福岡のFMラジオ局 LOVE FM。周波数76.1MHz。九州北部広範囲をカバーする10ヶ国語の多言語放送局。
2021.08.16[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
For you, what is THE fruit of summer. For a lot of people, I guess it's the watermelon. It has a nutritious punch, it's packed full of potassium, calcium and magnesium and is super hydrating, I mean its name says it all. Really a great fruit for the summer to help prevent heat stroke and dehydration. Some people like to sprinkle a little salt on it which some say makes it as effective as a sports drink. In the south of the US I've heard quite a few people do sprinkle salt on it, but I think it's to make it taste even sweeter. In Kyushu, Kumamoto is the main producer of watermelons and is the number one producer in Japan. Here in Fukuoka we do actually have one place that produces watermelons and it's in the Nishi ward. Those watermelons are called Kitazaki-Suika, Suika being the word for watermelon in Japanese. If you're out shopping and see watermelons in the produce section, why not see where they're from and if you're up for the challenge, compare how they taste? I've got one I picked up from a market in Kumamoto that is waiting for me now!
【Wiping out Drunk Driving】
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City. Do you know about the drunk driving accident that occurred here in Fukuoka City on August 25, 2006? 15 years ago, this month, on the Uminonakamichi Bridge in Higashi ward, three children were killed when a drunk driver crashed into them.
That accident led Fukuoka City to enact measures to try and wipe out drunk driving once and for all. However, people still drink and drive and in fact, in 2020, there were 31 drunk driving accidents.
Drunk driving IS a crime.
After drinking alcohol you must not drive a car, a motorbike or ride a bicycle.
Lending a car to someone who has been drinking and forcing or even suggesting alcohol to someone who is driving is not okay. If you know that someone has been drinking and plans to drive, do not get in that car.
If you drink and then drive, the possibility of getting involved in an accident is dangerously high. Your judgement and the attention you need for safe driving is reduced. Your ability to recognize high speeds or dangerous situations will be impaired and the time it'll take you hit the brakes will be delayed.
If you see a car doing the following things, it's possible the driver is drunk so please call 110 to make a report.
If a car stops well before the stop line at a traffic light. If the light turns green but the car doesn't seem to be moving. If the car is weaving while driving. If the car keeps speeding up and slowing down.
It is important that each and every one of us remembers “Do not drink and drive, Do not let others drink and drive! “ Let's get rid of drunk driving together.
2021.06.14[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て)
【FM Day】
Did you know that June 13th is FM Day? It comes from F being the 6th letter and M being the 13th letter of the alphabet. A pretty simple combination but who came up with it, when and why are all questions that have no answers, it seems. I'm sure there are folks out there that listen to the radio, even while at work, these days we can listen to the radio anywhere thanks to smartphones and PCs. Have you ever wondered why there are FM and AM channels? I know as a kid, my understanding of FM and AM was that FM seemed to have more music and AM seemed to be talk radio, at least when my mom was in the car listening to it. Actually, FM Means Frequency Modulation and AM is Amplitude Modulation. The biggest difference between them is noise. In the case of AM, the amplitude, or overall strength, of the signal is varied to incorporate the sound information so if noise enters at a time when the amplitude is low, you get static. With FM, you don't get that problem. So it terms of audibility, FM is better. However, FM can only be received on a narrow range of frequencies but AM can be heard over a larger range. Regardless, being able to listen to different stations, music and talk, on the radio, is a great thing. One of my favorite stations in Detroit is 94.7 WCSX. They play a lot of classic rock, think of music like Queen, Aerosmith, Jimi Hendrix etc. It was my go to station whenever I was in my car. Nothing better than singing along to the radio with the windows down on a beautiful summer day while cruising with your friends!
【Status Report on the Child Allowance】
Families raising children can receive a support allowance up until each child finishes junior highschool. The amount per child varies from 5000 yen to 15,000 yen depending on the age of the child and the household income. The allowance is paid three times in four month installments, once in June, then October and again in February. In order to receive this child allowance, you must submit a yearly status report. In the first half of June, Fukuoka City sent the documents necessary to make the report to allowance recipients. Please fill the necessary information in and make sure to post the report so that it will arrive by June 30th. You can do this report online as well, using your My Number card. Please be aware that you will not receive a payment if you do not submit the report or if there are any sections left incomplete.
If you live in Fukuoka City, and have earned more than 1 million yen the previous year, from January 1st to December 31st, you may need to pay taxes. If you are a regular company employee, taxes are deducted from your salary. However, if you aren't a regular company employee, you will receive a tax payment notification around the 15th of June. Please make sure you open that envelope, it has information on when you need to pay and how much will be due. You can pay at convenience stores, the bank or even the post office. If you do not pay your taxes, you may risk facing difficulty when it comes time to renew your residence status or risk being subject to seizure of property.
If there is anything you don't understand, or if you may have difficulty making payments, please check with your local ward office. You can also consult by phone in 18 different languages. This phone number is 092-753-6113. Again, this phone number is 092-753-6113. This phone number will connect you to the ward office after you speak with an interpreter. Please tell the interpreter which ward you live in and that you are calling about taxes.
2021.05.17[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
【Sora-mame or Broad Beans】
Sora-mame, translated as broad beans but also called Sky beans, which sounds nicer anyway, are grown all across Japan. They have a long harvest season from March until June and for that reason in different regions of the country, are also called Shigatsu-mame, Gogatsu-mame and Natsu-mame or April, May and Summer beans!
It's a wonderful early summer vegetable, bright green and with a fresh flavor. In Japan, boiling it with just a little salt is “the way” to eat it. It's a nice little snack that pairs well with beer. If you get really fresh sora-mame, it's absolutely delicious raw. So, if you happen upon some sora-mame at the shop, why not grab a pack, boil it up and make yourself a tasty little treat?
【Light Vehicle Tax】
Now I have some information from Fukuoka City for you. I'm sure you know this but light vehicle tax for motorized bikes and light vehicles needs to be paid from April 1st.
So, if you have a motorized bike or light vehicle, expect to get a tax notification slip in the postbox. When it does arrive, please make your payment by May 31st either at a convenience store, bank or post office.
If you do not pay your light vehicle tax, you may encounter some inconvenience when renewing your residence status or you may face having your property seized.
If there is anything you don't understand or if you may have difficulty paying, please contact your ward office's help desk.
Consultation by phone is available in 18 different languages. The phone number for that is 092-753-6113. Again that number is 092-753-6113. This phone number will connect you to your ward office after you speak to an interpreter. When using this number, please tell them what language you speak, the ward you live in and that you are calling about tax information.
【Preventing the Spread of Covid-19】
And once again we are asking everyone to continue to practice basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.04.12[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
【Tulips-The Spring Flower】
When you think of spring, what flower comes to mind? There are quite a few but maybe the one that really represents the season is the tulip. The leaves and petals are simple but beautiful and that's maybe why it's one of the most popular bulb plants in the world. Countless varieties have been bred, over 5000 are officially registered, and at present about 1000 varieties are grown around the world. White, red, pink and yellow, there are so many colors to admire as you look at these wonderful flowers.
In flower language, generally tulips mean “compassion”, however each individual color has its own meaning as well. In Japan, bulbs brought back from from France around the end of the Edo period are considered to be the introduction of the flower here. Around Fukuoka City and in Kego park, you'll find a variety of tulips blooming. If you find one, get a picture, eh!
【Garbage rules】
I guess there are quite a few people starting a new life in Fukuoka City this season so I have some important information from Fukuoka City on rules when putting out the garbage.
In Fukuoka City, garbage is divided into three categories: Burnable, non-burnable and empty glass and pet bottles. You can buy the designated Fukuoka City garbage bags for each category at convenience stores and supermarkets.
The red bag is for burnable garbage. Use this bag when throwing away things like food scraps, paper cuttings, clothes, and plastic. The blue bag is for non-burnable garbage. Things like empty cans and glass would go in this bag to be thrown away. Finally, the yellow bag is for empty glass bottles and pet bottles.
Garbage pick up days where you live are on decided days. Burnable garbage is picked up twice a week and non-burnable and glass and pet bottles are collected once a month. You can put out your garbage after sunset until midnight on your garbage pickup day in the designated spot for your residence.
If you add Fukuoka City's official LINE account to your friend list, and register your location, you'll receive a notification on your garbage collection days. You can also look up which category something you want to throw away belongs to with this account. You only need to enter the name of your garbage.
If your garbage is too big to fit or too heavy for the garbage bag, you will need to throw it away as oversized garbage. For this kind of garbage, you need to contact the Fukuoka City Oversized Garbage Center by phone, internet or LINE to arrange to have the item collected. In this case, there is a fee and a specific day and location for pick up so make sure you check all of that before throwing any oversized garbage away.
The phone number for the Oversized Garbage Center is 092-731-1153, again that is 092-731-1153. The center can give assistance in 18 different languages.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
And once again we are asking everyone to continue practicing basic infection prevention measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.03.15[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Housing(住宅)
【Spring Storm Warning】
Although spring has a calm and gentle image, the weather can be rather unstable. In the US we often say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb because the weather can really come roaring in some days, so be ready for sudden changes in the weather. When the cold air from the North and the warm air from the South crash into each other, we get low atmospheric pressure causing these “Haru no Arashi” or May Storms in English. Typhoon-like blasts of wind and storms, blizzards and high waves on the coast can occur during this time. So make sure you keep up with weather reports and try to avoid going out when it seems like the weather is going to take a turn for the worse. Also, prepare yourself for these storms and violent winds in the same way you'd do typhoon prep. It's always better to be safe than sorry! And don't forget, as Spring approaches, there's often a huge gap between the morning and evening temperatures so dress appropriately!
【Garbage from moving house】
Also with Spring comes moving season and it tends to be a time when we see a lot more oversized garbage like furniture and home appliances put out. So, today, I've got some information to share from Fukuoka City on how to dispose of that oversized garbage.
The first way to do it is by applying for pickup with the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center. First, contact them by phone or by internet, or even through the Official Fukuoka City Line Account, to put in your application and then purchase the appropriate oversized garbage disposal ticket.
The garbage pickup day will be roughly one week after you apply.
You must put out the garbage by 8:30am on the collection day in the designated spot.
The phone number for the Oversized Garbage Disposal Call Center is 092-731-1153. Again, that number is 092-731-1153.
If you apply via the internet or Line, you can do so at your convenience, 24 hours a day.
The second way is to take your oversized garbage to a processing facility yourself. First, apply before going by phone or on the internet, and then take your garbage to the facility. The handling cost is 140 yen for every 10 kilograms. To contact the Carry-in Garbage Call Center, please call 092-433-8234. Again, that is 092-433-8234.
For TV's, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers and air conditioners, according to the home appliance recycling law, there are specific guidelines for disposal.
You can have the old appliance removed by the firm installing the new one or you can contact the store where you originally bought the appliance. You can also contact the Best Denki or Yamada Denki in your city about disposal. Recycling fees as well as fees for collection and transport will be required.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
And once again we are asking everyone to continue to practice basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2021.03.08[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Housing(住宅)
【Sakura-mochi-Cherry blossom rice cakes】
This morning we're starting off with something pretty yummy and that's sakura mochi or cherry blossom rice cakes, THE Japanese sweet of spring.
It seems that sakura-mochi can be spread into two main categories. There is the Kanto style Chou-mei-ji and the Kansai stayle Dou-myo-ji. Both of them are simply called sakura-mochi but when they need to be differentiated, they're called by the names chou-mei-ji and dou-myo-ji. So what's the difference? Well, chou-mei-ji uses flour to make a dough that is baked. Sweet bean paste is wrapped in it and you get a crepe like sweet in this style. In the case of dou-myo-ji, mochi rice is used to make manju, which looks like a bun. Both are wrapped in salted pickled sakura leaves. They're sweet with a little salty kick and absolutely delicious. Although, if you eat the leaf or not, is really up to you! I'm a fan of the salty pickled leaf, but then again I'm more of a savory than sweet kind of person.
【The earlier the better-House moving procedures】
Alright, now I've got some information from Fukuoka City for you.
Every year at the end of March, the consultation desks at the city ward offices get busy with people wrapping things up for the fiscal year and so the city asks that if you are moving, to come in as soon as you can to get your house moving procedures wrapped up.
If you are moving out of Fukuoka City, you need to submit a notification of your move by the day you move out. The city will then issue a “moving-out” certificate which you'll need to show at the municipal office of your new address. If you are moving to another address within Fukuoka City, you do not need to submit a “moving-out” notification but you do need to submit a “moving-in” certificate to your local ward office within 14 days of your move.
The ward offices have a convenient online reservation system that you can use for these moving procedures. Just make a reservation from your phone or computer, at least 5 business days in advance. You put in the change of address and the date you want to go in to get things done and when you arrive at the ward office to complete your moving procedures, your time at the consultation desk will go quicker and smoother.
You can see what documents or information you need to bring with you if you just check Fukuoka City's official Line account. Two things you shouldn't forget are your residence and my number cards. You can also check how busy the consultation desk is through that Line account so take advantage of it!
And one more thing. When you move, you have to arrange to have your water turned on or turned off yourself. To get that done, you need to notify the waterworks bureau at least 4 business days in advance of the day you move. You can do that by phone by calling 092-532-1010. Again that phone number is 092-532-1010. The website says they support a number of languages. You can also take care of it via the internet but you need to do that 5 business days in advance of your move. Just type in “Fukuoka shi suido kyoku” in hiragana in your search engine.
【Preventing the spread of Covid-19】
We've still got to be careful , so once again, we are asking everyone to continue to practice basic infection prevention measures to fight against the spread of Covid-19. Wear a mask, wash your hands, gargle and avoid the 3 Cs. That means you should avoid closed rooms with poor ventilation, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations.
2020.12.28[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
【Toshi Koshi Soba or Year-Crossing Noodles】
In Japan, New Year's Eve is called Oomisoka and on the eve of the 31st, people traditionally eat Toshi-koshi soba. Toshi-koshi soba is translated as “year-crossing noodles”, the idea being that when you eat these long noodles, you can live a long life and throw out all the hardships and bad luck from this year and cross into the next year. All around Japan, different regions have their own different kinds of toshi-koshi soba. And the time to eat them? Well, usually before the clock strikes midnight to ring in the new year.
You can get these noodles at many places now, not only at restaurants but also at convenience stores and supermarkets so if you've never tried them, perhaps this year is a great chance to try them. Of course, if you or someone you know has a soba allergy, you'll want to be careful! For those who can't have soba, udon, somen or even ramen are delicious substitutes!
Oh yeah, it's actually said that new year's eve is the busiest time of year for soba shops!
In my hometown, we don't really have any kind of special food that we eat for the new year although I've heard that in some parts of the US, like in the South, they eat black-eyed peas and some other foods as they are supposed to bring luck in the new year. I think though that most people just do some kind of countdown party and there's a lot of champagne drunk as the clock strikes 12. When I was young, it was a tradition in my house for my parents to have a glass of Bailey's liquor and to let us have a small amount at midnight to celebrate.
【Ward office consultation and putting out the garbage over the New Year Holidays】
Now, I have some information from Fukuoka City. Over the new year holidays, there are a few changes to ward office consultation hours and days on which you can put out the garbage. For ward offices and the Health and Welfare Center, please be aware that these places will be closed from Tuesday the 29th of December to Sunday the 3rd of January. The last day they will be open in 2020 is Monday the 28th of December. They will reopen in the new year on Monday the 4th of January.
In the days before and after the new year holidays, the ward office consultation counters will be busy so make sure you give yourself plenty of time when you go there.
Also, from the Thursday the 31st of December to Sunday the 3rd of January, please do not put out your garbage for pick up. This includes burnable and nonburnable garbage and glass and pet bottles. Burnable garbage can only be put on your area's decided garbage day up to Wednesday the 30th of December. For nonburnable garbage and glass and pet bottles, if Sunday January 3rd is your regular day to put them out, instead they can be put out beforehand on Wednesday the 30th.
Also, applications and pickup for oversized garbage will be stopped between Tuesday, December 29th to Sunday, January 3rd , so please be aware of that.
【Prevention of the spread of Covid-19】
Last but not least, make sure you take care over the holidays to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Although measures to prevent the spread are being taken, more and more people are have been getting out and with seasonal events like New Year's Eve and the New Year holiday, there will be, no doubt, a number of opportunities for people to get together. So, wear a mask, wash your hands and gargle and also practice the 3 C's. And so you don't forget, the 3 C's mean you should avoid closed rooms, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations. It's up to each of us to help prevent the spread!
2020.12.21[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー)
Well, happy holidays to everyone, Christmas is almost here, and I hope people are feeling some of the winter holiday cheer. Christmas is thought to be the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and they say the word Christmas comes from Christ's Mass. In Japan, it's said that the first Christmas party ever held here was in the beginning of the Meiji period. Now, it has become something of a national event that transcends religion, celebrated at the end of the year even throughout households that don't have anything to do with Christianity.
And, in Japan, when Christmas comes, fried and roast chicken do some good sales. It's a bit of a tradition to see people waiting in long lines outside of chicken fast food shops trying to get their holiday feast.
If you are planning to get together with friends for a Christmas party this year, try to keep your group small, make sure you have plenty of ventilation and try to wrap things up within two hours. Doing a home party online with each of of your friends might not be a bad idea either! I've got a quiet dinner planned for Christmas day and I might try to meet with a couple of friends to do a gift exchange over the weekend but I'll be sure to avoid the 3 C's to keep myself and everyone else safe!
【Spend the New Year's Holiday safely】
Next, I have some important announcements from Fukuoka City.
From the end of the year to the start of the new year, there are a lot of opportunities to drink alcohol. So, make sure, 100%, that you don't drink and drive, don't let others drink and drive, never forgive those who do drink and drive and don't ignore someone who would drink and drive. Even cycling after drinking is against the law. And it's important to remember that you can sometimes have alcohol in your system the next day. Even if you think you only have a little bit of alcohol left in your system, it doesn't mean you should drive, because you shouldn't. If you know that you need to drive the next day, then just don't drink the day before.
Every year, the end of the year sees more and more traffic accidents. If you are out, late at night, make sure you are wearing bright or reflective clothes that are easy for drivers to notice. And if you are driving, make sure you turn on your lights earlier in the evening.
Next, we have a warning for you about bag snatching incidents. There have been a number of these crimes from the evening to midnight in places where there are few people around. A lot of these incidents have occurred with the criminals riding motorbikes and snatching bags as they pass by. To avoid being involved in such an incident, make you carry you bag on the side opposite to the road and pay attention to your surroundings, making sure you look back behind you if you sense signs of people or hear a motorbike.
Finally, please be aware that suspicious phone calls claiming to be from the Immigration Bureau or Embassy have been reported recently. Things like “There is something wrong with your visa” or “Your fake passport has been found and you can't return to your home country. You need to pay to undo this situation” have been said. The Immigration Bureau would never call and ask you to transfer money. Please be careful of incoming calls from numbers that you do not know.
Take care of yourself and those who are important to you to have a safe and secure end of year and start to the new year.
【Prevention of the spread of Covid-19】
And recently, although measures to prevent the spread are being taken, more and more people are getting out and with seasonal events like Christmas, New Year's Eve and the New Year holiday, there will be, no doubt, a number of opportunities for people to get together. So, wear a mask, wash your hands and gargle and also practice the 3 C's. And so you don't forget, the 3 C's mean you should avoid closed rooms, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations. It's up to each of us to help prevent the spread Covid-19.
2020.12.07[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Other Topics(その他)
【Oseibo-Winter gift-giving】
So, I know this season, many people are thinking about presents to give and get. In many cultures, it is a season of gift-giving and in Japan, it is the season to give Oseibo. If you haven't heard of Oseibo, it's a custom in which a gift is given to those who have taken care of you throughout the year, a kind of thank you for everything they've done over the year. Often it is food or drink but there are a number of different gifts given.
This tradition is said to have originated in the Edo period. At the end of the year, merchants would present gifts to landlords or business partners while also giving the message of “I am always indebted to you, thank you for your continued support”. Oseibo is normally given from the beginning of December to just around the 25th of December but in Kyushu, most people get their Oseibo delivered between the the 10th and 20th of the month. Is there anyone you want to thank this year for their care and support? It might be nice to send them a little something! I usually prepare a little something for those who have helped me out, for me Christmas is a big occasion anyway so giving gifts this season is a pretty normal thing to do. This year, I have some really nice chocolates and jams I want to give out. I've also got masks, that I've made, to pass out as well. Hopefully all of it will be well received!
【World Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week】
Next, I have information from Fukuoka City about human rights. Human rights are the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being from the time they are born.And December 10th is Human Rights Day and this isn't something just in Japan, it is something that take place all over the world and is a day to think about Human Rights. And from December 4th to the 10th is Human Rights Week, and here in Fukuoka City, a Human Rights Respect Week is held with the goal of creating a comfortable, discrimination free place to live.In the same way that we recognize ourselves as individual, irreplaceable beings, at the same time, others are also individual, irreplaceable beings. And so this is an important week to recognize that all of us are valuable, precious beings.
We need to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against women, children, the elderly, foreigners, those with disabilities and all others who may face that negativity. Simply, we need to respect one another's human rights.
So let's keep compassion and a person's irreplaceability in mind.
【Illegal waste dumping】
I hope this doesn't really need to be said, but dumping oversized garbage and household waste in the mountains, forests, by the seaside, by rivers, on the road, or in parks is illegal.
In Fukuoka City, at the end of the year, many people do a big house clean and a lot of garbage is produced. As such, December has been designated as “Illegal Dumping Prevention Reinforcement Month”. Activities will be undertaken to strengthen measures to prevent illegal dumping of waste.
Fukuoka City has, in cooperation with the police, installed surveillance cameras and warning signs in places where illegal dumping is common and will carry out patrols of those areas.
Home appliances like TV's, refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and dryers, air conditioners and the like are all subject to the Home Appliance Recycling Law and there is a set way to dispose of them. If you are buying replacement appliances, the shop will pick up your old appliance. In Fukuoka City, you can speak with Best Denki or Yamada Denki for help with this.
When disposing of these items, recycling fees or collection and transportation fees are necessary. Traders who advertise that they collect unneeded items for cheap are illegal collectors who have not received permission from Fukuoka City. Please do not use these unauthorized collectors as problems such as illegal dumping, high fees and improper processing of waste may occur.
【Prevention of the spread of Covid-19】
I've got one more thing for you today and that is to ask you to take care this winter to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Although measures to prevent the spread are being taken, more and more people are getting out and with seasonal events like Christmas, New Year's Eve and the New Year holiday, there will be, no doubt, a number of opportunities for people to get together. So, wear a mask, wash your hands and gargle and also practice the 3 C's. It's been a while since I've mentioned them, but you should avoid closed rooms, make sure they are well ventilated, try not to be in crowded places and avoid close contact conversations. It's up to each of us to help prevent the spread!
2020.10.19[Mon] 09:00
Rules & Manners(ルール・マナー) , Children & Childcare(子ども・子育て)
【Changing Out The Wardrobe & Drying Out The Bugs!】
So, with cooler weather coming, we've go to think about pulling out all of those winter clothes that have been in storage all this time. In Japan, this is called “koromogae” which I'd guess I'd call “changing out the wardrobe”. And as Japan is a pretty humid country, there's a kind of technique or folk's wisdom that has been passed on through the years called “mushiboshi”, which will help you take care of your clothes. Have you ever heard of this “mushiboshi” or have any idea of what this means?
Well, if you don't, the English means “drying insects” , which might give you a hint. Basically, in order to protect your clothes from being nibbled on by clothes moths larvae, you should hang your clothes out in the fresh air for a nice drying. Choose a day when the weather is good and the air is dry. Not only will this help prevent bugs, but it will also remove moisture and prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Not only should you do this in October and November, this is when the summer insects tend to remain, but you should also think about doing this in July and August after the rainy season as well as in January and February when the air is dry. Three times a year is ideal for mushiboshi! I actually do a lot of this as a matter of course, I think I picked up the habit from some older students that I used to teach. I usually change out my clothes closer to November, as well as put away the summer blankets to pull out the winter blankets and kotatsu cover. I find that hanging everything out before storage does work and helps keep my clothes and blankets in pretty good condition, free of little wormy holes! I definitely recommend an Autumn airing and drying when you have time!
【Information from Fukuoka City】
Free Early Childhood Education & Childcare
Important information from Fukuoka City for those of you who have young children in your home. Did you know that fees for kindergarten, nursery school or other certified childcare centers, for children from the ages of three to five, have been free since October 2019?
However, you do still have to pay for things like transportation, school lunch and school events. Depending on the kindergarten or nursery school, use of the facilities may not be completely free.
If there is anything you don't understand about this, please consult with your local ward office. At the ward office, you can receive phone assistance in 18 different languages. This phone number is 092-753-6113. Again, for assistance in 18 different languages, the phone number is 092-753-6113. After connecting to an interpretation center, you'll be connected to the ward office. Just tell them which ward you live in and what you need help with.
Smoking Manners
Do you know the rules to smoking in public?
While you're walking or on a bicycle, you shouldn't be smoking. In Fukuoka City, especially where there are a lot of people in Tenjin, Daimyo and around Hakata Station, smoking while on the paths is actually prohibited. And actually, it's dangerous if you are walking and smoking where there are a lot of people.
Why is this? Well, if you bump into someone you could burn their skin or their clothes. And there are a lot of people who are bothered by the smell of tobacco smoke. Not to mention, those cigarette butts that just get tossed to the pavement can cause fires! Make sure you throw out your garbage where it is supposed to be thrown out. And if you do smoke while out and about, get yourself a little portable ashtray to carry around with you and be sure to smoke in designated smoking areas. By following the rules and minding your manners, everyone around can feel comfortable and safe. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
出身地:USA Detroit, MI
興味のある事:I'm studying patisserie and languages