there is anything that you don't understand.
【For Those Looking for Full or Part-time Jobs】
If you are currently looking for work, the Fukuoka City Employment for Foreigners section will help you with your job search. Consultations are available over the phone in English and Chinese. That phone number is 092-716-8608. Once again, for job search support, please call 092-716-8608.
If you are an international student looking for work, you should consult the Fukuoka City International Student Support Center. The Center will provide support for finding part time jobs and employment where you can use your translation and interpretation skills. That phone number is 092-725-9201. Again that is 092-725-9201.
2020.05.11[Mon] 09:00
Other Topics(その他)
【My Mother in Japan】
In Japan, and the US, Mother's day is the second Sunday of May, which was yesterday. So, what did you do for Mother's day? I gave my mom and call and sent her a few things that she wanted from Japan. She's actually visited me a few times here and always seems to enjoy everything that she finds. My mom is originally from Korea but has lived in the US for over 40 years now and she's pretty Americanized.
I remember the first time she visited me here, I let her loose on the city. I had to work that day and gave her directions on how to get around but, she got a bit turned around and had to ask for directions. She approached an older gentleman on the street and tried to ask him how to get to the subway. He seemed confused as to why she was speaking English and answered her in Japanese, she looks like she could be Japanese as well... so she tried again saying something along the lines of “hey dude, I don't speak any Japanese. I've got Korean or English. So, help. Where is the subway? You know, the uh..train. Choo Choo!” He looked really confused (she reported all of this to me after) and she said choo choo again. He made a funny expression on his face, but she didn't give up, she made motions with her hands pulling the steam whistle and doing the movement of the wheels with her arms, saying chugga chugga chugga.
Somehow, he understood her and pointed her in the right direction. After she came back and told me all of this wondering why he had looked at her so funny, I said that maybe he thought she was asking for a kiss...chuuu chuuu!
Ah, she said. Nah he wasn't her type. So that's my mom! What's your mom like?
【Information on “Support for Foreigners” on the Fukuoka City Homepage】
Next I'd like to mention that if you look at the official Fukuoka City Homepage, you will find Support for Foreigners, a site that provides support for the foreign residents in Fukuoka. This site has information on living in Fukuoka as well as support regarding the Coronavirus. Just search for “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners”. Again, you just need to type “Fukuoka Support for Foreigners” into your search bar. It's a useful site with important information so definitely take a look.
【Trouble With Living Expenses】
Due to the Coronavirus, there are no doubt a number of people who are currently unable to work because of temporary closures or have lost employment, and as a result are worrying about their living expenses. The Fukuoka City Council of Social Welfare isproviding consultation on special loans that are available for those who have been affected. For more information, please call 092-791-7266. Again that is 092-791-7266. You can also check the “Support for Foreigners” site on the Fukuoka City Homepage for more information.
【100,000 yen Monetary Relief from the Government】
The Japanese Government is planning to provide 100,000 yen per person to all residents, including non-Japanese residents, registered to the Basic Resident Registration Network System as of April 27, 2020. I know many people are wondering about this and details will be published as soon as they have been decided so please check the Fukuoka City Homepage for that information.
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages